From texas to new york to la with long stops in mexico in between.
who am i?
good question
i'm finding out all the time
i am just like you
i have a dream and a destiny
for me it is to write and sing
to hopefully uplift and relate to you with what i feel
to let you know that you are not alone out there
to hopefully heal you through this music these words this voice these songs
to find and be who i truly came here to be
to add beauty to this vast planet
though it may be a bold endeavor
i will not tell you who my inlfluences are or what genre my music is
for i look at them as inspirations
you listen, and compare if you must..
or perhaps you will see me the way we all wish to be seen
the way that i wish to see you
as only ourself
as an original
i can say i have written songs since i can remember
that i grew up with many different kinds of prayers in sanskrit, latin, english
that i grew up singing these prayers
from jaya radha madhava to ave maria or amazing grace
that i would love to learn as many as i can from all cultures and countries
that i was blessed to be raised with a mother who taught me oneness
that singing and music are religion to me
though it is more spiritual than religious
be it light or dark
happy or sad
sensual or painful
for we are comprised of all of the above
that only when i sing do i feel that something greater is passing through me
that only when i sing do i truly feel whole
so i choose to sing
and hope that you will love what i create as much as i do
i will let you be the judge and hope that you do not judge at all
but instead, accept
so please listen come to a live show get a cd
and if nothing more perhaps i can simply inspire you to follow your path and live your dream
much love and light
chelsea madrigal
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace