LoNsai + MaiKoV profile picture

LoNsai + MaiKoV

Apopkalyptic esotronic metal blues'n folk

About Me

"L'iconographe, le poète, le philosophe, le musicien, l'architecte, l'acteur et l'écrivain orthodoxes se tournent vers les moyens artistiques pour exprimer l'expérience de la régénération spirituelle qu'ils ont connue et qu'ils souhaitent partager avec tous... L'Eglise aide la culture à dépasser l'activité purement terrestre : en proposant un chemin de purification des coeurs et d'union au Créateur, elle ouvre la culture à la collaboration avec Dieu. La culture profane est apte à porter la Bonne Nouvelle... Tous les styles artistiques conviennent à l'annonce de l'Evangile, si l'intention de l'artiste est sincèrement pieuse et s'il est lui-même fidèle au Seigneur" Eglise Orthodoxe Russe, "Les Fondements de la doctrine sociale".FRENCH : Fondé en 1988, LONSAI MAIKOV est un ensemble musical, une "entité" à géométrie tout à la fois variable et fixe... LONSAI MAIKOV, depuis les premières recherches sonores des jeunes années, se revendique d'une métaphysique musicale qui joint les extrêmes !! "Nous sommes troubadours des âges sombres, menestrels maniant le fer, poètes contraints à la force, à l'exultation tonitruante, à l'utilisation des formes extrêmes d'un art décomposé en superstition ... nous devons chanter la beauté de Dieu, Son Infinie Sagesse, Sa Justice sans âge, les pieds dans une boue infâme, dans une immonde tourbe de vices et de carcasses métalliques, de déchets nucléaires et d'idéologies nauséabondes ..." Seul le Christ Notre Seigneur et Sauveur peut faire des choses nouvelles, nous, créatures déchues, n'en pouvont mais; néanmoins, établis comme "créateurs en seconds", nous savons, à notre mesure, nommer et chanter, ce que nous nous devons de faire, il s'agit là d'un devoir ... "parlons aux autres en psaumes et en hymnes et en chants spirituels, chantant et faisant des melodies avec vos coeurs au Seigneur" (Ephésiens, 5:18-19)ENGLISH :Since its birth in 1998, LONSAI MAIKOV, French act, is musical entity involved in a metaphysical vision and creation of music. According itself to the traditional wisdom, LM decided to express "doctrine as poetry" and did not hesitate to use paradoxal forms of "art". If the modernity is abnormal regarding from the Tradition, the Tradition is abnormal regarding to the modern normas and "values", it demands sometimes to use "poison as a cure", to be able to find the Truth behind the forms, behind all musical forms, being able to use in the same piece the very ugly noise of our industrial world and the harmonic scale of traditionnal music to create a schock, a metaphysical schock, an opening onto the "non dual" Wisdom; the real Wisdom of God is foly for the world ... Only the Christ, Our Lord and Savior, is able to make things new, for He did all the things, and without Him no things could come to existence ! We, we must do what we must, as "creators in second", pleasing the Lord, not the world, with our songs and hymns !DISCOGRAPHY :From the Fountain,MCD, 1994, NAPA/ Our Lady of the Bones, CD, 1995, SIS/ Heroic Inventory, 7",with Dissonant Elephant, 1995, Abyss Recs/ FIRE, CD, 1996, NAPA/ The Confessions of the Rose, 7", 100 copies,NAPA/Athanor/ Barddwedi, CDR, 30 copies, 2001, NAPA/Athanor/ Thee Darkening ov Powers, CD w Dissonant Elephant, 2007, Old Europa Cafe/ Ize Cheruvimy tajno, CD, with Bleiburg, 2007, Old Europa Cafe/ Barddwedi, CDR, 2007, Old Europa Cafe/SAMPLER :L'Ordre et le Chaos, 1995/ Mysteria Mithrae, 1996/ Cavalcare la Tigre, 1998/ Ostia n°1, 1998/ WHW, 2007/FORTHCOMING : Czarstvo dukha, CD by ODA RELICTA with Dissonant Elephant and Albireon, Neuropa Records, 2008/ "Souverain" on the 25th anniversarry sampler of OEC, 2008/ "Les soldats du marais" on the Shadowplay Records sampler "Ennemies", 2008/ Décembre au Mont des Oliviers, CD, Rape Art Records/ Apokatastasis, CD/The background of the page is a design by LACH : www.myspace.com/gerencjusz

My Interests


Member Since: 6/5/2006
Band Website: lonsaimaikov.hautetfort.com
Band Members: WILL YOU DARE TO WEAR L+M : Ma boutiqueThierry J. Maikovskii : songs and sounds, vocals, lyrics, flutes, percussion, thoughts, guitars, noises, distortion, inspiration, irruption. Mathieu B. Maikovskii : guitars, programings, keyboards, bass, instruments, music and sounds, inspiration, conspiration, construction.
Sounds Like:+LonsaI+MaÏkoV+ The wind, secret wearer of the Spirit, salted and cold, on the sea coast of Brittany or of Ethiopia, the dry wind blowing on the savage cost of Ireland, the green island of the Saints, the savage waves, salted and grey, jumping over the cliff, when the snow white and white is droping somewhere on the Holy Ground of old Russia, somewhere on the old ground of Europe, somewhere near a Holy Monastery, or like the wind blowing, dry and hot, agaisnt the sanctified old stones of a Monastery in Egypt or Ethiopia ... Or like the dirty and foggy wind melting his roaring to the naked awfull sounds of an old and grey factory ... We are the wind, the windy lash through the banners with old eagles, forgotten by men, forgotten and hurted by men ... We are the wind spitting despairs of ruined lands, we are the wind ... SONGS and BLOOD BLOOD and LOVE WE PRAY, WE HURT, WE SING, WE SHOUT We are the wind, we want blessedness, we share love WE CRY, WE BLOW WE LOVE, WE SHARE BLOOD and SONGS
Record Label: Old Europa Cafe; Neuropa Records; Rape Art
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New interview soon

Soon a new interview here ! http://mlodziez.imperium.phalanx.pl Thanks again to our friends from Poland ! Youth of the Empire rise up !  For our time there is, clearly, a kind of desire of gnosis...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Thu, 22 May 2008 01:08:00 PST

Free Tibet free sampler online

Our friend from Bleiburg / Dark Transmission had organised a free sampler online to support the tibetan cause, to download and support see : http://www. dark-transmission. de/html/free_tibet_free_samp...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Sun, 11 May 2008 01:37:00 PST

Czarstvo Dukha

We are very happy to anounce here with our friends the final result of a long collaboration work, the wonderful new masterpiece of our brother the ukrainian musician Oleg of ODA RELICTA ... "the work ...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:49:00 PST

Bereshit and Imperat

"Bereshit ... / et Il créa Six" is the very first collaboration between Lonsai-Maïkov and the germano-croatian artist Bleiburg. It first appears on his double CD "Pieces of a broken dream", then we wo...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:54:00 PST

New plans more songs

Plans are not often in the reality what we would like them to be !!So now we have to complete three new albums ... When and where will they see the light of days ... that’s no matter ! they will...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:04:00 PST

Barddwedi in words

A nice review of the new edition of BARDDWEDI here http://www.heathenharvest.com/index.php?topic=Music_Reviews& filter=l&page=5
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 01:18:00 PST


Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:34:00 PST

It happens that things change

Yes, it happens that things change, we are living in an always changing world so ... We were working on a full CD project "Apokatastasis", as well as for songs for CD sampler ... and it happens that t...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:51:00 PST

Were are we ?

Here we are ! The song for the OEC sampler is now complete ... Titled "Souverain" it is something like the best song ever by LONSAI MAIKOV + DISSONANT ELEPHANT, we have combined our efforts for a caus...
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 12:34:00 PST

Buy buy ...

Interested in the ancient albums of LONSAI ? Now get its easily, we are on e-bay ... Just seek for us : 3.55.maikov CDs are, of course, brand new (no "occasions") and can be dedicated if you like ......
Posted by LoNsai + MaiKoV on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 01:04:00 PST