INTERESTS: Music, Photography, Writing,Painting, NatureAlso, have a look at my videos.MY MSN:
[email protected]DIONYSUS' GARLANDS (IN ECSTASY)by Mary Vareli -for a full words and images profile of Mary Vareli click here:- His breath,
the wolves
in the woods.
Round the trees,
Made of lust
his presence hurts.
The wind fierce.
She cries…
Under the sky
stark naked bliss
like maroon kiss.
The garlands…
I'd like to meet:
People with a keen interest in art, painting-literature-photography, and myhology or music who wish to share their work. Paradox Ethereal is a transcendental art movement that collects distributes and expands philosophically the idea of the “Romantic personality†by means of artistic creation (read my first blog submission concerning HOMO NEO ROMANTICUS ).
Free membership and free Home page here: All artists receive free promotion and participation in multimedia events provided that their work is in accordance with Paradox Ethereal Manifesto. PE is non profit. Members come from several countries and not all of them are artists, most are lovers of the arts; they were brought together by sharing the same aesthetic characteristics in their art or art preferences and by their opposition to the “tyranny of our sensesâ€.PART OF PARADOX ETHEREAL MANIFESTO
The ones who share similar or identical opinionsare invited to join the group here: Site: (select "New User")- Where does inspiration come from?
Inspiration is found everywhere because it pre-exists. The more we develop our abilities the more we approach absolute inspiration and supreme creation. This is the place where artists elicit their topics from and this is where fairies following inspiration worm in our dreams…
The point of the emission of inspiration is crucial. This is where the secret lies. Human conscious mind cannot force hyper consciousness to execute its demands by means of an agonistic inspiration, since it is the reformation of influences and personal touch that takes a specific form as soon as harmony, the gift provided by hyper- consciousness, is infused. Humans, by means of their deeds, create the reception for inspiration. They are part of harmony since they have it intergraded deep inside.
What is left is to search for harmony deep inside the superior parts of the Self, what remains is to understand what inspires us the very moment when we forget who we are but remember what we will create. Whatever exists pre-existed and what truly touches us in a creation is harmony.NEW ROMANTIC TIP: Try this fantastic personality test and add it to your profile, I hide mine for safety reasons!!
MY VIDEOS (you will see more on "my videos")CHAOS THETA :: A GHOST STORY
DESCRIPTION: a person receives bad news on a day he/she is alone. A description of feelings and a final resolution..Video by Mary Vareli, music by fabio keinerGHOSTLY CHILDHOOD, REPETITIvE ADOLESCENCE
DESCRIPTION: No comments, Video by Mary Vareli music by tlomA COMPANY OF FAIRIES
DESCRIPTION: A company of dancing fairies receives wisdom by trees. Video by Mary Vareli. Music by burzumTHE DEATH OF A FAIRYTALE
DESCRIPTION: Ironic homemade shot taking place on a chair. A girl is dreaming of becoming a fairy but she gets attacked by reality and dies. (video and music by Mary Vareli )
The Death of a Fairytale
Add to My Profile | More VideosSUNDAY NIGHT
DESCRIPTION: Night ride and stroll in Athens on a Sunday night..Video by Mary Vareli, music by Malory ("sunday night")BAD SHARK
DESCRIPTION:Plz do not paricipate in eating sharks... Video by Mary Vareli, music by Front 242, "strobe".
Ethereal, New Wave, New Folk, Pagan, Noise/Experimental , Progressive New Electronica, Dream PopPlaylist of profile songs since 30/6/06 I joined mySpace:
1.FORSETI: Verlorenes Land
2.GARY JULES: Mad world
3.ORDO ROSARIOUS EQUILIBRIO: Home is where the heart is
5.IN THE NURSERY:Haunted Dancehall
6.PIANO MAGIC: Century Schoolbook
7.DARKWOOD:Der Falken Flug
8.RAJNA: Porcelain Sky
10.DAEMONIA NYMPHE: Dance of Satyrs
11.IN THE NURSERY: Groundloop
12.UNTO ASHES: Serve Me
13.SYLVAIN CHAUVEAU: The things you said
14. OMNIA: Mabon
15. LISA GERRARD: Space Weaver
16. COMMON SENSE: Grotesque
Films of Maya Derren, Brothers Quay and Aris Michalopoulos and a lot more! Experimentation thrills me!
"This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last."
--Oscar Wilde
"Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light but of making the darkness conscious."-- C.G. Jung"Brevity is the soul of wit."
--William Shakespeare
"Be thine own palace, or the world’s thy jail."
--John Donne
"Trovommi Amor del tutto disarmato..." (Love found me totally disarmed) --Petrarca"If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit to yourself that you are not enough of a poet to call forth its riches; because for the creator there is no poverty and no indifferent place."-- Rainer Maria Rilke"Give your difference, welcome my difference, unify all difference in the larger whole -- such is the law of growth. The unifying of difference is the eternal process of life -- the creative synthesis, the highest act of creation."-- M. P. Follett“I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again.â€-- Sylvia Plath"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear … as it is, infinite.â€
-- William Blake
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.â€-- Angela Monetâ€If you don’t know where you are going, any path will get you there. â€
— Lewis CarrollWhen an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as our fate.
MEMBERS' CREATION~PHOTOGRAPHY~ ~PAINTING~~LITERATURE~~Tip: How to make your art site free for members and yet survive without donations~~Interesting blog news~Mary Vareli : An apology to friends, for I had to hide my personal details and claim to be 77 years old, but I did it because I was receiving mesages/requests that had nothing to do with Paradox understand...Now I am not browsed! Also Paradox Ethereal wishes to keep away from superficial "spiritualists" this page is just art and music oriented! So, keep your horses guys!
This is a selection of video clips or live concerts spots that make a difference concerning aesthetics. The videos selected reflect the majority of paradox ethereal members tastes.They are appearing here, along with 2 irrelevant videos taken by youtube, to pinpoint the need for “aesthetically correct” videos. Unfortunately the quality is not always the best. Do not hesitate to submit your own tastes.1. Dead Can Dance - Cantara
2. This Mortal Coil - Song to the siren
3. Depeche Mode - Little 15 (Ulrich Schnauss Mix)
4. This Mortal Coil - Late Night (Promo Video)
5. Sigur Ros - Glósóli
6. Mylene Farmer- L-ame stram gram
7. Mylene Farmer - Que Mon Coeur Lache
8. Nebelhëxe - Wake to Wither
9. Ataraxia - Charola
10. --- Gothic Story (Animation by youtube)
11. This Mortal Coil - Acid, Bitter & Sad
12. Dead Can Dance - The Carnival Is Over
13. Dead Can Dance - Yulunga
14. Qntal - Flamma
15. --- Elves (LOR scenes selection by youtube)
16. Mylene Farmer - Redonne Moi
17. Aphex Twin - Nannou
18. Stina Nordenstam - Lory Glory
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