Andrew Quinn profile picture

Andrew Quinn

Making music is more fun than just downloading it!

About Me

I used to play at some of the open stages 'round Glasgow (the Halt, The Glasgow Songwriters, etc), and even had a short lived residency at the Halt. That was about 6 years ago, but recently I've got the bug again! Although the songs on my MySpace page are 'produced', when I play live it's just me and an electric guitar (and maybe an fx pedal).
Come along to a gig and check me out.

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/1/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Just me, a guitar and a computer.
Influences: Everything!
I've never been a fan of labels and I think musicians should listen to all types of music, even if it is outside their 'comfort zone'. Check out my friends list - You might hear something new! My early influences are Adam And the Ants, Jesus Jones and Pop Will Eat Itself. Even as I get older, those bands will always have an effect on what I do. Now, I'd count my main influences as John Prine, Gary Numan, Nine Inch Nails, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Cray.
Right now, I'm listening to KT Tunstall Drastic Fantastic and Newton Faulkner Hand Built by Robots

How many albums can you name?

Sounds Like: Here's what was said about me by the Free Candy Sessions :
Andrew Quinn, Glasgow troubadour Andrew [is] a breath of fresh air to the current local acoustic scene.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Doing it again

I'm back on For the foreseeable future I'll be covering the Sunday 12-2pm(GMT) slot. As well as listening online, you can take part by emailing me at studio@celticmusicradio....
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 12:02:00 PST

My Own Radio Show!!

I'm a bit late in posting this, I know, but after my guest stint on Ciaran Dorris' show for I'm getting the chance to host my own show. I'm on from 12 untill 2p...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Sat, 31 May 2008 01:10:00 PST

Sunday May 18th

I'm going to be on the radio (no, really).Ciaran Dorris is sending me to his very own Ciaran Island, formaly known as Gruinard Island. While watching the sun glancing off the clouds of anthrax, I'm al...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Mon, 12 May 2008 01:45:00 PST

England v Scotland

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but I saw this joke and had to share it: An Englishman decided to write a book about famous churches around  the world. For his first cha...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:59:00 PST

The St Valentines Day Massacre

I've another gig on Feb 14th @ the Liquid Ship, thanks to The Free Candy Sessions It may be Valentines Day, but don't expect sappy love songs! ...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:48:00 PST

New Year, New Music

While I'm working on writing new songs, I thought I'd shake up the songs on my player. Check out my stuff and yet me know what you think. Andy
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 07:06:00 PST


Before I get any knuckle-draggers posting 'Not In My Name' comments to this blog, let me make my position clear. I don't support the illegal action and the creation of a new Belfast in the Middle East...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:19:00 PST

If music be the food of love&

I saw this article about what your musical tastes say about you and thought it was worthy of comment. The author, Bob Strass, relates a story wherein he ditched a date after seeing a Billy Joel box s...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 07:38:00 PST

Is MySpace contributing to the death of Language?

Please, please, PLEASE when you are posting blogs and comments, learn how to use your chosen language properly! In a message extolling that we control our own MySpace, not only did I have t...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 11:13:00 PST


Red Hot Chili Peppers sue over 'Californication' "The Red Hot Chili Peppers on Monday sued Showtime Networks over the name of the television series 'Californication', which is also the name of the b...
Posted by Andrew Quinn on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:36:00 PST