Telepathy. Spiritual mediumship. Lost civilizations. Reiki and Crystal healing. Zoroastrianism. Buddhism. Bible studies. Shamans practices. Etheogenic plants. UFOlogy and aliens. Psychometry. Telekinesis. Mayan Calendars. Astrology. Pyramid study. Visions. Angels. Ghosts. Magic. Auras and their reading. Government conspiracies. New World Order. Hidden archeology finds. Martian and astronomical mysteries. Magnetic polar reversal. Solar flare cycles. Tulpas and spirit forms. Earthquake frequency. Global warming. Earth changes. Prophecies, myths and legends. 2012.
There are so many wonderful and wise people that I would like to meet, many of whom have books lining my shelf.Some of the better known people i would like to meet would likely be; The Dalai Lama, Hunbatz Men, Maitreya, Don Juan Mathus and Malidoma Patrice Some.Also as I have already met so many lovely souls I can happily say that I would like to meet whomever comes around the corner next...
If its chilled then put it on...
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Matrix, The Day after Tomorrow, Dark City, 1984, Jacobs Ladder, 2001-A Space Odyssey, Naked Lunch, Silent Running, Bladerunner, The Minority Report, Scanners, Screamers, Total recall, ZeitGeist, What The Bleep, The Last Mimsy, Lady In The Water, Pay It Forward
Lost, 4400, Heroes, B.S.G., Carnivale, Jericho, Reaper
Carlos Castenada (all). The Atlantis Blueprint. Supernatural. The Jivaro. The Rough Guide to the Unexplained. Magi. A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung. Breaking Open the Head. Fire Under the Ice. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls. Atom. The Fourth Wise Man. The Prophet. The Alchemist. The Shaman. The Cosmic Serpent - DNA. The Mayan Prophecies. The Univited. A Brave New World. The Doors of Perception. Hyperspace. The Holographic Universe. Children of the Matrix. The teachings of the Buddha. (Way to many to list)
One feels a great deal of kinship and respect for many of the wonderful researchers, spiritual teachers and journeymen one meets along the way. That said I suppose H.H. The Dali Lama, Richard Gabriel, Geoff Murray, Michael Carmichael, Dr. Ian Stevenson, David Icke and Graham Hancock all stand out for examples of people who have engaged with their life tasks and tried to heal the world in some form.I don't tend to go in for 'hero's' but I would say Lord Buddha is my hero.