'A':Apogee of impossibilities, love is such an absurd abstraction.%D?EGGERS:Wanna share my poverty%D?HAIRIL ANWAR:The archipelago need more of your poems%D?EAD POETS:Talk to me man!%D?LITISTS:The society need more than your speeches behind the rostrum.%D?ATWA dispensers:'Sure or not bro?'%D%AGOD:Everyone I know is lonely and you're so far away.%D%AHAMZAH HUSSEIN:Your blood is still flowing in mine%D%AINTELLECTS of the world:"What went wrong dudes?"%D%AJACK DANIEL & JIM BEAM:"Apa siak lu taruk dalam itu botol?"%D%AKA KA & BIM BIM from the band SLANK:The brainiest ex junkies in Nusantara.%D%ALEE KUAN YEW:Power brainer, one hell of a smart guy, respect!%D%AMUHAMMAD:You are the greatest!%D%ANUR, NINI, NIA:I am your father, I am your friend.%D%AOLD BOYS TANGLIN TECH:Lets Rock & Roll again guys.%D%APOLICEMAN:Who asked for my IC like I have just rape his wife. Bloody Bastard!%D%AQUR'AN arrangers:Respect!%D%ARAMIAH(Late Hajah):To sleep on her lap again.%D%ASASTERAWANS:Apa lu buat boy?, jangan syok sendirilah, budak-budak Melayu tak faham lu punya bahasa lah.%D%ATUKANG ampu bod*k yang tak ada b*dek:Nak ludah muka dia!menyusah dan memalukan bangsa jer.%D%AUSTAZ:Who claims that I practise black magic, What did your religion teaches you!%D%AVET:Tolong bunuh anjing pengkhianat!%D%AWOOK BTE IBRAHIM:I love YOU!%D%AX:Apa sey? tak tau lah.%D%AYUDA:for a reason unexplained%D%AZAMBERI A PATAH:The real Bro (More real than Coca-Cola)