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Desert Calling

About Me

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Desert Calling is a website and message board devoted to the inquiry and fellowship of the Orthodox Christian faith. We welcome all catechumens, inquirers, and members in good standing of the Faith, as well as all who come for sincere fellowship.
We believe in the Symbol of Faith, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, as given to the world at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. We believe in One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church as was given to the world at the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, in Jerusalem, 33 AD. We believe in Liturgical Worship revolving around the Eucharist, as St. Justin Martyr described in 150 AD. We honor our monastics and all those who have sought an ascetic life as given by God through St. Anthony the Great, who reposed in 356 AD.
We are devoted to the pursuit of theosis, in the protection of the Mother of God, and of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. We believe in One God, Three Persons, One in Essence: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
... We are plagued by incessant ramblings, abyssal doctrines spewed forth unbeknownst from impressionable carnal minds, swimming, spiraling downward, into the delusion of egotism and self-exaltation. Where is refuge? We ponder, stoic in expression yet aflame within, effort poured into the taming of our passions -- nomads, in a world abased. Today’s “great minds”, armchair theologians from vain academies, self-help modern gurus, new-age deluded garbage spewers, ecumenist spineless death-speakers, they sell vanity and infernal whispers with the veneer of wisdom, a faux-intelligence traced in death, all coming to nothing.
The blind lead the blind.Mega-churches sell health and prosperity to itching ears, leaving all to seek what's fleeting and exterior to flee the Kingdom within. Men chase religion as opposed to true spirituality, and self-ordained spiritualists fall into the clutches of the powers of the air. Our voices from the desert, rarely permeating the spirit of this age of hedonism, fall onto ears deafened by virtue’s decay, heart’s left cold and dead in the clutches of dehumanization.
The ineffable Godhead, spoken of casually; God the Father made to be a tyrant, God the Logos into a prophet alone, God the Holy Spirit into an expression of ecumenist spirituality, our God blasphemed in too many ways...
The Lion of Judah thought of as an equal...
Will there be faith left in the world?
My soul, my soul, look East — you will find refuge there. Israel is still within God’s mighty hand. A cloud of witnesses is with us still, the desert remembers our names. Hold your peace, bridle your tongue, partake of that mystery of the world to come, in silence, in which God is still exalted, even on the wings of a dove, even by the wind in the tree, even by the steady flow of the stream. Watch and pray, as our fathers prayed, as our fathers pray for us still, that you be delivered from the seductions of this age. Turn away from the temptations of Sodom and Gomorrah, rebuke the infants of Babylon, bear your cross for glory, bear martyrdom for a crown...
Not all who say "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the Kingdom.
If you were of the world, the world would love it’s own. But you have been called to leave the world behind.
For the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

The purpose of this page is to advertise and bring awareness to the Desert Calling online community. The true discussions, fellowship, blog entries, and content is to be found within the forums! Please, if you a visiting our page here, take a moment to navigate to our website at, and join nearly 200 others in discussion, edification, and prayer. We joyously await your fellowship!

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My Blog

To suffer, is to learn joy.

The deeper sorrow carves our hearts, the more space love can fill. Often we see pain and trials at face value alone, without spirituality we fail to see their worth. Within every heartbreaking mom...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 21:21:00 GMT