Hey there people, Danny here previously from El Ufo Records & Ryan, vocalist of The Fall of A TyrantAnyway the aim of our little promotion company is to bring you the best local and best UK bands to you, no matter what scene you're from, we'll do our best to bring you some awesome bands for you guys to apeshit to...Right now we're looking for bands whom we can work with, we have high standards with bands & we don't wanna work with bands who intend on messing us about...Right now were looking to work with already established bands but we won't forget all the new bands coming through & when we're more up and running we'll do our best for you guys, so until then keep practicing & working on your stuff & then we'll gladly help you on hopefully your way to getting big...Any problems please email us or add us to your msn and we will be greatful to help out with anything that you have going on at the moment...Also I am looking for good promoters to help me out, it will be a great help, so if you know of any or or are on please drop me a line.Oh Our msn is [email protected]
And to find out about gigs or want to play any please email[email protected]
Thanks and stay safe
Danny & Ryan
Autopsy Promotions
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