physics, science, music, bass guitar, wine, reading, art, pets, travelling... experiencing living feeling loving
Gods of Noise, Miles Davis, Whitesnake, Metallica, The Cure, Pearl Jam, Kiss, Ephel Duath, Iron Maiden, King Crimson, Led Zeppelin, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Anthrax, Coldplay, Megadeth, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith.....
Underground, Pulp Fiction, The Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Hannibal Lecter: The Origin of Evil, the Terminator series, Seven, Dances with Wolves
F. Dostoevski, S. King, J. Joyce, A. Tabucchi, Y. Mishima, D. Pennac, C. Bukowski... and many more