Dannii profile picture


All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts, it is made up

About Me

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." ---Martin Luther King, Jr."
The only things you need to know about me: - I am a human and animal rights activist and I fight for what i believe in - I live for music (I review bands for Entertainment Manchester ) - I would do anything I possible can (and more) for my friends - I treat people the same way that they treat me - I 100% believe in Karma - I can't seem to put down my guitar - I have changed a lot - I love to skate - I really am quite nice I am a Pirate (According to Charlotte) WHAT I LIKE: ¤ Going to gigs ¤ Hugs ¤ Philosophy ¤ Walking in the rain ¤ Comfortable silences ¤ My acoustic guitar - and playing it (My signed Slipknot strat has to come second) ¤ Daydreaming and wondering "What if" ¤ The summertime (and the fact that my birthday is at the start of it) ¤ Drinking cider and black ¤ Cheese and Marmite toasted sandwiches ¤ Reading *And having many different books on the go* ¤ Nice views - and taking pictures of them so I will always remember ¤ Acting stupid ¤ Late nights and early mornings ¤ Guilty pleasures *Things are always so much better when you know you should not be doing them* ¤ Documenting my life with photos - me and my memory will not always be here, but the pictures of what things used to be like always will be. ¤ Northern accents and not being able to understand them ¤ My skateboard - it is battered but I love it ¤ Cheese selections ¤ Sitting on grass on a summer day with a beer and loud music playing ¤ The cold side of the pillow ¤ Laughing ¤ Peeling nail varnish off ¤ Play fighting ¤ Going on adventures *Road Trips* ¤ Candle light ¤ Country pubs ¤ Sitting in trees ¤ A bright clear sky full of stars ¤ Modern History ¤ Conspiracy theories ¤ Cake ¤ Gnomes ¤ People watching *People are fascinating*
WHAT I DISLIKE: ¤ Being unhappy ¤ Arrogance and Ignorance ¤ Boredom ¤ Deep open water ¤ Hangovers ¤ Lacking ambition ¤ Snakes ¤ Olives ¤ Having no money ¤ Not having all my friends around me ¤ The battery on my camera running out ¤ Warm cider

My Interests

Man is condemned to be free; becauseonce thrown into the world, he is responsiblefor everything he does.
It is up to you to give [life] a meaning.
--Jean-Paul Sartre

It is man's natural sickness to believe thathe possesses the Truth.
--Blaise Pascal

I'd like to meet:

Everyone I possibly can!As far as "famous" people - dead oralive are concerned - my fantasy dinner partyguests would include: Zach De La Rocha, DaveGrohl, The Dali Lama, Damien Echols, SalvadorDali, Bob Geldof, Jesus, Marilyn Manson, MarilynMonroe, Hitler, Stalin, Courtney Love, Jimi Hendrix,Kurt Cobain, John C. McGinley, Brandon Boyd,Jason Mraz and Ian Smith (Harold fromNeighbours). Can you imagine the topics ofconversation? Who I would like to meet/talk to via Myspacepretty much consists of everyone too. I like tomake friends, especially with those that can actuallyhold a decent conversation. People who know whento be serious, but can also act like a 5 year old.People with the same interests as me, and who area little eccentric are welcome to say hello.


I am pretty "old school" when it comes to mytaste in music, and I have an eclectic taste, but can bemost likely found listening to Rock, Metal, Grungeand Alternative.

Reign in Blood
Getting Away With Murder
The Fake Sound of Progress
Jimmy Eat World
The Sickness

Burning Bridges
Enema Of The State
Box Car Racer
We Don't Need to Whisper

The Garden

The Downward Spiral
Images and Words

The Battle of Los Angeles
Cowboys From Hell
Follow The Leader

Make Yourself
De-Loused in the Comatorium
(hed) P.E.

Use Your Illusion I
Angel Dust
Beckoning of the End
Mer de Noms
Jar of Flies

Come What(ever) May
The Colour and the Shape
The Number of the Beast
Insomniac's Dream
A Beautiful Lie


Grease (Widescreen Edition)
The Butterfly Effect (UMD Mini For PSP)
The Butterfly Effect 2
Police Academy - The Complete Collection

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (Dimension Collector's Series)
Chasing Amy - Criterion Collection
Clerks II (Two-Disc Widescreen Edition)
Clerks (Collector's Edition)

The Breakfast Club
Dirty Dancing
Wild Things
The Shawshank Redemption

Rat Race
Forrest Gump
Back to the Future - The Complete Trilogy (Widescreen Edition)
Blue Crush (Widescreen Collector's Edition)
Donnie Darko

Ocean's Twelve (Widescreen Edition)
Ocean's Eleven (Widescreen Edition)
Wayne's World 1 & 2 - The Complete Epic
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
The Pianist

Schindler's List (Widescreen Edition)
Blow (Infinifilm Edition) div


I am not very much interested in theprogrammes that can be found on my television.Instead I prefer a bit of escapism and likes towatch most of the cheesy American shows. Irealise these are crap and Hollywoodised - butthey interest me because they depict the life Iwould want for myself. The sun and the prettypeople, not the exaggerated drama. Theprogrammes that I follow are: - Friends - Sex and the City - The O.C. - Lost - Scrubs - Desperate Housewives - Prison Break - Laguna Beach I do however like a good documentary and history programme.


Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Angels & Demons
Deception Point
Digital Fortress: A Thriller
The Da Vinci Code

Aristotle: Metaphysics, Books I-IX (Loeb Classical Library No. 271)
The Politics (Penguin Classics)
Phaedo (Oxford World's Classics)
The Malleus Maleficarum of Kramer and Sprenger
Of Mice and Men (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century)

Chart Throb
Blast from the Past
High Society

First Casualty, The
This Other Eden
Past Mortem
Dead Famous


This is a section that I find difficult to answer, as I do not look up to anyone - however, I do respect a lot of people. I admire people who stand up for what they believe in, and who are what they are. People who are strong and come out better the otherside.

My Blog

Derren Brown

My review for Derren Brown   http://www.entertainmentmanchester.com/theatre/reviews/the-l owry-derren-brown.htm...
Posted by °Dannii° on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:40:00 PST


Memories Taken from Charlotte! 'Let's be nostalgic. Post a memory, happy sad angry anything.' Oh and to those people who spend much much time with me, or have done in the past...I expect lots! :o)...
Posted by °Dannii° on Sun, 20 May 2007 02:54:00 PST

Look what i got!

Dave got me a little kitten! The best present ever. She is sooooo cute....look...   Go to her profile...add her...tell her how cute she is!  http://www.myspace.com/miss_jalapeno...
Posted by °Dannii° on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 05:55:00 PST

Paul Steel

http://www.entertainmentmanchester.com/music/livereviews/pau l-steel.htm Go look at my review please! ...
Posted by °Dannii° on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:37:00 PST


Faithless were amazing.Go look at my review for them! http://www.entertainmentmanchester.com/music/livereviews/fai thless.htm...
Posted by °Dannii° on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:17:00 PST

Going Vegan....

....Yep, you heard right. It's only for a trial week though. Me and Dave just wanted to see how hard it would be to not consume or use any animal products. There are the obvious health and ethical ben...
Posted by °Dannii° on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:08:00 PST

Sarahs Birthday!

Had a wicked time and of course there are photos. I can't be bothered to send them to the people who were there, so you can all just take the ones you want :)...
Posted by °Dannii° on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:00:00 PST


Posted by °Dannii° on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:57:00 PST

Port Security

This is mainly aimed at the American people on my friends list, but it wouldn't hurt everyone else to read it just to create a little bit of awareness  One of the greatest dangers that face Ameri...
Posted by °Dannii° on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:12:00 PST

Run and Hide

Thought it might be about time to do a blog about what has been going on with me. Well, stuff...but most of that shall not be posted for the world to see. Recently I have been lacking something - I ca...
Posted by °Dannii° on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 07:56:00 PST