German stuff.
Psychic phenomenon
The future.
Foreign Travel.
The desert.
Zum Schneider.
Staying away from stupid people.
Planning my escape from nyc. match.
German Beer Drinking Musik.
John from Cincinnati
The History Channel
The Travel Channel
The Comedy Channel
The Food Channel
and of course....
The Ãœber Channel
Thank you , Good night.
The Pleiadian Agenda- Barbara Hand Clow
You Are Becoming a Galactic Human-Essene/Nidle
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Thngs Are- Bob Frissell
Earth- Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library- Barbara Marciniak
The Four Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz
The 12th Planet- Zecharia Sitchin
The Time Ships-Stephen Baxter
Seven Spiritual Laws of Success-Deepak Chopra
The Art of War- Sun Tzu
White Line Fever-Lemmy
no one today.