Film making and photography. everything else is just random nonsense that you can either photograph or use to help inspire stories for future films
If you're going to watch my old films, then be sure to turn the music off before starting - Just over to the left, there.
By the way - I created that piece of music. Click on it and you can hear more of my stuff :)
time & space
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Meet the McSweeneys'
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The voice and life of a film... and it's the drug that sedates my soul.
designed to capture and take us to worlds beyond our imaginations... but don't be fooled by the coorporate forgeries designed to steal your money. They will always leave you feeling cheated
Do you ever find television to be incredibly patronising? i think thats why i only watch 'Simpsons' and 'Family guy'. there's nothing like a good honest fart joke.
If you like a film, read the novelization version. chances are it's been adapted from the original draft screenplay and it'll have so much more to it... It doesn't matter how good the filmmaker is, they will cut sections that are 'unfilmable'.
I don't understand the word hero.