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N.S.J (The New Sound Of Jez)

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorThe urge to try and recreate the sounds that I was hearing started way back in 1985, with the purchase of a cassette portastudio,a very early Kawai mono synth and a Dr Rhythm drum machine.Adding copious amounts of short-wave radio tuning (courtesy of too much Cabaret Voltaire!) and dubiously soldered audio cables (courtesy of long time collaborator Bik) and the results were more than often not chaotic! A steady learning curve involving experiments with tape sync codes and rudimentary sequencing via the Pro One,and a succession of analogue synths,drum machines and effects, finally culminated in the revelation that was midi sequencing with the Alesis MMT8.Sampling was soon also thrown into the mix with a cumbersome Casio FZ10 providing the opportunity to steal far and wide.Biting the bullet,computer sequencing came along in the late 90's in the shape of an early Pentium PC and Cubase audio.Almost overnight,the sonic and creative possibilities exploded and with the advent of faster processors and virtual instruments like Imposcar,Absynth and the Waldorf Attack,things have never looked back?

My Interests


Member Since: 8/20/2006
Band Website: last.fm/music/N-S-J/Future+Pioneer%3F
Band Members:Plus Jez and occasionally Bik
Sounds Like: You'll have to tell me, but some sort of Kraftwerk/Orbital/Early 80's mish mash I suppose.
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

NSJ reviewed...Patrick Marsh & The Tinopeners Art.

A big thanks to everyone who's taken the time to listen and comment on the latest songs. It's very much appreciated and I'm always keen to hear the feedback. Here are a couple more that have come...
Posted by N.S.J on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:15:00 PST

Surprisingly, yet more electronic music from N.S.J!

Yes, that is a surprise isn't it? My profound apologies for all those waiting for my long gestating folk project. Maybe this will commence when I get a taste for real ale! So&four new songs and one re...
Posted by N.S.J on Sat, 17 May 2008 07:26:00 PST

Patrick Marsh review of NSJ March music!

A big cheers to Patrick Marsh for taking the time to offer up this mini review of my latest dubious electro offerings. P. Marsh mini-review of NSJ new tracks: First I must say that I am very pleased t...
Posted by N.S.J on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 01:57:00 PST

New songs March 2008

Welcome to another of the imaginatively titled NSJ blogs that surely tempt the reader with hidden mysteries and give rise to those endless rumours about the enigma that is NSJ! Here are some details a...
Posted by N.S.J on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 02:16:00 PST

The return of N.S.J

First new tracks since about July 07 I believe these are. So what shall I blame. Ah yes, Cubase SX will do! I had the PC upgraded about the tale end of last summer, (thanks Steve) something that sorel...
Posted by N.S.J on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 03:59:00 PST

July new tracks and all things electronic.

Four new tracks made over the last couple of months. One light and dark, one up-tempo, one pop(?), one very dark. Everything working again and re-wired/re-midi'd (thanks for the assistance Bik) and a ...
Posted by N.S.J on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:45:00 PST

New May upload of songs plus production ramblings!

The fourth quartet of songs for the year 07. Two new, one not so new and an old one. Still working with a shit heap PC that get's leary at the slightest workload! Reaktor 5 now added to the arsenal pl...
Posted by N.S.J on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:26:00 PST

New songs posted plus customary electronic spiel!

The third upload of new tracks for 2007 and as per the previous two, beset by all the usual PC related problems. The recent explosive and smokey demise of the Behringer mixer has also ruled out a...
Posted by N.S.J on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:02:00 PST

Patrick Marsh mini review of NSJ

Much respected fellow Myspace artist. VSTI freeware supplier and trans Atlantic friend, Patrick Marsh has been kind enough to utter a few words on an NSJ sampler CD i sent him. Here's what h...
Posted by N.S.J on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:06:00 PST

Upload 0.2 four new tracks plus all the usual blather!

  The second upload of tracks for the year. One new track plus three older one's. Plenty more aggravation from an unstable PC and Cubase. I've got used to saving the song every other minute. You ...
Posted by N.S.J on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 04:25:00 PST