Serena Matthews profile picture

Serena Matthews

not so many moons ago...

About Me

"Krahe" by Rudi Hurzlmeier
"Nevermore" by Lara Coton
Hey.. I'm Serena. These are my songs. If you listen to them for longer than 10 seconds, please tell me so. I love knowing when somebody actually listens or relates to the lyrics. I consider myself to be a poet more than a musician... it just so happens that I love to sing my poems and I can play a guitar a little bit - just enough to get by.
I love sharing my songs with folks like you, but I have no interest in being famous. In fact - if you should like to know the truth of the matter, I pretty much do all that I can to avoid it. So if you have great promises of making me famous --then carry your little self on out of here, I have no time for you at all and I really do mean that. You might think I don't mean it, but you're wrong and I'll tell you so if you ask me.
Now that I have told you what I don't want, do you know what I really do want?
I want to sit outside at dusk and listen to the moon breathe. I want to kiss the rain and taste the wind on my face somewhere as I listen to the whales sing. I want to plant both of my feet onto the pavement in Seattle and just say hello to a stranger. I want to photograph forgotten trees and leaves.
I want to make my darling Emma smile. I want to make a difference in this lifetime.. I want to look into my husbands eyes at the end of the day and know that I've made him happy as much as I can.
I want to live in a cottage on the northwest coast and take long quiet walks on the beach every single day. I wait for that moment... when it all starts to happen. I will lie in bed at night and hear the waves splash... I want to die with no regrets in my heart. These are my dreams.
So yes. Fame means nothing to me and money ruins everything anyway, just ask Kurt Cobain. You're better off chasing down your smile. Figure out where your smile lives and go sit down there for awhile.
My most interesting news lately is that I have a song in a movie. Yep.
"Cosmic Radio" is now playing!
And do you know who is fantastic? Drake Jurado . He created my first OFFICIAL video and it is beautiful.
Here it is.
(Please note: the first 2 minutes are silent. It's a movie. (Don't adjust your settings. When I say silent I mean it.)
If you enjoy the video as much as I do, please say so.
And to hear the music of Drake Jurado and his brother Damien as Hoquiam, click the banner below and say hello:
P.S. I don't really live in Seattle. I'm in Nashville wishing it was Seattle.
P.P.S. If you send me a friend request and don't say hello I will most likely deny it. I'm picky and the world is full of spam. So even if you do say hello but it's followed by "listen to my songs and comment" then I'll still deny your request, because really I'm tired of all the advertising.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Serena Matthews
Influences: CURRENT MOON moon info:
Sounds Like: me


(more free downloads)

My OTHER myspace ...

25 songs at iTunes ,
compliments of
Lost Cat Records

"Not Dead Yet"
(my self-produced video)

Forlorn video
(a short love story)
created by Jamisin Matthews
featuring the
first song I ever uploaded to the net,
"Backstreet Cafe"

"Riding With Robots - 2007"
by Bill Dunford
with my "Dream Plane"
as the backing music

Touched by Autism
(for Sadie)

My feature at NPR

buy my cd's
Latest News




My Cherokee Ancestors


My Hometown, TN
yahoo music
MSN music

Record Label: LCR
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Emerald City

So I want to move to Washington state.  This is my plea to all the sensationally wealthy folks who read my blog (do you even exist? Do we all wear blue collars here?) So how about you...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 07:08:00 PST

If theres no one beside you..

Driving home today I heard a song.  It's by a band I don't ever listen to really, but these lyrics struck a chord with me. They really did.  Good writing on the radio.. almost doesn't happen anymore. ...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 01:25:00 PST

Its a sad and beautiful world. (An interview with Drake Jurado and Sarah Hansen)   p.s.  May I just say that I worked on this interview for over 3 months.  It took me a long time and I'm proud of it.   I've never in...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 09:51:00 PST

Jamisin. Hey

I just want to take a minute and say thanks to my friend Jamisin for making his "Forlorn" video so so long ago using my song "Backstreet Cafe" as the backing music. I still remember the first day I sa...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 11:17:00 PST

have some.

Posted by Serena Matthews on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:45:00 PST


I throw the book down and stare.  He says to me, "Why do you do that?" and I say, "I don't know. I just am."    
Posted by Serena Matthews on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:33:00 PST

were alive

"Not Dead Yet" bad news, it falls like rainclose my eyes just to breatheI can't seem to shake this coldIt hurts to see.And strange it's such a comfor...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:34:00 PST

the bird and the bridge

I was on a bridge.  Maybe it was in California, because it was shaking like there was an earthquake, as if I know what an earthquake feels like.. I was wearing a pink dress. (I once read that if ...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 11:38:00 PST

ice water

I just wish I could sing songs in a high key without sounding like I'm 12 years old. I know.  People in hell want ice water too.  yeah yeah
Posted by Serena Matthews on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 09:17:00 PST

... [video]

I got this new video camera (thanks love) and I'm pondering doing a little home recording.  nothing fancy.  First to request a song gets it.. maybe.  we'll see.  Serena   Unt...
Posted by Serena Matthews on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 02:07:00 PST