Greetings, welcome to da Witchdr's myspace. Everyday I try to live the life I pReach about...I pray, meditate, and hope for a better life. I wish you MOR peace, MOR Protection, and MOR PROSPERITY...Love da Witchdr!
HIV / AIDS...GET TESTED!We, "The People Everywhere ALL Creations EQUAL Movement" is growing into a collective body of like minded human beings that dedicate their lives to seeking ways to "promote POSITIVE CHANGE within ourselves, our families and our environments". We commit to bringing about "GLOBAL UNITY" and achieving "GLOBAL PEACE". We practice a "UNIVERSAL RELIGION" that encourages one to strive to live a life that is "Pure", "Peaceful", and "Positive". We embrace ALL that is GOOD and we spread LOVE. We believe in and encourage one to live in a constant state of "SELF AWARENESS". We believe that WE ARE CREATORS of our reality by way of controlling our ability to THINK. We feel that others should not be judged but accepted for who they are and what they believe in. We agree to contribute "mentally", "physically" as well as "financially" to the Movement in hopes that EQUALITY is achieved for ALL Creations.We are The P.E.A.C.E. Movement!