MySpace Countdown Clocks
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
What's your favorite.....
Colour: blue (most shades, except baby blue)
Smell: homemade chicken noodle soup cooking and Blackberry Amber from Bath and Body Works
Flower: sunflowers
Tree: Japanese maple
Animal: TURTLES!!!!!!!!
Food: homemade chicken noodle soup, meatloaf and mash potatoes and chicken wings
Beverage: tea
Dessert: raspberry chocolate mousse from Dessert Deli and Half-Baked Chocolate Mousse
Candy Bar: Kit-Kat and Hershey bar with almonds
Fruit: raspberries
Vegetable: frozen peas!
Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy's
Not-Fast-Food Restaurant: Adams, Sake Caf�, Mode, Simon Stephens and The Rue
Store: Target, Bath and Body Works and Borders
Time of Day: late night
Day of Week: Saturday
Month: December
Season: fall/winter
Holiday: any one where I get a day off from school
Song: too many to list
Singer: too many to list
CD: too many to list
Style of Music: celtic, folk, new age and showtunes
Movie: Lord of the Rings, Princess Bride, Shakespeare in Love and MANY, MANY more
TV Show: Monty Python's Flying Circus, Spaced and others
Actor: Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Christian Bale
Actress: Katherine Hepburn, Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Cate Blanchett
Sport to Watch: football, baseball and volleyball
Sport to Play: volleyball
Fiction Book: Lord of the Rings, War for the Oaks
NonFiction Book: perfer fiction, but any history of the Middle Ages as well as Eyewitness Compains Film book
Author: J.R.R. Tollkien, Jane Austen and Emma Bull
Artist: Vincent van Gogh
Card Game: Rummy and Solitaire
Board Game: Scene It and Labyrinth
Hobby: watching movies, reading and SLEEPING
Quote: "Rosebud."
And one last question:
What is the place you most want to visit?: the Bog!
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