Omnia profile picture



About Me

OMNIA draws upon the traditional roots that have brought forth all music to bring an otherworldly and moving performance to the stage. OMNIA's nature-religious songs and fascinating stage act are a veritable feast for your eyes, ears and soul as interwoven voices and intricate melodies lead you through Pagan Heaven to Pagan Hell and back again... with a smile on your face.Playing self-composed 3rd-millennium Folk and world-music with a sprinkling of traditional melodies and dance tunes from places like Brittany, Ireland, Scotland and Afghanistan, OMNIA's music is 100% acoustic - no synthesizers, no electric instruments, no programming, just pure honest music.Dressed in black neo-Celtic clothing adorned with the bronze age holy symbols of our Celtic/Pagan heritage and surrounded by handmade beautifully decorated traditional instruments. OMNIA takes the audience along into a world of living nature, humour and earth magic.
OMNIA's sound is a mix of the deep earthy tones of didgeridoo expert Luka Aubri-Krieger (East-Indies), the virtuoso harp, hurdy-gurdy and bodhran playing of Jennifer Evans-van der Harten (Holland), the unmistakable "DADGAD" guitar-groove of Joe Hennon (Ireland) and the flutes, bouzouki, drums, and ironic dialogue of front man Steve "Sic" Evans-van der Harten (England). All of this is entwined and bound by the voices of all four band members who sing in English, Gaelic, Breton, Latin, Finnish, German and Hindi...
Since 2002 OMNIA has become one of the pioneers of the "PaganFolk" movement and has harvested international acclaim at many Gothic, Pagan, Folk, Medieval and Fantasy festivals throughout Europe. OMNIA is a completely self-managed independent and free-spirited band which has survived and prospered in the harsh music business. OMNIA writes their own material, they record, produce and print their own CD's on their label "PaganScum". Their costumes and stage decoration, as well as many of their instruments, have been made and/or decorated by the band members themselves.
"For us OMNIA is not just our band, it is our way of life".

Check us out at our official website!
Have a look at the Castlefest DVD trailer below with Omnia's latest CD titlesong "Alive!" (First switch off the standalone music player above before viewing the movie clip). Castlefest ( is the leading Pagan/Fantasy/Gothic/Medieval Livestyle Event in the Netherlands, every year during the first weekend of August in Lisse (NL).
Castlefest DVD Trailer

Aan mijn Profiel Toevoegen | Meer Video's

The latest news
Pagan Folk Lore 50% done...
Gosh...making a DVD AND CD project is a lot more work than I expected!...Well it is if you if you are an artsy fartsy "hard to please" pagan like myself.I always want only the best, in anything we make with the name "OMNIA" on it.
We are really making an extra effort in this new PaganScum production. "OMNIA-PAGAN FOLK LORE" will surpass the quality of the "Alive!"CD, in both the Artwork and the enormous amount of disc-content. I'm writing a fairytale book to accompany the film material. And Miez, Alan Lee and myself are illustrating the whole bloody book with drawings and paintings. The film material on the dvd disc will of course contain the live footage of our very special "Fairy Ball" gig, as well as a lot of über-weird interviews and masses of extras such as ancient OMNIA footage, old music clips from bands we played in BEFORE Omnia and lots more which will surely blow your mind... so start saving up to buy it at Castlefest, where we will release this little sucker!
Oh yeah, we will also release a live CD at the same time which we shall make downloadable for all the members of the PAGANCLAN only!! So join up, if you haven't already!
Greenthingz and inspiration on this fine spring morning to all of you!
Steve Sic
Transit Poetry
Jenny and myself have joined our dear poetic vegan-goth friend Sascha and his band on their newest cd release "Transit poetry-Evocation of Gaia" as guest musicians.We helped them out with some hurdygurdy, various flutes,Harp and Piano. Those of you who keep up to date will know that Sascha worked on the "Omnia-CyberShaman-remix cd" and Transit Poetry played on Castlefest 2007.
Check out the groovy vegan-gothic sound of these nature-loving electronic pagans on
Steve Sic and Jenny
Koyaanis Quatsi...
Sic's incomprehensible blog no.15
Phew...I'm kinda tired...what crazy days we live in, kinda "koyaanis quatsi" if you know what I mean. Theaters, theaters, theatres...And we're still very much hard at work preparing the first ever OMNIA- DVD production "Pagan Folk Lore" (which we'll be releasing on Castlefest, if the gods and the fairies wish us well). And while we're in the middle of this and all the filming, editing and artwork creation are going on I still have to get into the Omnia-Van with the rest of our little family to go forth and breathe life into our Pagan musical dream on the stages of Europe... here in short, are a few short impressions of how we felt about some of them.
Anthinoises in Anthisnes, Belgium (week ago)
WOW! By the 9 tined horns of Cernunnos , you guys have got your true Celtic spirit together! We felt humble and honoured to play for such a warm, loving crowd of maniacs. The whole place was one Energetic cauldron of brotherly "clan" feeling and free-spirit packed to the brim with all our dear friends and PaganClan members from Belgica. You made us feel really at home between such a great bunch of people, and our percussionist Mich was actually at home. This gig was an extremely hot sticky mess on stage and the sound was pretty bad..But this mattered f*ck all to all of us there, because we had a great time, we love Belgium (and Mich and Joe live there, so it's actually Home to almost half of be honest Jenny and me would love to live there, because that old Celtic land is so beautifull, and Holland is turning into an ugly waste land of motorways, industry and office-blocks...if only we could get a house there...sigh...but, I digress. Ahem..) Anthinoises we love you, the organisation is fantastic, the stage/back stage and crew impeccable, thank you all so much. We'll see you all at the "sister" festival "Troll et Légendes" next spring! (and hopefully Brussels and many more places in the meantime).
Pagan Bealtaine! (couple of days ago)
Germanic Paganism with a healthy dose of Viking in the ShlossBurg in Solingen. We had a real gnarly PaganFolk feeling in the impressive surroundings of that grand medieval castle, on a hill with forests on every horizon.The crowd was happy and rowdy after an impressive power set by the PaganFolk rock band Rabenschrey of our brother pagan and friend Donar "Rabenvater", who also organised this cool castle festival. We were especially touched by all the gifts we got from our germanic PaganClan members that we met there, they even ritually bound us in a really long garland of fresh flowers so as to keep us together and "bound" to them...hi hi hi! cool touch guys!, but totally unneccessary because you see, we are allready bound to all of you, and we shall keep on making our music and sharing our thoughts and dreams, because we can't do otherwise, this is what we do and we do it gladly. But still we felt truly moved by your gesture, it shows us that you understand that we are not an "act", we are Omnia to the core. Thanx all of you!
Donar! you put on a great festival and you honour us as a generous and noble host, we salute you!
Siegfried spektakel Xanten (yesterday)
Where did those germans get all those Castles? Bloody hell! The whole country seems to be covered in them! So we were in yet another medieval castle setting in Xanten, a place Luka and me know well from years and years ago when we were still captive Gallic slave who were forced to fight as Gadiators in the Roman amphitheatre there (it's a long story).
This was a very quiet more "family day out " festival, so it was sort of relaxed for us after a lot of theatres and powerful festivals, to spend a peaceful day sitting in the sun smoking herbs and playing (much too) short sets on a small wood and canvas stage in the middle of a medieval market with the usual compliment of mead/ beer stands, bakeries, trinket sellers, people in tights squeezing the life out of reed instruments and the ever present jugglers with bells but ...abstract.
We were happy to see again so many familiar faces (it's always easy to spot the Omnia fans from the stage, they are the ones who smile and don't look so confused). We were only sorry that we didn't play as long as we were expected to, due to some organisational communication problems (ah well, I suppose we shouldn't expect every oganiser to be good at it ;-) ).
Greenest springy thingz to all of you
the energy of a new year is thundering into the planet
make plenty of love and enjoy your day
A bientot!
Steve Sic and Jenny
2nd edition RAVEN TIMES downloadable now!!
GROWING!!!: The PaganClan OMNIA Fanclub!
EASY!!: Subscribe through this website (fanclub)!
COOL!!: Receive "the Raven Times II"newspaper, NOW!
WOW!!: it's FREE!
The second edition contains:
-GASP!: who is this small english punkrocker?
-Exclusive: "OMNIA's new Bandmember revealed!"
-Holy Cow!:"Jenny and Sic talk about religion"
-Shocking: "what actually happens BACKSTAGE?"
-Unbelievable: "Joe's eurocrat-mafia job!"
-Tasty: "what Luka does to innocent Nachos"
-Horror: "Jenny and Sic stabbed by psycho!!"
the RAVENTIMES...funnier than "Mein Kampf", shorter than "the Bible", more informative than "Noddy goes to toyland"
so what are you waiting for? Join up now,right here and start downloading!
New stuff in the webshop!
...Check it out...
Jenny & Steve Sic
Model: Nienke
Wisdom for times of change
Sic's really really short blog nr.14
"change the world, start with changing yourself"
artwork :selfportrait Steve Sic (1992)
Fairy Ball FULL!
Nobody is allowed in anymore, doesn't matter how beautiful or freaky you are, it's really full now...
We're looking forward to it!
The long good Friday...
Our next gig is on the 21st of March...It's going to be a full-moon, it's on Ostara ("spring-equinox and humping bunnies/ fertility and eggs festival")
It's Stenny's wedding anniversary, OMNIA's new percussionist will play his first Omnia-theatre gig AND Wen and Emelie will do the Dance after-party thing...even for a Pagan that sounds like a "good friday"! ;-)
The road goes ever on...
Our happy "Paganfamily" keeps growing, life's paths take us along many winding roads and most of these roads lead to unforseen change. One pretty drastic change on our menu for this year is the following:
I won't tell you too much because it's pretty weird and new for us as well. I'll reveal more about this "new OMNIA-bandmember" in the upcoming "Raven Times" fanzine
(you can apply for the fanclub magazine on this homepage).
BUT don't worry, this new freaky percussionist will NOT be REPLACING any one of us! As I said before, this happy pagan family just grows like the branches on a tree...we will be playing with 5 people on stage this year!
You'll have your first chance to see this mystery pagan in action with OMNIA at our upcoming theatre gigs in Oosterhout and Nijmegen (see agenda) as well as on the mega-weird OMNIA-"FairyBall" (sold out).
Steve Sic, Jenny, Luka, Joe and...our new Serbo-Croatian/Ukranian percussionist.
Picture: Alan Lee
Cornish Faeries! ;-)
We keep getting contacted by Fairies to join in their fun, and this time from Cornwall, my own personal "Tir nan og"! I'm really looking forward to being back among the standing stones and clean magical air in the land of my youth...
A "proper job, my handsome" indeed!
So, see you there on June 21st (Midsummer's Night) at The 3 Wishes Faeryfest 2008 in Bodmin Moor nature reserve, Cornwall, U.K
American Faeries?
Yes...Well...We know...It's true, we said we would never play in the USA, for obvious reasons. But...some very sweet and extremely beguiling American faeries have asked us to join them in their dark celebrations at the Bad Faeries Ball on FaerieCon 2008 in Philadelphia, USA. What could we do? We can't say "no" to faeries (for obvious reasons).
So, we'll come to America, see you all there in October!
For more info, check out
what does "Eco-Anarchy" mean?
Sic's incomprehensible blog no.13
This planet is infested with naked (mostly feral) monkeys who are destroying it, because they are basically very stupid shortsighted and selfish monkeys. Some monkeys (like you and me) realise this and can help the eco-system in a small though ultimately very powerfull way by simply planting trees,bushes,flowers etc, randomly, anywhere and everywhere you can think urban guerilla commando-fairies!
And whenever you encounter one or more other naked-monkeys destroying trees/plants or harming/torturing animals, just point out to them that they are commiting a serious crime to life in doing this and try to prevent them from carrying on with their destructive behaviour.
Our governments won't stop, the EU won't stop,the USA won't stop, its up to us to drown all of them in a sea of plants and trees, "where the seed falls, there it shall grow"
(many many) Greenthingz!
Steve Sic
Black is the new Green
Hi Guys
I've made a new design for the Omnia shirt-Logo to replace our older grey "horny tribal".
In this new design our neo-celtic swirlies (based on La Téne Celtic art) are extended into fresh green leafy and plantlike shapes making them echo nature in an "art nouveau/Jugendstil" kinda way and ofcourse the overall heart shape (originally a early pagan symbol of sexuality and lust) symbolises our deep connection to nature...ahem...
It's slightly non-symmetrical to emulate natural growth.
This design is called: "black is the new green" and will be available at gigs from Saturday Jan 26-08 and through our webshop from Monday Jan 28-08, printed on various different Shirt-types starting with:
Longsleeve, cuty & sexy-lace-shirt starting this weekend!
The Raven Times First Edition OUT NOW!!!
*American mode on*
NEW!!!: The PaganClan OMNIA Fanclub!
EASY!!: Subscribe through this website!
COOL!!: Receive "the Raven Times", our own newspaper, NOW!
WOW!!: Take advantage of the special "fanfunpack" offer in the shop!
The first edition contains:
-Members only: "OMNIA the Movie! Actors wanted!"
-Shock: "Luka's hobbies"
-Horror: "How to feed a Pagan Band?"
-Touching: "Jenny: a Pagan Life in 12 pictures"
-Informative: "Joe's one-pot, easy-to-make, easy-to-wash-up-afterwards, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Irish Stew"
-Exclusive: "....a set of PaganClan goodies which will only be available to you..."
So what are you waiting for? Join up now for free!
*American mode off*
Greenthingz Jenny & OMNIA
BANG!!!Yes folks! KABOOM!!!it's almost new year!BANG BANG!!! Yippee!!Let's blow up a few billion tonnes of cheap explosives from china..all in a few days time...I mean..who needs an enviroment anyway? Let's fry the OZONE layer ,dump a million tonnes of chemical waste and scare the shit out of (the few remaining )wild animals to show what a bunch of fecking brainless naked monkeys we really are!...happy newyear...
ps:this is sarcasm...
For everybody who would like to learn how to dance to Omnia music, meet new people while doing this, dance with Sic or Jenny or simply brighten up a dull weekend, "dancemaster" Wen and "Uberhippy" Emelie have organised Balfolk Danceclasses on Omnia music in January and February 2008!
There will be 2 sets of 2 workshops, with as finishing party a "PaganBal". You can only get tickets for this if you are participating in one of the sets of workshops. This PaganBal is going to be a very special afternoon/night with not only an exclusive (danceable) concert of Omnia but also a performance of an extremely danceable, talented young band from Belgium, called LeBocha (earlier this year Sic and Jenny couldn't sit still hearing this band play at the Deerlycke Festival).
So, if you are one of those people envying the dancers at festivals like Castlefest, thinking "this is going too fast, so many people, I'm afraid I will do it all wrong" or something along these lines....THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!
Practical information:
All workshops are on Sunday afternoons from 13:00 uur 'til 16:00 hrs.
Sunday 20 January 2008: part A
Sunday 27 January 2008: part B
Sunday 10 February 2008: part A
Sunday 24 February 2008: part B
One workshop (A or B): € 15,-
Workshop A + B + PaganBal: € 40.-
Zaal Moira
Wolvenstraat 10
3512 CH Utrecht
Date: zondag 9 March 2008
Start Bal: 16:00
Open: 15:30
(it will end before 23:00)
For more information and reservations (compulsory if you want to participate), see (in Dutch).
Sic & Jenny will join you for at least 1 of the workshops, we are looking forward to dancing with you!
So this is midwinter ....again
Sic's incomprehensible blog no.12
(to the music of Saint John Lennon's "merry christmas, war is over")
"So it's midwinter..
and what have we done?
another Sun-cycle over,
and a new one just begun.
and so it's midwinter
we hope you have fun,
the near and the dear ones
the old and the young
A very merry Solstice!
the return of the Sun
the darkness is going
'cause the old year is done..."
the best seasonal wishes to all of you out there,
spread some peace, free some nature,
don't eat any industrially tortured animals (stick to eco-free range if you wanna chew meat)
have a good glass of merry booze and a smoke (while it's still legal) as you dance naked around your solstice fire...
and above all: enjoy life! (that's what it's for!)
(ever) Greenthingz
SteveSic and Jenny and the whole OMNIA gang
photo: Marcel Bakker
Join the PaganClan!
Lately Omnia’s following has been getting bigger. Because of more concerts, more festivals, we got more and more fans, even from other continents. We get so much support and energy from all of you that we’ve decided it’s about time to give this big swirlie family something back . So we asked some of our longest standing fans who have all become friends to create a medium, which would be the link between us, the band and you, the fans.
A « Fanclub » as it were….
And so I am now proud to present to you the Birth of the PaganClan.
Headed by Mich and Lies for the International and French part, by Squinty for the Dutch part and by Bienchen for the German section, it is meant to be the contact point for all fan exchanges, but also for the questions people have about the band and other related stuff.
We are going to create some special fan-club « members only » merchandise, and we wanna do some special thingz for our hard core fans who have helped OMNIA through the years.
The main source of information about what’s what in the PaganClan will be the three-monthly news letter « The Raven Times », the official Omnia fanzine which will keep you aware of the latest news about the band, but will also contain backstage reports (with pictures by the crew), exclusive interviews, articles about the background of the songs and the Omnia world, and a special part dedicated to the fans by the fans.
This fanzine will be sent to the fans per e-mail every three months in a pdf document_
So if you want to join the PaganClan, it can’t be more simple :
just write « I wanna join the PaganClan ! » (and of course your surname and first name) to:
- mich (at) to join the International PaganClan (fanzine in English) or the French speaking Pagan Clan;
- squinty (at) to join the Dutch speaking PaganClan;
- bienchen (at) to join the German speaking PaganClan.
The content of the fanzine will be the same in the four languages (English, Dutch, French or German), so it’s not necessary to subscribe to more than one Clan (but you can do it if you want to recieve the fanzine in more than one language).
Any questions, requests,...? Just contact Mich & Lies ([email protected]) who are the big-cheese contact point for all fan questions.
We hope you’ll join the PaganClan and help us make it a real neo-celtic tribal heya heya « black is the new green » family.
Greenthingzzz !

My Interests


Member Since: 5/30/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:Steve Sic:
Vocals, Double Whistles, Low D whistle, Irish Bouzouki, Davul, Bodhran, Darabuka and various other “Ethnic” instruments

Vocals, NeoCeltic Harp, Hurdy Gurdy, Bodhran and Sansula

Vocals, Slideridoos, Davul and Cornemuse

Acoustic guitar in DADGAD tuning and backing vocals


Sounds Like: PaganFolk
Record Label: PaganScum Records, for online shop go to website!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

News page on Omnia's MySpace

body{ background-color:000000; background-image:url( maximonster/back_main.jpg); background-position:Top Left; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:rep...
Posted by Omnia on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:04:00 PST

A thank you!

Hi all!We are truely amazed at the response we're getting from this MySpace site....we are not very cyber, you know, and wouldn't even know what MySpace is about if it weren't for our good friend Kaat...
Posted by Omnia on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 03:32:00 PST

The latest news: Qntal & OMNIA & Faun

Qntal & OMNIAOur friends of Qntal ( are releasing a new CD this fall....and they will be celebrating this with a European Tour... For OMNIA fans in Belgium and Holland, it will be wor...
Posted by Omnia on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 12:15:00 PST

OMNIA catches up with the 21st Century.....

Hey! there we are!!Our sweet friend and Merchbaebe Kaat has made us a brandnew MySpace account (while we were working our asses off at the Wave Gotik treffen, Leizpig). Thanx Kaat!And we already have ...
Posted by Omnia on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST