"Love, June" is a new documentary film from director Ryan Janek Wolowski ("Freaks Glam Gods and Rockstars... The NYC Story" / "Out and About TV"). "Love, June" was shot in New York City thirty six years after the world changing Stonewall rebellion of June 1969. In the film through eight major pride events Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgendered New Yorkers take to the streets to tell not only a New York story but a story of courage and self respect. Most importantly "Love, June" is about more than just a party in June, each voice that is heard cannot only stop self hatred but give testament to how far the LGBT movement has come. Celebrating through film allows us to stop and review where we are today so that we can continue to make our contributions to the world focused on progress with our heads held high. "Love, June" 2008
"Love, June" is a feature length documentary film (TRT:86 min), currently accepting offers for the films World Premier.
"Love, June" is also currently accepting subsequent international distribution / cablecast / network release offers.
For more information/bookings contact: [email protected]
Below are some extended preview video clips from the documentary film "Love, June" as well as television interviews with the director Ryan Janek Wolowski.
"Love, June" director Ryan Janek Wolowski guest on "The Voices of New York" - Time Warner Television
Long Island Pride Parade - extended preview
Out in Sayville / Fire Island Pride - extended preview..