music, art, nature, Magik, Sailing, Harley Davidsons, the ocean, The Catskills, Travel, laying low,Wasting time spacing out in coffee shops
someone intelligent, real, beautiful, sexy, tiny, informed, funny, giving, warm, well read....who wants to sail around the world.
Stones, The Band, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Gram Parsons, Emmy Lou, Humble Pie, The Faces, Delany and Bonnie, Wilco, Peter Tosh, Oldies, George Harrison, The Byrds, Dillard and Clark, la la la
Easyrider, The Graduate, Performance, Cocksucker Blues
The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Cooking Channel....if it's on.
Peterson Guides, Rock Biographies, Euell Gibbons, Jack Black (The other one), How-to Books