We would like to thank everyone for coming out the Wave House and showing their support for what we are doing! The Wave House event had some of the best energy and vibes than we have experienced for some time going out in San Diego. We are looking forward to bringing more events to you just like that. Thank you.A portion of the proceeds raised at the event will go to Doctors without Borders, one of the highest rated charities currently in Sudan. Doctors without Borders is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries. The money donated at the event will go specifically to the aid in Darfur.** Check them out at www.DoctorsWithoutBorders.com **
Everyone that is willing to try to make a difference!
Whatever you can groove too!
Sometimes in April, Hotel Rwanda, Blood Diamond, Genocide, The Killing Fields, Kundun, Life is Beautiful, Back Home
Kill your T.V.
Everyone involved in an effort for the greater good. People who aren't distracted by self gratification and who are compassionate about others.