MAN RAY profile picture


There are far worse things awaiting man than death

About Me

If we have been previously acquainted, you most likely know all that I care to share about myself. For those who are curious, I may address your inquiries personally.

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My Interests

Music, Art, Automobiles, Film, Photography, Museums, Zoology, Baseball, Hockey, Fashion, Vampires, Mythology, Egyptology, Evolution/Religion and other Conspiracy Theories, Travel, Architecture, et al.

I'd like to meet:

Siouxsie Sioux, Diamanda Galas, Monica Bellucci, Joel Peter Whitkin, Carlos Maria Mariani, Anne Rice, Whitley Strieber, Giorgio Armani, the Dalai Lama, Derek Jeter, Christopher Walken, Janice Dickenson, Jesse Jackson, Daniel Day Lewis, Wayne Gretsky, Isabelle Adjani, Gary Oldman, Andy Pettitte, Jane Fonda, Bill Clinton, Willem Defoe, Cher, Luis Fortuno, Robert De Niro, Viggo Mortensen...


Sisters, Siouxsie, Bauhaus, Joy Divison, Cocteaus, The Nephilim, HANZEL UND GRETYL, The Mission, Ministry, Front 242, NIN, All About Eve, March Violets, Xmal, David Bowie, Grace Jones, Black Sabbath, Sepultura, Hank Willams, Slayer, Motorhead, Bad Brains, NFD, Soundgarden, Tool, Peter Murphy, Dead Can Dance, Diamanda Galás, Portishead, Massive Attack, Goldfrapp, Interpol, Sex Gang Children, Morcheeba, She Wants Revenge, Love and Rockets, Echo and The Bunnymen, Skeletal Family, Ghost Dance, Danielle Dax, T-Rex, Patti Smith, The Doors, Nico, Velvets, Marianne Faithful, Joni Mitchell, Giorgio Moroder, Donna Summer, Gino Soccio, First Choice, all of the Larry Levan/Frankie Knuckles old Paradise Garage/Warehouse dance stuff, Lena Horne, Billie Holliday, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, Sergio Mendes and Brazil'66, Cher, Jean Carne, Phyllis Hyman, Angela Bofil, Dee Dee Bridgewater, The Cult, The Lorries, Blondie, The The, Danse Society, Nina Hagen, Sex Pistols, The Misfits, Nick Cave, Killing Joke, Kate Bush, The Damned, Concrete Blonde, Janes's Addiction, Einstürzende Neubauten, Young Gods, The Killers, Simon & Garfunkel, Bat for Lashes, and of course, Myself.


The Hunger, A Clockwork Orange, Wuthering Heights (1939), Night of the Hunter (1962), Dracula (1931), Nosferatu (1979), Jesus of Montreal, Excalibur, Moonstruck, The Shining(1980), The Royal Tennenbaums, Shadow of The Vampire, Taxi Driver, Diva, Communion, This Gun For Hire, Airplane, A History of Violence, Rebecca, Laura, Suspicion, Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast(1946), Blade Runner, The Indian Runner, Stage Door, Sunset Blvd., Gilda, The Glass Key, Lolita (1962), Saturday Night Fever, The Lost Weekend, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, American Beauty, Queen Margot, My Own Private Idaho, Blue Velvet, Rosemary's Baby, The Wolf Man(1941), The Mummy(1932), Frankenstein (1931), Young Frankenstein, Ed Wood, Cabaret, Jesus Christ Superstar, Rocky Horror, Irreversible, Malena, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Eastern Promises, my fingers are getting tired,


Not a lot. 30 Rock, My Name is Earl, The Office. Turner Movies, NGEO, The Weather Channel, that's about it.


Mostly non fiction/biography, primarily on Art/Artists, the Pre-Raphaelites and the Surrealists,in particular. Books on The Big Cats, Bats, Birds of Prey, Asian/African Wildlife, Ancient Egypt, Mythology, Vampires, the Supernatural, Astronomy, Metaphysics. I have quite a few books on automtive design and classic cars. As far as novelists, of course, I love Anne Rice ("The Chronicles" especially, Whitley Strieber, and what I deem as "The Classics": Poe, Malory, The Bronte Sisters, Shakespeare, poetry by Tennyson, Baudelaire, Verlaine, and Rimbaub. Classic Film/Old Hollywood/Bios are definately represnted in my library and are of special interest. Also, I have a couple of books on Marxism that I be diggin'.


Edward Burne-Jones, Salvador Dali, Bela Lugosi, Emmanuel Radnitsky, Hans Bellmer, Wayne Gretsky, MLK, JFK, Bill Clinton, Margarita Sanchez De Leon, William Cooper, Jean Cocteau, The Dalai Lama

My Blog


As you know, I don't blog much. However, when something comes to my attention that physically affects me like a hair in my asshole, I am compelled to blog it! Case in point: Knocking down Coney Islan...
Posted by MAN RAY on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 05:34:00 PST


STATEHOOD FOR PUERTO RICOYou will not find my blogs to be a solely a soapbox for broadcasting my personal political views, however, with this one: I think that statehood for Puerto Rico may be a good ...
Posted by MAN RAY on Sun, 21 May 2006 07:06:00 PST