Zaidi Sabtu Aka ZiDoiS profile picture

Zaidi Sabtu Aka ZiDoiS

I think that my imperfections are just perfect!

About Me

I've picked up a book several times last week. As often as possible, perhaps sometimes 2 at once! I prefer "Dumb & Dumber" to "Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I take a shower everyday, flossed at least 3 times a week and got rid of my nose hair once a week. My idea of a perfect 1st date is like chilling and having drinks at a jazz bar. I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh and definitely fukin' gorgeous ,but not too bright though cuz it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel. I think it is most important to be productive. I have goals, and DAMN anyone standing in my way! HAHZ! I would describe myself as straight-forward. I always speak my mind, and I prefer that you do the same. I'm sometimes laid back too. I have a long fuse. Isn't that HOT? *winkz* I am most likely to get my news from the Daily Show. What do you mean it is fake news? Ok ok how bout' Fox News. It is the only network that is fair and balanced dun you think? I would compare my body type to Fabio. Big and Brawny. Aint it sweet? Or maybe Gael Garcia Bernal. Mmmmmmmm... Politically, I would describe myself as progressive/leftist/liberal, ***k the Dems and ***k the Republicans and I even have black friends. My body is smooth in places and furry in others. What can i do man? When I feel comfortable with close buddies, I see nothing wrong with expelling gas in front of them. Too bad if they dun like it. It's a natural & healthy thing you know. My longest relationship lasted a few months. I really thought this one might work out. *sigh*. I think bout sex a lot & speaking of sex, I would describe myself as versatile. Anything you can do, I can do better. Now bend over baby, YEEHAAAA!!!! My idea of a good restaurant is anyplace with sporks. Fancy huh? Nah, kiddin'. It's actually more of like T.G.I.Friday. Or should I say TGI-Fabulous? I wouldn't normally discuss this over dinner, but I enjoy both tossing salads & having someone toss mine. Wait! We're not talking about actual salads, are we?...

My Interests

Photography, Films/Visual Arts, Theatre, Good Food, Travelling around the world, music

I'd like to meet:

Artist/e & Musicians. In fact, anyone with a pure soul and a big heart. Someone down to earth who listens and never fail to make my day whenever I feel blue... But as long as you are sincere, you'll fit the bill. :)


My taste in music are eclectic!!!!


The Red Violin, Arisan! (Indonesian), The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can, Yamakasi (French), Rumour has it, The Davinci Code, Le Grand Voyage (French), Saving Face (Chinese), Sepet/Gubra (Malay), Janji Joni (Indonesian), The Inside Man, She's the One


Rarely watch TV but when I have the chance, generally I'd love watching comedies, documentaries


Any book of any genre that can sweep me off my feet and of course it gets even better reading with my favorite 'Starbucks' on the side...


My beloved late parents Ramli @ Sabtu Abdullah and Rabiah Rahmat.