Sister Spit: The Next Generation profile picture

Sister Spit: The Next Generation

racking up moving violations one state at a time

About Me

BRING US TO YOUR TOWN!!!!!!!!! BRING US TO YOUR SCHOOL!!!!!!!! NOW BOOKING!!!!!!! Sister Spit: The Next Generation is hitting the road again, with a whole new all-girl lineup of zinesters, fashion plates, novelists, performance artists, slam poets and fancy scribblers. Inspired by the legendary Sister Spit Ramblin' Roadshow of the 90s, Sister Spit: The Next Generation is hauling a vanload of killer underground female talent across the USA and into your town. The latest gang hits the road in October 2007, a decade after the first Spit van set sail, carrying on the tradition of rowdy, raucous literary adventure. As they journey across the USA, they're joined by a rag tag bunch of special guests - old Spit travelers of yore, and contributors to the brand new feminist fashion anthology, It's So You. Come and meet your new favorite performers!
WHO'S IN THE VAN Literary party thrower MICHELLE TEA, co-founder of Sister Spit, author/editor ten books, most recently the fresh anthology It's So You: 35 Women Write About Personal Expression Through Fashion and Style. Michelle will MC the show, confess her fashion faux pas and read from the new edition of her debut memoir The Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl in America. Performance poet MELIZA BANALES, rapid-fire motormouth slam artist and author of the poetry collection Say It With Your Whole Mouth; star of short films and lover of Bukowski, seen in the anthology Without A Net: The Female Experience of Growing Up Working Class and Baby, Remember My Name, Meliza will slay you with tales of hard luck, hot sex and 80s flashbacks. All the way from Australia, TEXTA QUEEN, who uses magic markers and magical skills to create giant, colorful portraits of half-naked ladies of various shapes, sizes and counter-cultural ornamentation. Texta has shown her work in galleries around the world, and will wow you with her spectacular slide show / storytelling extravaganza! Zinester DEXTER FLOWERS, creator of the 'zine maybe it was something you ate, and seen in the anthologies It's So You and Baby, Remember My Name. Dexter will perform her darkly funny and big-hearted stories about both growing up in group homes and on food stamps with her feminist witch single mom. Bon vivant CHELSEA STARR, author of the chapbooks Long Walks on the Beach with Chelsea Starr and Candlelit Dinners with Chelsea Starr; designer of Holly Hobbie-esque fashions, DJ for the San Francisco dance party Hot Pants and seen in the anthologies It's So You and Baby, Remember My Name. Chelsea will dazzle with tales of lezzie dating gone bad, feminine grooming rituals and the rewards and pitfalls of fashion risk-taking. 90s Spit road rager TARA JEPSEN, novelist, filmmaker, performance artist, hostess of San Francisco's long-running open mic event, K'vetch, and seen in the anthologies It's So You and Pills, Thrills, Chills and Heartache. Author of the chapbook Midnight Journey to the White Light Kegger, Tara will stun the crowd with excerpts from her novel-in-progress, Like A Dog, and impress you with how she took her boobs into her own hands. Working-class hero KAT MARIE YOAS, spoken word artist, storyteller, video artist and improv daredevil; author of the chapbook perfect endings: fresh stories and rotten characters; and seen in the anthologies It's So You and We Don't Need another wave. Kat will thrill with her varying personas, such as the sweetly murderous housewife, and teach you how to jump classes with the help of a straightening iron.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Michelle Tea, Texta Queen, Chelsea Starr, Meliza Banales, Dexter Flowers, Kat Marie Yoas, Tara Jepsen
Influences: eileen myles, lynda barry, violette leduc, anna joy springer, katastrophe, justin chin, betsey johnson, trina, the outsiders
Type of Label: None

My Blog

tour photos on texta flickr

g'day,i'm gonna leave the writing to the other sheilas, but you can see pics of the tour in progress at me flickr site. here's the link:sister spit flickr photoslater moles,texta...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST

We had a time in Portland

Good Morning. Tara Jepsen here. Last night was a large karaoke jam at a venue called Galaxy in Portland, Oregon. All the ladies and Sarah participated. First, our show at The Someday Lounge (which I j...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:08:00 PST

Oxytocin: Breakfast of Champions

Our study indicates that oxytocin may be mediating emotional experiences in close relationships." The study builds upon previous knowledge of the important role oxytocin plays in the reproductive life...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Wed, 23 May 2007 08:54:00 PST

Where do Condors Live?

Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:08:00 PST

I never heard the laughter: A Cautionary Traffic School Tale

Oh Sister Spitters. If you loved me you'd all leave your lives and enter a year long opiate study with me. That's where a day at traffic school put me mentally. Traffic school was filled with FELON...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:27:00 PST

annie & nicole get stuck in orlando

After dropping eileen, michelle, ali, robin and rhiannon at the airport, the remaining Annie, Tamara and Nicole (your narrator) stopped at the Kissimee Chili's franchise for a festive lunch, which for...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:40:00 PST

Ask Me About the Great Depression

You guys I'm so fucking sad without everyone. Really, my life feels pointless not touring. I have this pile of things to do and all I do is stare at the wall, watching the pile grow higher. Tomorro...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Sat, 12 May 2007 06:33:00 PST

hogwarts school of magic

dear diary,today we took a tour of hogwarts, and lounged in what is a skinny dipping pool during the summer time. the end. love, nicoledear diary,nicole's being lazy. so much happened today in the 7 a...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:25:00 PST


today on the way to wooster (pronounced wuh-ster), i tried to initiate myself into the wide world of the time efficient by peeing into a cup in the car. a twelve ounce starbucks cup. unfortunately i ...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST

Can Tucky

Our Lexington show was filled with sweet vegans and other nice people who made the carnivores home-made fried chicken. Tamara fell in love with a fag named Zach. The fried chicken line was so long I...
Posted by Sister Spit: The Next Generation on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 11:43:00 PST