Tale of Two Halves profile picture

Tale of Two Halves

2nd May - ULU, London (tickets, through us)

About Me

Tale of Two Halves are a duo who have been writing and performing since late 2006. They've played in a range of venues honing their style as they increased in experience. They are influenced from a range of artists including Ben Folds to Maroon 5 and the Dresden Dolls. They encompass pop and rock; embrace indie and jazz.
Band email: [email protected] - otherwise contact through myspace...
"Roll up, roll up ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to band which are truly worth knowing- Tale of Two Halves. ‘Who the hell are they?’ I hear you asking yourselves, but in case you did not already have the pleasure of managing to see this band live, then I will have to try my best to put into words the pure talent of this indie pop band.
The two brothers from Bishops Stortford formed the band just over a year ago and soon began seducing the likes of Cambridge, London, Harlow, Bishops Stortford and surrounding areas with their infectious sound. ’Another indie pop band? We’ve heard it all before…’ But that is where you are wrong, my dear friends. This band isn’t just another group of teenage boys gathering together to produce bad lyrics and shitty, samey melodies, oh no, these guys have something else. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that I love about them, whether it be the truly angelic voice and piano melodies produced by Ravi Morzaria or the accompanying professional sounds from Neeraj Morzaria on the drums. The sound is just so pure and incomparable to any other; the closest I can think of is maybe a cross between Jamie Cullum and old Maroon 5.
Having never been to ‘The Fly’ in Oxford Street, London before, I was a bit sceptical of the quality of bands playing there but I was so wrong. Throughout the night, due to the recent smoking band across England, smokers were regularly leaving in the middle of a band’s set to sneak a quick fag outside. This was clearly an excuse to get away from the repetitive sounds of some of the bands performing. As soon as the Tale of Two Halves stepped on stage, cigarettes were stubbed out and the room seemed to fill up and I soon had to stand on my tiptoes to see over the countless heads in front of me!... This band is certainly not just another indie pop band, trust me. All those other bands out there better watch out because I have a feeling we are going to be hearing many more tales from these two halves! " Herts and Essex E-Zine

My Interests


Member Since: 6/14/2006
Band Website: None As Yet
Band Members: Ravi Morzaria (Vocals, Piano)
Neeraj Morzaria (Drums, Piano)
Influences: Ben Folds, Coldplay, Jamie Cullum, Muse, Maroon 5...etc.
Sounds Like: "...this band are surely destined for great things as well. A very young, unique and original duo who write soulful piano led indie pop which has led to them building a huge grassroots following and packing out venues on the fringes of the West End and in the home counties. Listen to "Tree Falls Down" on their My Space page where the delicate voice of Rav blends melody over the intricate rhythms provided by Neeraj. The band are even better live where they may well surprise with their set!" - Barfly Review

"Great guys, great sound" - Swiss Concrete (Oxford Promoter)

"The New "new romantic" movement is a loose collection of a few young UK bands who have gradually over the last 18 months built themselves up based mainly in the Bloomsbury venues (as in Romantic Bloomsbury set poets - and the New Romantics of the early 80s) based all over London at the new FLY venue next to the British Museum but also on Borderline - Metro and of course ULU. Bands like...TALE OF TWO HALVES should be signed before the end of the year...[they] will sign to majors though they have an independent spirit." - RSW Concerts (London-based promoter, working alongside the Barfly group)
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Piers to do Parkinson?

Are they mad? ITV have reportedly signed a golden handcuffs deal for Piers - y'know the idiot from Britain's Got Talent, to front his own celebrity chat show.Now, OK - I may have wanted Dara O'Briain ...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:41:00 PST

House, Desperate Housewives and the Ting Tings

I absolutely love the Ting Tings atm. Heard a few tracks from their new album, on their myspace, can't wait! And they look set to be number one this sunday - which, although I love them, kinda took me...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:35:00 PST


We are looking to play all around the UK In July. Anywhere, be it town, city or hamlet - we are not fussed, all we ask is for decent sound equipment and an audience.Anyone who can help get in touch, t...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Sun, 11 May 2008 05:46:00 PST

Festival Lineups.

Well the Jay-Z thing has caused big controversy, and seems to have caused a split int he opinions of the country: coldplay and the eavis' v. festival go-ers - but nevertheless, i never like all the he...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Mon, 05 May 2008 09:57:00 PST

Coldplay - Violet Hill

OK. So on first listen, the first 45 seconds, I loved it! It was a great anticipation/build up to what was coming. Sounds like it will become an epic. Definitely not instantaneous. Hate when the guita...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:37:00 PST

General Chit-Chat

So, its been one of those weeks, when so much has happened, in my personal life, that I can barely contain in all in my little head. But alas, confusion is over, and clear thinking ensues.We are very ...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 02:23:00 PST


We are this month's band of the month, chosen by the nice people from the Junk Label - I just love the first line...Sometimes you come across a band so good you think you might wee yourself...Their tr...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:20:00 PST

All things bright and beautiful

Ever had one of those inexplicably good weeks. Me and the Mrs. (by which i mean my brother) have been ploughing our way through all material in the run up to May 2nd's gig. Bar a lot of shouting and a...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 05:19:00 PST

Skins Season 2

Hey guys.Just finished watching the 9th episode of Skins Season 2. Having watched the whole of the first season, I thought of it as more mindless entertainment. I liked parts of it, but generally, for...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:11:00 PST


Go out and get yourself a copy of Golden Girl by Big Linda. They are amazing. Heard their single and its literally been in my head for a week. They've got some awesome live videos of their songs too.A...
Posted by Tale of Two Halves on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:03:00 PST