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SÄ’N Baltimore

SEN Number 3 is now available!

About Me

SEN Baltimore is Back and we're pleased to introduce you to our brand new website! Featuring the awesome photography of Max Glanville, Up to date information about what's going on around Baltimore, and our all new SENCASTS!
SENCASTS are video podcasts featuring our crew taking on the town as they sneak you inside for the hottest parties, bands, clubs, and entertainment—all of the things that make Baltimore nightlife so reat. g

So come on and check out the all new www.senbaltimore.com !

What is SEN Baltimore?
SEN Baltimore (pronounced “scene”) endeavors to be an unpretentious guide to Baltimore’s nightlife, styles, and culture. A (post)modern metropolis with this much hustle and bustle demands a primer to the newest and most exciting happenings in our cultural sphere.

From the streets to the skyline, from the gallery to the club, SEN Baltimore points out the city’s choicest offerings in art, music, cinema, dining, drinks, entertainment, and events. Let us show you some of the sights and sounds that make Baltimore such a unique place to live and play for the partying class.

My Interests

Baltimore Area local bands and DJs, Clubs, Bars.... .. type=".." src="http://blip.tv/scripts/pokkariPlayer.js?ver=2007072801" .... type=".." src="http://blip.tv/syndication/write_player?skin=js&pos ts_id=317085&source=3&autoplay=true&file_type=fl v&player_width=&player_height="..
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What is a SENCAST?
A SENCAST is what we call our Podcasts. Podcasting is a way of publishing audio and video files to the Internet, that allows users to receive new files automatically. You can think of this like a multimedia version of a magazine subscription. This service is free and when new SENCAST are posted on this site, the files will automatically download to your computer and/or portable MP3 player.

How do I subscribe?
Contrary to what some believe, you DO NOT need an IPod® to watch or listen to podcasts. You can simply watch them on your computer or if you own some hardware like the AppleTV®, you can view them on your television. ITunes® is the most common way to subscribe. Click on this link for instructions or click on the ITunes link below. Alternatively, if you use a program other than ITunes, copy and paste this link into your news reader: http://feeds.feedburner.com/senbaltimore

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