The way i was received by the workers was extremely moving. It seemed so true, this contact with the real people. I was so moved I had a lump in my throat and could hardly speak...When I read "Ballad of the Spanish Civil Guard," the whole theater rose to its feet and shouted, "Long live the poet of the people!" And then I had to undergo more than an hour and a half of people standing in line to shake my hand: artisans, old workers, mechanics, children, students. It was the lovliest act I have ever experienced in my life.
Pensamiento Poético by Federico dated 29 January 1916
Short plays El paseo de Buster Keaton ("Buster Keaton goes for a stroll", 1928) La doncella, el marinero y el estudiante ("The Maiden, the Sailor and the Student", 1928) Quimera ("Dream", 1928)[edit] Filmscripts Viaje a la luna ("Trip to the Moon", 1929)
Theatre El maleficio de la mariposa ("The Curse of the Butterfly": written 1919-20, first production 1920) Mariana Pineda (written 1923-25, first production 1927) La zapatera prodigiosa ("The Shoemaker's Wonderful Wife": written 1926-30, first production 1930, revised 1933) Amor de Don Perlimpín con Belisa en su jardín ("Love of Don Perlimpín with Belisa in the garden": written 1928, first production 1933) Bodas de sangre ("Blood Wedding": written 1932, first production 1933) Yerma (written 1934, first production 1934) Doña Rosita la soltera ("Doña Rosita the Spinster": written 1935, first production 1935) Retablillo de Don Cristóbal ("The Puppet-Play of Don Cristóbal": written 1931, first production 1935) Los títeres de Cachiporra ("The Billy-Club Puppets": written 1928, first production 1937) Así que pasen cinco años ("When Five Years Pass": written 1931, first production 1945) La casa de Bernarda Alba ("The House of Bernarda Alba": written 1936, first production 1945) El público ("The Public": written 1930-1936, first production 1972) Comedia sin título ("Untitled Comedy": written 1936, first production 1986
Poetry Impresiones y paisajes ("Impressions and Landscapes", 1918) Libro de poemas ("Book of Poems", 1921) Oda a Salvador Dalí (Ode to Salvador Dalí, 1926) Canciones ("Songs", 1927) Primer romancero gitano ("Gypsy Ballads", 1928) Poeta en Nueva York (1930, published posthumously in 1940, first translation into English as "A Poet in New York", 1988) Poema del cante jondo ("Poem of Deep Song", 1931) Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías ("Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías", 1935) Seis poemas galegos ("Six Galician poems", 1935) Diván del Tamarit ("The Diván of Tamarit", 1936, published posthumously in 1941) Sonetos del amor oscuro ("Sonnets of Dark Love", 1936) Primeras canciones ("First Songs", 1936
You mustn't content yourself with the admiration of a few. That isn't enough. Many people must know of you-everyone...But you should give everything the time it requires, no more, so that you aren't, for example waiting for Tagore to arrive and neglecting your own things...As for your friends, I beg you not to lose more time with them than you need to to rest.