I am just some chick. My name is Kitzen. You may call me Kitty. Most others do.
I am an ass. I am not worth your time... not because I suck because I am fucking fabulous. Just because I'll chew you up, spit you out and then vomit and piss on you with a topping of country fried shit.
I want to fuck the taste out of your mouth.
I am cynical except not at all aside from totally.
Bask in my asexual existance.
I once tried to dutch oven my boyfriend and ended up shitting the bed. That rocked hard except not at all.
The real love of my life is a "tiny murderer" named Muerto.
My asshole itches and I doubt it is from phenegran suppositiries.
I have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to you NON crazies) which manifests itself as ritualistic personal hygeine, getting words stuck on repeat in my brain and a LOT of compulsive behavior.
Contrary to popular belief I am NOT a total bitch.
I am a shameless flirt.
I have a problem trusting people. I won't trust you.. really. There is only one person I trust online and it's not likely you. It's not that I have issues.... oh wait, it is.
I have a thing for faces. I find faces so interesting and probably spend a lot (too much) time looking at photos... never picking them apart or anything... just looking. I do, however, have a weakness for nice lips. Ahh... and a weakness for men with naturally red hair...... hmmmmmmmmmm. ANYWAY...
I appreciate beauty but I couldn't really care less about it when meeting someone. A sense of humour is a must. Intelligence is imperative. Who you are in the inside far exceeds anything on the outside.
If you even READ this far... read THIS again : Intelligence is imperative.
"External beauty fades... internal beauty is eternal." ~me
I don't care what subculture you are in or not in. I don't care if you are a punk, I don't care if you are a frat boy.... I don't care if you are young, I don't care if you are old.... none of that crap matters in the grand scheme of things. It does not matter what you are but WHO you are. You dig?
If you can't stimulate my mind, you sure as hell can't stimulate my body.
I HATE HATE HATE ebonics, "creative spelling" and all that crap.. it is NOT cool. It is NOT cute. It makes you look like a bloody moron.... (even if my other half types like a gimp.... I don't have to type to him, right?) If you type like you speak, I can deal with that... but if you actually speak like some of you type.... I am NOT interested in any way. (No I am not a "Typo Nazi"... I make TONS of them *looks at nails*) I suppose that sounds really bitchy, but seriously... if I can't even read what you are typing, I won't reply.
Other than all this..
I am generally friendly.
I do not think I am 'all that' nor do I think you are.
I don't have an attitude problem but I am painfully honest.
If I don't message you back, I was probably just having a bad day. Please don't take it personally.
... also, I may have just been very busy and did not have time, then forgot. :/
You'll see tons of different hair incarnations. It's all me. I get bored easily. However, lately, I can't be arsed to do anything new or fun with it.... or much new or fun in general.
I do have a personal life... and yes, it's personal.
Confidence is a major turn on.
Arrogance is not.
I am not self absorbed or unfriendly....
I am, however, quite a busy girl.
k.. :)