Bodybuilding Dungeon profile picture

Bodybuilding Dungeon

Welcome to the Dungeon!

About Me

Just launched! Female Bodybuilding & Fitness Forum
A little about me? Well, for starters if you couldn't tell from this page, I have a bodybuilding forum at that I love. I love meeting new people that are into the sport. We have quite a few IFBB professional bodybuilders at the site and we have a lot of great conversation (and a fair share of controversy too) from bodybuilders all over the world. I love the interaction and I especially love seeing when people help other people.
Hot Products
The hottest products for bodybuilders right now are:
  • 6-oxo Extreme
  • 11-oxo
  • 3-AD
  • RPM
  • Cellmass
  • Nitrix
  • Lipo 6
  • No Explode
  • Animal Pak
  • Animal Stack
  • Hydroxycut
  • Dymetadrine Xtreme
  • Optimum Nutrition Whey
  • Muscle Milk

  • Click here to check out the forums!
    Click any of the forum names below to visit that area of the site to read posts from other bodybuilders!
    Bodybuilding Discussion Forum
    All the latest gossip and news from the world of professional bodybuilding & just general chat about the sport.
    Natural Bodybuilding Forum
    This forum is dedicated to natural bodybuilding and led by Pro Layne Norton.
    Female Bodybuilding Forum
    This forum is dedicated to female bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Need diet or training advice? Here's your spot!
    Supplement Forum
    Everything you need to know about supplements.
    Bodybuilding Videos Forum
    Watch previews of all of your favorite bodybuilding videos.
    Training Forum
    Discuss different training techniques for both advanced and beginners.
    Steroid Forum
    This forum is for the discussion of steroids. Information resource only.
    Nutrition Forum
    Everything you want to know about nutrition, diet and weight loss.
    In my spare time I try to make some motivational video clips like the following for people to watch to get pumped up before or during their workouts.

    My Interests

    Bodybuilding, and most sports. Golf occasionally. Poker.

    I'd like to meet:

    I'm actually looking forward to meeting quite a few people at the Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia next year. Besides the obvious (contestants), there are really a lot of intelligent people involved with the sport that I love talking to, and I enjoy meeting new people at these events.


    Pretty much everything except country music.


    I don't get a chance to watch too many new movies these days...too busy unfortunately. But I do like action movies. I haven't seen anything that thrilled me too much coming out of Hollywood lately, though.


    I'll watch pretty much anything that captures my attention and gets me away from work.

    My Blog

    NO Xplode

    MAKE EACH WORKOUT A MUSCLE-BUILDING SUCCESS WITH NO-Xplode NO-Xplode is the world's first and only pre-workout supplement that produces immediate results in energy, size, strength, pumps, performance...
    Posted by Bodybuilding Dungeon on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:50:00 PST

    Female bodybuilding & fitness!

    Great news!  Bodybuilding Dungeon has just launched a female bodybuilding & fitness forum at Female Bodybuilding & Fitness - Bodybuilding Dungeon.  We're looking forward to having ev...
    Posted by Bodybuilding Dungeon on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:53:00 PST

    Natural bodybuilding

    There seem to be a lot of people that say they are natural bodybuilders here on myspace.  First of all, let me commend you for that choice... keep it up!  If that is something that you truly...
    Posted by Bodybuilding Dungeon on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:43:00 PST


    So the Holidays are upon us again and it's the typical time of year for lots of people to make those silly New Year's resolutions that "I'm going to get in shape THIS year, I PROMISE!"  Well, her...
    Posted by Bodybuilding Dungeon on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:08:00 PST


    Took a trip out to Vegas recently.  If you're into bodybuilding and eating right you'll feel my pain.  That place is absolutely the worst place to visit if you're trying to watch your diet.&...
    Posted by Bodybuilding Dungeon on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:17:00 PST