Brian Betula (again) profile picture

Brian Betula (again)

About Me

Brian Betula (or Brian B'Tula) is a shambling ape-like creature indigenous to the desolate, inhospitable region known as South East London.

Normally possessing a docile temperament, the Brian Betula may put on a display of aggression when threatened. This can consist of glaring, muttering, or studiously ignoring the source of the perceived threat.

Solitary by nature, the Brian Betula spends most of its time engaged in an activity known as "sequencing" , the purpose of which has so far eluded observers.

The Brian Betula lives on a diet of Weetabix and cups of tea, which it forages from local supermarkets.


If you liked some of the music on this page, you might also be interested in my other page:


My Interests


Member Since: 2/9/2008
Band Members: Well there's me, and the delightful Gloria (pictured below) who plays bass.

And Harriet (pictured below) who helps out with arrangements, and technological matters.

Our friend Iris is meant to be joining us on lead guitar at some point, but we haven't finished any of those songs yet.

Iris is in most of the pictures in our MP3 player though! If you'd like to see more pictures of Gloria and her pals, please visit Gloria's MySpace site.
Influences: The genius that is Stephen Fall

Sounds Like: Some bloke with an obsolete Pentium III computer and an out of date version of Fruity Loops.
Hey, wait a minute...
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Brians Blog 02 "ICE CREAM FOR QUO"

Hello,I thought I'd do my totally inadequate best to promote my friend Stephen's music fanzine; "ICE CREAM FOR QUO". It's brilliant, and it's FREE! It doesn't have anything much to do with Status Qu...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 13:18:00 GMT

Brians Blog 01 "Just In Case"

Hello, I thought I'd put in some info about how we did the songs, for anyone who might be interested. The robotic voices, i.e. on the track "Bad Things Happen In Threes" are done by a brilliant featu...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 13:50:00 GMT