Music, singing, playing, listening, Visual arts, people, motorcycle rides, dancing, fun, nature, meditation, laughing, loving, learning, sharing, counseling, PEACE!
I listen to all types, even some kinds I don't enjoy. I think it helps to build a better cultural understanding of others and yourself. What I like is newer alternative rock, old rock, blues, R & B, folk, classical, jazz, etc., etc., even some rap. In my turntable now is Joni Mitchell, Radiohead, Katy Moffatt, Coldplay, Mars Volta, White Stripes. Subject to change every second.
Don't have time to watch TV
My Mom & Dad, my Sister, Robin-for being a wonderful mother, daughter and friend, all my close friends who are always there for me, anyone who is living and fullfilling their dreams. Jesus, Buddha, Kuan Yin, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, Jampa Tenzin, Joan of Arc, Robin Hood, Oprah, Princess Diana, Red Cloud, Any Native American who fought to save their homeland and their freedom, and make peace, all American soldiers who have or are risking their lives for my freedom (whether you believe in the war or not), "Frodo" (my cat), "Mercedes, Little Bear, Cheyenne, Apache, Mister, Bobby, Precious, Lady, Timothy" (dogs I've loved), anyone who can get off drugs and stay clean, anyone who graduates from high school, anyone who leaves an abusive partner and starts a new life. Anyone who overcomes disabilities or health problems in a positive way. Anyone who takes the time to help others.Anyone who has the guts to not give up on their dreams. The world is full of heroes! Sorry if left someone out LOL