VAVi is all about SPORTS! and meeting new people, happy hours, having fun, and staying young!
THE VAVi EXPERIENCE: At VAVi our main goal is to bring fun to life in everything we get involved with, whether it be a league, a party, or something new. As a result, we have developed The VAVi Experience, a concept that encourages anybody who is associated with VAVi (referees, customers, partners, ourselves) to create as much fun and excitement as possible at our events within the rules. We therefore challenge you, our customer, in creating innovative ways (e.g. team costumes, crazy signs, etc.) to make any event more fun, thereby bringing The VAVi Experience to life. In the end, we just want everyone to have a great time and in order for that to happen, we need you to be involved.
Anyone looking to have a great time playing sports, meet new people
and expand his or her business networks...all while having fun!
Click below to check out our mascot LEROY THE LIGER performing on dance competition at SoCo Music Festival:Check out our mascot LEROY THE LIGER winning the dance contest!Check out our mascot LEROY THE LIGER dancing with a beautiful lady!
Leroy the Liger (Our VAVi Mascot)!
Track down this half lion half tiger on the streets of San Diego and catch a glimpse of the only liger who loves sports, vacations, social events and stirring up trouble.