Landlessdesign profile picture


The graphic design company custom made for independent bands, musicians, demo bands, record labels a

About Me

Landless Design is an independent design company offering high quality work for affordable prices, worldwide. We specialise in the music industry but offer a wide range of services to the general web community, commerce and individuals. I've designed for Detritus, Eterne, Black Hole Generator, Chaos as shelter, Antigenshift, Viral lode, Dogpark, List records, Ars Magna Recordings, The Animal Farm, The Ice Factory, and starving cell, amongst others. (M Y S E R V I C E S I N C L U D E) * Animation * Auction templates (ebay) * Banners * A0-A4 posters * CD artwork and booklet design * Corporate design * Flyers of any size up to A0 * Instillations * Logo design * Myspace pages/logos * Non music related design * Retouching and editing * Web Design * and more... (M Y P R I C E S R E F L E C T) the independent industry. So whether you're a record label, club promoter, independent musician, business person, in a band or making your demo album, if you need a designer and think my style would suit you, or you have an idea that you would like me to develop and design for you, you can contact me on myspace or [email protected]. I also design for people and businesses not involved with music!..A bit of promotion!Please pay save Darfur a visit and sign the petition
Meet Boy is fiction and say hello to List Records. Visit this site for more Detritus news and downloads.
I started out designing for Candlelight Records in 1996 and have recently worked with ars magna recordings on the Black Hole Generator promotion. My most recent label work includes the corporate identity, web design and logo for List Records. Musicians and labels from all genres and stages are welcome to visit my website to check out my services, prices and discounts. (F E E D B A C K) ' Working with Cheryl and Landless Design was a great experience. Over the course of a few emails, Cheryl was able to get a feel for the overall atmosphere we were looking for. The result was was as if the piece was an extension of the recording it was meant to promote. Amazing work!!! We will definitely return to Landless for future design'. ARS MAGNA RECORDINGS (USA)Some recent designs Photography is also available (this isn't a Photoshop job 100% natural photo...)

My Interests

Just writing and designing, making up alternative realities and passing them off as books. Love animals, children, anything that talks back. Left handed people... I have both left and right handed friends....

I'd like to meet:

YOU! Anyone who needs a graphic designer or wants to talk to a graphic designer! Other artists, musicians, actors, animators, silly people, writers, creative people. Mo Mowlam would have been nice, (she said "I can't sing; I can't dance; I can't write; I can't spell; but something I can do is get on with people.") Tori Amos would be awesome... Oh and Johnny Depp... Jack Black, Ian Mckellen, Janeane Garofalo, Carrie Fisher...Tom Baker, Margot Kidder, Lord Bath, Gillian Anderson, Toni Morrison, Lucy Lawless, Christopher Walken (God of Dance) my dad and everyone in the afterlife, The TARDIS, the Doctor/and/or scientist with the power to electromagnetically propel me through time roughly two thousand years in the fictional future to a world which I call my baby.. Anna Drummond Moray (where are you Anna?....Somewhere in Perth, Scotland..present day) Sharon Osborne, Susan Sarandon, Neil Gaiman, Kate Bush, Grace O' Malley, Salma Hayek, Lily Tomlin, Rachel Weisz, David Tennant, Brendan Fraser, Buki Akib, Tim Robbins, Michelle Yeoh, Käthe Kollwitz, Tim Burton, J.R.R. Tolkien, John Martin, Erik Estrada, Karen Allen, William Blake, Mary Shelley, Rik Mayall, Ted Raimi, Sam Raimi, Russel T Davies, Terry Gilliam, Luc Besson, John Sayles, Alice Walker, Julie Andrews, Robert Rodriguez, Bruce Campbell, Alexander Graham Bell, John Logie Baird, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce,(They died before they found out how to project matter as well as light and sound, where are they now? My teleporter's still a cardboard box...and my time machine's gone virtual), Glynis Barber, Renee O'Connor, Morgan Freeman, Rutger Hauer, Bill Bailey, Ellen DeGeneres, Gus Van Sant, Margaret Atwood, Tom Savini, George Clooney, Michael Brandon, Connie Imboden, Mary Steenburgen, Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Anne Boleyn, Jennifer Saunders, Tracey Emin, David (The Hoff) Hasselhoff! Queen Elizabeth the first, Great Lost Aunty Betty somewhere in Southampton, (who exploded a pavlova in a microwave so the chances of her being able to work a computer are remote) And of course, Rob from Ars Magna Recordings! You're all out there.... somewhere....


Tori Amos, (New Album, American Doll Posse, out on May 1st 2007) Kate Bush, Rachmaninov, Detritus, Bjork, Dar Williams, Ani Difranco, System of a down, Loreena McKennitt, Muse, Tenacious D, Radiohead, Katie Melua, Black Hole Generator, Boy is Fiction, Nine Inch Nails, Portishead, the Carpenters, the Doors, KD Lang, Danny Elfman, Elliot Goldenthal, The Eurythmics, Marilyn Manson, A Wake A Week, Fields of the Nephilim, Perry Blake and even (looks away embarrassed) Cyndi Laupa and Neil Diamond, (goes and hides in toilet) Jacqueline Kroft, Imogen Heap.


Finding Neverland, Even cowgirls get the Blues, Romy and Michelle's highschool which Janeane Garofalo says 'This dress exacerbates the genetic betrayal that is my legacy..' favourite quote of all film time.. aNYTHING WITH werewolves in because I grew up thinking I'd marry one.. STILL BELIEVE IN WEREWOLVES...Benny and Joon, The quick and the dead, City of lost children, The Nightmare before Christmas, All of me, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Ginger Snaps, The Alien Saga, Salute of the Jugger, Bob Roberts, Dead of winter, The 13th Warrior, Dangerous minds, Brotherhood of the wolf, Enemy Mine, Star Man, Orlando, The mystery men, School of Rock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Powder, Miss Congeniality, The fisher King, Frida, Severance, 28 Days Later, Girl Interrupted, Ladyhawk, Evil dead 2, Japanese, French, Canadian, American, Chinese, Italian and British Horror/sci-fi/fantasy! Oh and Bagdad Cafe...


X files, Xena.. Lost...smack the pony, Ugly Betty, Doctor who, Torchwood, Battlestar Galactica... The Lost Room, Dempsey and Makepeace.. Heroes, Big Train, Spaced, Green wing, Monkey, Three non blondes, Extras, ER, Daisy does America, Father Ted. America's next top model, (Really funny)... Black Books.


The Sandman, Death the high cost of living, and, the books of magic by Neil Gaiman, Paradise by Toni Morrison, The Mayfair witch series, Interview with the vampire series up to a certain point, Anne Rice. The secrets of the Jin-Shei by Alma Alexander, The Wasp factory by Ian Banks, The female man by Joanna Russ, Lord of the rings, Tolkien. The handmaid's tale by Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth, by David Starkey, Weaveworld, Everville and the great and secret show by Clive Barker, The Book of Werewolves, by Sabine Baring Gould, the ballad of Halo Jones, and League of extraordinary gentlemen, V for vendetta, by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. Egypt, Lewis Spence, Imagining women, Bonner , Goodman, Allen, Jones and King. Stupid white men by Michael Moore.


Grace O'Malley the old Irish pirate queen, Doctor who, Gandalf, Aughra, Princess Leia, Mary Poppins (She is real, she is re..), Xena warrior princess, Hariett Makepeace from Dempsey and Makepeace... Jack Sparrow, If I were a man and a pirate and fictitious I'd be Jack. These all seem to be largely fictitious... A very dear friend Darran Lloyd who was like a big brother to me, an amazing person...but amazing people sometimes don't live as long as they should. My mum, the kindest person in the world and my son, the funniest. (He's six. I asked him what he'd like from Father Christmas this year, and he said..'Immortality...and the power to stop war...') David Dando-Moore, Queen Elizabeth 1st...Favourite artists include, Frida Kahlo, John Martin, Otto Dix, William Blake, Stanley Spencer, H.R Giger, Kathe Kollwitz, Salvador Dali, Connie Imboden and Dave Mckean. People who have had a positive influence on my life as an artist include, my tutors, Christopher Nurse, Frances Woodley, Graham Talbot, Dr. Matthew Rampley.

My Blog

Price Reductions!! Check out how much you can save!!

Discounts available on all design work!!! (due to the strength of the GBP at the moment I'm offering £$ OFF) For more information please check out my price list @ an...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:20:00 PST

More new photos to view

I took some shots on a holiday to France, found some great views. Enjoy! (All images are available high rez for a small fee). For a full list of images and information on how to use these images profe...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:13:00 PST

Would you like to exchange links with Landless Design?

Hi Everyone If you'd like to exchange links then please post your website address and a description of your site to: [email protected] or contact me on myspace Please link to http://www.lan...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 06:51:00 PST

Take a look at the new website

Check out the new look site, with price guides, portfolio, information and links
Posted by Landlessdesign on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 04:38:00 PST

New website is under construction but running

It's still under construction, but feel free to browse around its skeleton as most of the important information is there... thanksCheryl
Posted by Landlessdesign on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:23:00 PST

Feel free to add comments/criticism on artwork in my pics

Feel free to add comments and (or) criticisms about the designs/artwork/photography in my pics. I love getting feedback and seeing which images are more/less popular!!Thanks for readingCherylLandless ...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Thu, 03 May 2007 06:20:00 PST

A Wake A Week

The artwork for Dave Dando-Moore's (Detritus) List Records project, A Wake A Week is complete. Check out his new sound...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:36:00 PST

My website is having a makeover

In fact.... I HATE it.... so It's having a complete demolition and reconstruction......You can still access the old one, but it's going to look a HELL of a lot better when I'm done........
Posted by Landlessdesign on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:37:00 PST

List Records launches soon....

Design completed for the List Records logo and website... I like it a lot.....  List Records is run by Dave Dando-Moore of Detritus.... watch his myspace for more details and coming releases........
Posted by Landlessdesign on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:00:00 PST

Currently designing for..

Dogpark, Repose, The Animal Farm, The Ice factory, Zenyth, Soiled, Selections travel, insure for and other independents... Clients: (eligable for future dis...
Posted by Landlessdesign on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 03:15:00 PST