Leslie Stroz profile picture

Leslie Stroz

May All Your Weeds Be Wildflowers

About Me

I live in the woods in Western New York. I am an artist, and sometimes that means I express myself by drawing portraits, making a loaf of bread, or knitting a scarf for a friend, and sometimes it means I write songs. I think there's too much pressure in our society to specialize in one thing and have always celebrated the myriad numbers of interests that spark my curiosity.
My life has been Renaissance in nature and I’ve explored visual art, writing, music, and theatre since early childhood. Classically trained on the piano because I had a mother who made me, it became a necessary catharsis for me later in life whenever I became too overwhelmed. I was fortunate enough to have parents who encouraged me to reach for my dreams, whether that meant writing, painting, acting, ice skating, or singing. My father carried me down mountains in a backpack when I was three while he skied, and taught me to ski on my own when I was four. My mother shared her love of poetry and classical music with me and we would lay sprawled on my bed for hours, reading favorite passages to one another in the waning light of summer. They bought me my first guitar when I was 12, and I learned a few chords and songs, but basically just carried that guitar with me wherever I roamed, dusting it off every year or so to play the few songs I knew. I moved from the Midwest, where I was raised, to California, and Arizona, and Wisconsin. I travelled on a voyage to the River Styx only to find it dry, but it whetted my appetite for mythology and the Classics, and for many years studying and writing was my life.
One day when I was uncommonly sad, when writing poetry wasn't enough, I longed for a piano to let out some angst. I didn’t have one available, and playing my paltry repertoire of guitar songs was unsatisfying, so I decided to write my own. To my surprise, it wasn’t terrible. I attempted writing a second, and then a third, and before long I was completely obsessed with songwriting. Perhaps because I don't know what I'm doing on the guitar the way I did on the piano, I felt a freedom and sense of discovery where my creativity had no parameters. It became the perfect way to combine my music and writing, and was a way to achieve my own catharsis time and time again. Some people liked my songs, so I started performing in cafes and bistros in the Midwest.
Since moving to Western New York in 2001, I've been immersed in teaching art, and have gradually entered the music scene in this inspirational part of the country. I write because I have to; I always have and I probably always will. It is part frightening and part exhilerating to share my music and am honored and amazed when something I have created touches someone or makes them cry or laugh. This is what drives me to perform. The songs here are from my first CD and are indicative of my early works. Soon, I'll add my newer songs, which I think are a little better, so hopefully you'll stop back from time to time...
I’m not here because I want to impress everyone by amassing thousands of “friends” whom I don’t even recognize. In fact, if you like me or my songs and want to be my friend, you should send me an e-mail first and tell me a bit about yourself and how you came upon my page; I’m not interested in reviewing my friend list only to find that I don’t recognize half of them! If you’re my friend, I know you, I’ve listened to your music or read your blogs or poetry, and exchanged comments and/or messages with you before. If you wouldn't sit down with me for a cup of tea, we wouldn't make good friends=)

My Interests


Member Since: 6/1/2006
Band Members:
Leslie Stroz, vocals and acoustic guitar. All songs written & performed by Leslie Stroz.
I have been influenced by everything that I have ever been through or experienced in my life. Songwriting is my love, my therapy, my best friend. I write about things that upset me, make me laugh, make me cry, and make me smile. I've been told some of my songs are like Joni Mitchell, but I disagree. I think people say this when you play acoustic/folk and they don't know who else to compare you with. I have my own voice. If you like acoustic, listen to my songs and decide for yourself.
UPDATED!!! (thought about this more...) Some of my favorite songwriters (in no particular order!) are: Carole King... Patty Griffin... Dar Williams... Lucinda Williams... Loretta Lynn... Dolly Parton... early Jewel... Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (together & apart)... Jim Croce... James Taylor... John Denver... Bread... James Blunt... The Eagles (all of 'em)... Simon & Garfunkel... Van Morrison... Badfinger... Poi Dog Pondering... R.E.M.... Denzil... The Smiths... The Cure... Erasure... dePeche Mode... XTC... The BEATLES!!! and John Lennon... The genre is not as important as the ability to tell an incredible story.
Sounds Like: You tell me!
You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well. What City Do You Belong In?
Record Label: Produced by: http://www.myspace.com/tjblender
Type of Label: None

My Blog

A Political History Lesson

I wrote the following in response to my friend, Scott's, blog today and thought it made better sense as a blog of my own...Many have researched the differences between those in antiquity who worshippe...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST

Proud to be an American... again.

Well, is it just me, or does our country suddenly seem a little, well... lighter since Tuesday? God, Buddha, Mohammed, Allah, Artemis, and all other dieties Bless America. There is Hope once again.....
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 11:56:00 PST

To All Friends, Old and New

I've just returned from Europe and have much in the way of correspondence to catch up on. Please do not be offended if it takes me awhile to return e-mails or comments... I appreciate all of the supp...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 12:44:00 PST

Lyrics, Anyone???

I wonder, as the viewer of many other songwriters' pages, why more people don't print their lyrics...? I am so sad when people don't, and it seems to be such a rarity that when I do find an artist wh...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 06:44:00 PST

Check out Joshua James...

To any and all who read these blogs... check out the work of Joshua James, a young songwriter lost in the wild west of Utah. I promise you will not be disappointed. Why he does not have a recording ...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 08:55:00 PST

Growing Older...

Okay, so you might think that I would lament the trials of growing older here, and say, "I remember when," and all that. But that's not what this is about. Rather, it's about the absolute beauty of ...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 10:34:00 PST

Dumping "Mr. Wrong"

So, I had been seeing this man... he was 13 years my senior and that appealed to me a great deal. I was crazy about him. He was the older, "scoundrel" brother of a good friend of mine, but I neglect...
Posted by Leslie Stroz on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 11:26:00 PST