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Crimson Twilight

Changing the world... Two ears at a time

About Me

Joe Mancini aka Kenderseeker, aka KillerBeeZ aka Yeshua...
has been creating music off and on for over 15 years. Just recently able to record the music he has created on his computer. Born in Manchester NH on June 3rd, 1977 and moved to Florida when he was 1 year old, was raised in Florida til about 16, when he moved to Georgia, spent 13 years there then moved to Live Oak Florida... where he now resides.
An it harm none, do as thou wilt, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you... the 2 most sacred laws in his eyes, Joe hopes to bring a bit of peace to the world via music, indeed, his motto "changing the world, 2 ears at a time" is a good summery of his goals.
With the inspirations of Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, Loreena McKennit, Jewel and many classical artists, the best genre for his music would likely be the movie industry. Now while he plays to inspire, his goals are to one day make money with his music, but at the same time he doesn't care too much about being famous.
Many of you have been asking where you can purchase Crimson Twilight's music. At the moment he is unsigned (producers... hint hint) so the best he can do for now is direct you to where he hosts MP3's for sale. You can download any one of his songs for 99 cents, or you can even lease or buy exclusive rights to the songs. He will be uploading a bunch of new songs to that site soon so check it often Some background on the music...
Epiphany 2
This was written long after the original Epiphany was created, and could one day envelope the original song and become the only Epiphany. Blending the 2 songs wouldn't be easy but its possible. I made it into a new song instead of just another version of Epiphany because it is so radically different (yet sounds a bit the same) ** no longer on this profile **
Epiphany 2b
Eventually this will become Epiphany 2, or maybe I'll rename it to something completely different. This one was played using strings instead of the piano and because of this, it had to be played completely different. It uses much of the chords as the original and yet the melody is very different.
Leaving Love Behind
This is version 7 of the very 1st song I created for the public. I dedicate this to the wonderful person who bought the keyboard for me.
Imagine you are looking at a man, this man is riding in a bus sitting by the window, it's dark and raining, and the man is silently pondering life, he is riding away from the one he loves, not knowing if he will ever be able to return to her ** no longer on this profile **
From Whence the Flowers Bloom
This was inspired by "Blooming Flower of Passion" but is so much different it demanded a new name, played with strings, it is both a dark forbidding song as well as a dedication to the life we all see around us but take for granted, such as the flowers we see along the road or the amazing life filled seas, the thought behind the music... Where does life come from? ** no longer on this profile **
Trail of Tears
This song is dedicated to the native Americans who fought bravely for their rights, they may have lost their land but they never lost their pride, they are still around and I for one am thankful. These are dedicated peoples, hard working and in tune with the land... something we should aspire to. These people were thrown off their land by force, killed by the thousands, yet they percervere still today. My heart goes out to them
The Living Oaks
This song is inspired by the calm and tranquil Sea, of the vastness of space and the lonliness we have all at one time felt within us. ** no longer on this profile **
After the Battle
This song is inspired by the heartbreak and tears one might find after a battle has been fought, even a battle fought for the right reasons, and even if the battle has been won, it is still a sad thing to bear
Unione Di Amore
This song is inspired by the union of 2 souls, 2 hearts that now beat as one, this song is for Faye and I
Death of a Friend
This song is inspired by the death of friends, anyone who has lost a loved one will relate to this song.
Planetary Nebulae
This is inspired by the vastness of spacetime and how small we really are.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/8/2006
Band Website:
Influences: I love music, I feel music, its a part of my life and miss it when its gone. I do like silence once in a while but being empathic, I can relate the songs on an emotional level.

That being said, I like music that can be felt, not just heard. I'm not talking about felt through the floor via sub woofers but felt through the soul via the heart

I don't care however for opera, gospel or gangster rap.

While opera and gospel can be very emotional, they can also be very annoying, gangster rap has no place anywhere near me. I hate things that hate, or things that portray it. I might listen to it IF its something tasteful, but I don't care to hear how some west side crackhead popped a cap in some east side pimps ass... its just not tasteful, sorry if you like this stuff, get anger management.

Any artist I consider to be my favorites are those that sing with the most passion. Jewel for example, she is pure passion wrapped in emotion hidden inside a beautiful mind. (if your reading this Jewel, my answer is Yes, in a heatbeat... you are inspiration to millions of people, Bless You, I love to be inspired :) Tori Amos, Evanescence, Loreena McKennitt (OMG now her music sets my soul on fire and grabs my heart and never lets go), Enya (ah again, pure passion), Aeone (I feel like I'm repeating myself) there are so many awsome artists and awsome songs.

Some of my favorite songs (there are WAY too many to list) in regards to artists I've not mentioned would be "Zoe Jane" by Staind, "Salisbury Hill" by Peter Gabriel, "Return to Innocence" by Enigma (well most everything by Enigma), as I said, there are too many to list. I will append to this as I have time...
If you really want to hear my influences, check out these great songs below.

Sounds Like: Perhaps a bit like Yanni (tho it will be a long time before I'm near that good) with a bit of a dark side, I'll get more into this sometime soon...
Please take note... If you want me to accept your comments, please do NOT advertise anything without asking permission 1st, AND please make all images a respectable size

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Wishing upon Stars

When you wish upon stars you let your hopes run freeYour heart holds the scars but you learn to really see You take a part of the soul and let it soar and flyAnd after taking its toll your dreams reac...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:43:00 PST

More Advice from the Kender Zone

I recently spoke to a friend of mine that I haven't spoken to in a while. The conversation started out normally... Me "Hi how are you?"Her "doing fine you?"Me "I'm just peachy, what have you been up ...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 03:42:00 PST

a little advice from the Kender Zone

Advice can sometimes come from the most unlikely of places... If you have ever been on a passenger airline before you will likely know the instructions before taking off... if not, they are ...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 03:59:00 PST

Anruf eines Kindes - Call of a Child

Anruf eines Kindes - Call of a Child dedicated to all the missing and exploited children of the world "May they all find their way home" - KSI Into the darkness you hideUnto the fearless you rideNever...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:14:00 PST

Unione Di Amore

Unione Di Amore... the Union of Love Is finally complete. This song is inspired by the union of 2 souls, 2 hearts that now beat as one, this song is for Faye and I I hope you enjoy listening to it as ...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Thu, 10 May 2007 10:02:00 PST

amore del sole

amore del sole... Love of the Sun I will be posting this new song here very soon (within the next few days) With my days filled with work, either renovating our new home or everyday chores, it has be...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:14:00 PST

Working on yet a new one...

I am working on still another song, will be another week at most til its done... so far the song list goes (in no real order)... 1) Leaving Love Behind2) Blooming Flower of Passion3) Kiss of Fate4) Ep...
Posted by Crimson Twilight on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 03:33:00 PST