Mick Chillage profile picture

Mick Chillage

Dusseldorf, Detroit, Dublin...

About Me

Born Derby England 1968. Family return home to Dublin 1974.. Parents are both heavily into traditional irish music. Mick makes no connection what so ever with this awful racket & from an early age is exposed to John Barry’s soundtracks.. Pink floyds on the run, The radiophonic workshop’s Dr who soundtrack & Vangelis’s "Chung Kuo" to name but a few.. The early eighties was a bleak period for mick as he is forced to listen to his older brothers taste in music due to the lack of income & not owning his own music system..Dodgy metal bands like Saxon, Judas priest, Motley crud : ) etc were played at ear bleeding levels in the shared bedroom.. Mick’s brother once found a hidden cassette of The pet shop boys "Please" & warned him that if he ever found that synthesized homosexual shit in his cassette deck that he would be murdered.. The late eighties improved somewhat for Mick as he left school & became employed, he was now able to purchase cassette albums & vinyl releases every week.. His favorite artists at this time were Kraftwerk, Prince, pet shop boys, Cabaret voltaire, the the, Public enemy & of course early detroit techno & acid house which were just arriving into europe at this time. Then came along stakker’s "Humanoid" & his music buying habits changed forever.. Then the 90’s arrived, dance music erupted & mick discovered an underground club in Dublin called sides,where you could hear tracks from 808 state, LFO, Orbital etc, then mick bumped into old school pal Paul byrne in the club & discovered that they now shared the same interest in music. The friendship was reborn & they both start to work in DV8 shoes, a very trendy shoe store in Dublin’s temple bar, they are given control of the music policy : ) By 1993 the electronic music boom hits, Intelligent techno or IDM, Ambient, etc labels like warp, rising high, GPR fax R&S etc are emptying Micks wallet every week, buying 2 or 3 cds every week.. He starts creating Chillout mix tapes using a Kam dj mixer & two portable CD players with no pitch control.. Painstakingly working out the mixes.. When the mixes are complete he writes mixed by "The Chillage Idiot" on the tape ..... Friends listen to these mixes in far away places like Australia, Ibiza, etc.. 1995 Mick & Paul attempt to create some music in a friends local studio. The guy who owns the studio knows someone who DJs on dublins XFM & they end up getting a test slot on the station. Xfm are worried that they are just more fuckin dance djs.. XFM like the selections & the Chillage idiots are born... Check the Chillage idiots out at www.xfmdublin.com. After much wasted time & money in the friends local studio, Mick decided to buy his own equipment, which he did in 1996. By 2000 Mick had most of the gear he needed to create the kind of music he wanted, so in the same year Mick released a compilation called Various Projects under the name Mick Chillage. The CD was a very limited CDR which was poorly mastered from minidisc : ( and was only available in a local infamous local independent music store called Big Brother records. The cd covered a wide range of styles in the electronic music genre. Mick managed to sell all the copies, which wasn’t too bad considering the shop sold mostly vinyl... Other releases included a compilation featuring Irish alternative music called Saccherine : Track featured : A good nights bleep under the alias Michael Moog. Then Mick Chillage was featured on the Nueromantek CD compilation which was given free to promote a popular electro club night. The CD also featured artist like Decal & skkatter.. Mick Chillage also submitted two tracks for the D.E.A.F. mp3 downloadable compilations, which are still available to download.In 2005 Mick started performing some live sets most memorable was playing at Electricity, Dublins premier techno & electro club night. Some of the finest techno producers & djs have played at this club, artists like Speedy j , Laurent Garnier, Ritchie Hawtin etc... 2007 saw the release of my first EP "Soundescapes" on Herb recordings this digital release was available between june to september & featured various strains of electronica recorded between 1999 to 2006

My Interests


Member Since: 6/5/2006
Band Website: last.fm/music/Mick+Chillage
Band Members: Mac lc running Logic (1993) midi only/ Motu midi express interface/Novation supernova II rack synth/ Roland Mc 303 / Korg prophecy / Emu esi 4000 turbo sampler / Yamaha cs1x synth / Apple powerbook G4 " running Latest version of Ableton (not cracked) M- audio 1814 interface / Spirit folio 20 mixer / Alesis Multimix 12 sub mixer / Focusrite penta compressor / Evolution mk449c / plus various other bits of kit.... oh & myself.
Influences: MUSIC : Kraftwerk, Larry Heard, 808 state, Warp records, John Barry, John Carpenter, Namlook & Fax records, Steve Reich, Cabaret Voltaire, Herbie Hancock, Aphex twin, Harold Budd, Eno, Derrick May, Klaus Schulze, Biosphere, Rephlex, Lalo Schiffrin, Phillip Glass, Atom Heart, Vangelis, Y. M. O., Nine Inch Nails, Public Enemy, Claude Debussy, Humanoid, Global Communication, Skam, R&S, Apollo, GPR, Rising High, Freddie Fresh, Meat Beat Manifesto, Carl Craig, Peter Benisch, Depeche Mode, Anthony Rother Chris brann, Mark isham, Speedy J, Japan, As one, Pet Shop Boys, Hellfish, Orbital, Prince, Alter Ego, Gerry Goldsmith, Michael Nyman, Mark Van Hoen, Miles Davis, Jan hammer, Move D, New Order, Squarepusher, Quincey Jones, My Bloody Valentine, Cyorgi Ligeti, Model 500, Steve Hillage, Ennio Morricone, Bola, Bochum welt, E.C.M., Slowdive, Dead can dance, Future sound of london, Kenny Larkin, Toytronic, Carl A Finlow, City Centre Offices, Ai,Type, Timewriter, John Beltran, T power, Kettle, U-cover, Highpointlowlife, Scanner, Luke Vibert, Boards of canada, Faust, Ultramarine, T power, A guy called gerald, Gil scott heron, scritti politi, Ministry, John Zorn, Slayer, Megadeath, Goreki, Sun Ra, Keith jarrett , Ice T, Silver bullet, Jimi tenor, Wendy Carlos, Jega, Spyra, William basinski, Octagon man, Mark bell, Sun electric, Shut up & dance, Mantronix FILMS : 2001 a space odyssey , Jaws, Blade runner, Alien, Bullit, Woody allen, American history X, Bad boy bubby, Memento, Assault on precinct 13 (original) Irreversible, A clockwork orange, Mad Max, The boys from brazil, The Matrix, Star wars, THX 1138, Brain dead, Fargo, Dirty Harry, Sexy beast, The wicker man, The Hitcher, Withnail & I, Vanishing point,
Sounds Like: the music I make
Record Label: This side music, herb, & more to come....
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Electronic music

Hi Just wondering what are the ten defining tracks that set you on the path to your addiction of electronic music..Here are my top ten starting with my earliest I think, could change if I was to do th...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sat, 10 May 2008 04:33:00 PST

tracks from"Eye on the city" this-side.net featured on net label dj mix

4Tech from Russia is back with part two of his Portable netlabel set.The mix is packed with great deep and progressive tech-house fromnetlabels around the world and is available has 256 and 128 kbps m...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:41:00 PST

calling all fax heads

I am currently trying to complete my Fax CD collection & I hope that anyone in my friends list who unfortunately has to sell any of their Fax collection will consider myself first.. Payment can be mad...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:10:00 PST

Electro mix

Mick Chillage Ableton electro mixTracklist :Dave ellesmere : Laguna Blotnik Brothers : Tin can (beats)Kraftwerk : Tour de france (francois K mix) Blotnik Brothers : Undulation Anthony Rother : God of ...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:48:00 PST

"Eye on the city" EP review (German & English)

As seen @ http://www.neon-blog.de/die letzen beiden veröffentlichungen auf this side wurden beim label in der sparte "down" einsortiert und gefielen durch ihren entspannten sound. ich muss aber zugebe...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 11:46:00 PST

buying MP3’s ??

Just wondering if any of my myspace friends have actually parted with cash for a MP3 release ? without the exception of say supporting a friends release.. a simple yes or no answer will do..
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

I’m not gonna do it any more

I've recently decided that when I upload a new (unreleased) track I'm not gonna mention the year the track was made, I mean what difference does it really make when music was created.. Music should tr...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:02:00 PST

This side music release

Mick Chillage will be releasing a three track digital EP throughthe excellent greek based net label this side music..The EP features deep techno, elecrto with an analogue feel& will be available t...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:49:00 PST

new megamix "Total confusion"

Its been a while since I uploaded a mix so heres my latest creation it has a theme of breaks, techno, some old school, Low frequencies, acid, mangled beats, jazzy moments & disco, hence the title.. To...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 10:57:00 PST

Sampling is it dead ??

I buy & listen to a hell of a lot of music especially electronica & I've noticed that over the last few years that less & less artists seem to be sampling other artists music..I myself have never been...
Posted by Mick Chillage on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:56:00 PST