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Groove is in the Heart and I'm Groovy, Baby!

About Me

I'm just a Girl, in the World ...... Destination Unknown ...... NOTE TO SELF: Smile Like You Mean It ...... Don't Waste Your Time or Time Will Waste YouA GEZUNT DIR IN PUPIK" (ah ge-ZOONT deer in POO-pik) "Good Health to Your Belly Button"!NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM "BARBARELLA, QUEEN OF THE GALAXY":NEUROTIC IRRESPONSIBILITY = WAR (Dubya "Junior", please take note)."Good dramatic situations begin with screaming"....."What is your name and what do you do in life?"......"Hello Pretty, Pretty. Do you want to come and play with me?"......"Decrucify the angel or I'll melt your face!"......"Tell me, my Fancy, Fuzzy Freak. What do you think of when you make love to Barbarella?......"Could you hand me a garment?"......"Would you hand me some boots?......"If our Psycho Cardiogram Readings are in harmony and we wish to make love as you call it, we take an Exhaltation Transference Pellet and remain like this for one minute or until Full Rapport is achieved"......THERE'S A NEW PUSS AT MY HOUSE: SNAGGLEPUSS originally appeared in 1959 as a minor character on episodes of some of Hanna-Barbara's televison cartoons. He had such appeal that he was given his own segment on The Yogi Bear Show when it premiered in 1961. Snagglepuss's favorite sayings were "Exit stage left" and "Heavens to Murgatroid." The voice of Snagglepuss was done by Daws Butler........................................ HEY TOM!!! HOW ABOUT SOME PARAGRAPH BREAKS HERE! HARD TO READ THESE RAMBLING LONG-ASS DESCRIPTIONS WE ALL WRITE "ABOUT ME". thankyouverymuch................... I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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My Interests

Art, Music, Architecture, Graphic Design, Photography, Travel, Culture and Food ... staying up too late watching movies, doing important stuff or just putzing and can't wake up early to go to work.
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I'd like to meet:

Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, George Clooney, Marilyn Monroe, Beethoven, Mozart, my Scandahoovian ancestors, people who don't work during "normal" hours. People who do and think and say interesting things, who have a lust for life no matter what their age or nation or station in life!
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Jazz, Blues, Funk/Soul Brother (ck it out now), Alternative, Rock, World, Good Original Music!


In general: 50's-60's foreign films, Italian mob movies, comedy, Three Stooges (yes, I admit it), thriller, drama, documentary, La Dolce Vita, Funky Flicks like Barbarella (uh-huh), Diabolik, CQ, anything Spy-ish and '007-ish, movies about architects like Fountainhead, Sketches of Frank Gehry.


Nip/Tuck, Miami Ink, History Channel


mostly non-fiction: spirituality, creativity, health, art, architecture (Gaudi), psychology, culture and grammar! say what?!


To Be Yourself is All That You Can Do ...

My Blog

Pet Peeves

PP-1 Incompetent, lazy people who create more work for others! Arrrghhhh... I'm dealing with this at work right now. I have to help with a project to clean up sloppy digital files. We have a really aw...
Posted by barbarella on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:03:00 PST

Love is the essence of life. [Amor est vitae essentia]

Robert B. Mackay (1950~) Australian Analyst Love is the essence of life. [Amor est vitae essentia] The truly generous is the truly wise, and he who loves not others lives a lie. We can only create wha...
Posted by barbarella on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:24:00 PST

Cat Alarm!

Miss Puss E Kat has finally made good use of her whining & squawking talents: Alarm Klock Kitty! YES!  She started the symphony outside my bedroom door just in time to wake me to get out the ...
Posted by barbarella on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:27:00 PST

ars gratia artis

That's "Art for Art's Sake" Kemosabe!As part of some weekend activities in the Seattle area, I took a first-time visit to the Tacoma Museum of Glass. It's in a very cool area that looks to me like a r...
Posted by barbarella on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 03:54:00 PST

I Got Ants in My Pants!!!

At least it's been a short week thanks to Labor Day....... Friday came quick! A lot of people seem to be out of sorts though.... breaking up the routinely routine of the Monday through Friday gig. I'v...
Posted by barbarella on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:40:00 PST

MySpace Friends and Peeps Survive Meet!

We Tripped the Freak Show Fantastic!Since I'm slow on writing a blog today, we'll let AL's comment from my last blog start things off...... check out his profile pic of us too: AL wrote: MySpace Frien...
Posted by barbarella on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 04:11:00 PST

Portland Peeps - Going LIVE tonight!

PORTLAND PEEPS & FREAKS!Come On OUT and Play!Th 8/30 ALBERTA STREET ART WALK!4:30-6:30 meet @the Tin Shed1438 NE Alberta, S side of streetAL, 'Our Host with the Most' (wearing a Hawaiian shirt!) i...
Posted by barbarella on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:20:00 PST

THIS THURS: Alberta Street Art Walk

It has been suggested to the Editor in Chief of this Blog-o-rama (is it o-rama or a-rama?) that this subject be posted.... Inviting anyone brave (or crazy enough!) to come out this Thursday ...
Posted by barbarella on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST

Is it Friday Yet?

Ah yes, the bored office worker's mantra. At 8:20 this morning, a co-worker said to me "I'm sooo glad it's Friday." Usually by Wednesday it's getting said a lot. If you hear it right away on Monday, t...
Posted by barbarella on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:01:00 PST

Whats in a Name? Do Tell Me People!

Dear Miss Manners, I have a situation at work I need some help with. I have a first name that is easy to butcher and chop up into different versions. Friends and family over the years have come up wit...
Posted by barbarella on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 12:29:00 PST