Gerry-Jenn Wilson profile picture

Gerry-Jenn Wilson

I drink pop-culture for breakfast

About Me

GREETINGS & SALIVATION'S TO All Of THEE "Lovely" LADIES, The GentleMEN, & THE GERMS!!!!...Welcome To My FREAKin' Sp.!!!!..I Wil Be Your Hostess With THE R&R MOSTESS,..You May Grab a seat, but I can assure you that yuo'll only need THE EDGE....(Edge!!!....Edge!!!!)....(When you're hanging with "MS. GERRY-JENN!!!")... I've Been living my life in "THE R&R AMUSEMENT PARK!!!"...."TAKING A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE WITH LOU REED!"...."GIVING SOME SKIN TO IGGY-POP!"...DOING "THE WINDSHIELDWIPER,,,& THE "BLITZKREIG BOP!"...With ALL OF THESE FINE ROCKIN' CANADIAN FUELED BAND'S!!! ...(From PAST, PRESENT to FUTURE!!):::: "HYPNOTIC WAIL"=..My 1st garage Rawk band that I formed in My Hometown, Winnipeg, Manitoba,( back In 1986), with my step-sister on bass (KAREN CYR), STEVE SLAVE (On Guitar), & PAUL MOORE (Our Tarzanian Drummer!!), & " Truly Your's!" On The '65 Tele/VoX!!!..Shad3es Of The Pandora's, The Joanster, The Goddess of Rawk...(Ms. JETT), & GIRLSCHOOL!!...Our Highlight gigs were backing up: JOHNNY THUNDER'S, (@ Teasers!), & THE FLAMING LIPS..(At The Fort Garry Hotel!!)...Winnipeg is a great place to grow-up...(But Ultimately "Ya Gotta Leave The Nest If You Want To Fly With The Best!!!.. (A.Quote from NEIL YOUNG, a fellow "KELVIN HIGHSCHOOL GRADUATE!!!")...Friend, & Writer, Chris Walter also sums up "The Pegger Days" best in The Dedication he leaves( in one of my favorite book's that he has written thus far!)...Intitled::"I WAS A PUNK, BEFORE YOU WERE A PUNK!!"...(On G.F.Y. Press):::"TO WINNIPEG::WHERE THE STRONG SURVIVE & THE REST LEAVE TOWN!!!!!." HAVE ROCK & ROLL...WILL TRAVEL!!!...CHAPTER #2:.."TRUE CONFESSION'S OF A TRASHMAVEN!!!"....(Gerry-Jenn Makes VANCOUVER Wake Up & Smell The G-STRING!!!)..After loading up a buddie's truck with my Fender Super Reverb Amp, Axes Galore..(& the rest of my mispent youth brick-a-brac/ Shades Of The Bev. Hillbillies!!)...I arrived in Vancouver in..."1991"... My First Stop Was At "THE (Infamous!) RAILWAY CLUB"...Where I Met Up With Garage Rock Band "The Enigma's" Guitarist Spike Davies, and Bassist "Brian Olinek"...The Enigma's just broke-up, & the next thing you know we formed The Psychedellic Riff-Rock Band "THE CANE TOAD'S"...The Cane Toad's are those crazed amphibians that people have been known to "LICK" for Psychedellic "KICK'S"..(.if you ever get the chance rent the "CANE TOAD DOCUMENTARY", for a laugh!!!)...We made An Impact In "The Couve" Thanx to Our Unforgettable FREAKY DEAKY PSYCHOTIC REACTION (Light Show!!!)....Not To Mention Our "SENSATIONAL ALEX HARVEY BAND/OSMOND BRO." COVER..". of "CRAZY HORSES!!!" (&) The Cane Toad's Original Hit "HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHTS!!!"......(that won us a place In CFOX FM's "Battle Of The Bands"...SEED'S COMPILATION!!)...We were all set to record with our 1st "Demo-Deal" with Sony, US, when Spike Davie's( Our guitarist's girlfriend)... developed a "Brain Tumor!"...The Girlfriend fortunately survived, (but unfortunately the lack of momentum due to sickness, spoiled the bright future of THE CANE TOAD'S!!!)... THE SPINAL TAP LAW PREVAILED!!!...."SHIT HAPPENS!!!"....(WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER!!!!)!... I started working at The UnderGround, & Cabbages & Kinx...(which were "THE COOL & HIP CLOTHING STORE'S", here In VanCouver through-out The 90's!!)... Winnipeg Rock Sister, BIF NAKED & I Rented a Flat Off Commercial Dr....(She was In The Process of Divorcing her Drummer/ Husband, Brett from Gorilla, Gorilla,....& I Was Her Soul Sister #1!!)..We Had Good Times with my pet Land Turtle "Tortuga", who use to horrify the Bifster by "Hibernating In Her Boot Collection!!"...Tortuga also liked to steal our Skateboard's & Ride them around with his front "FLIPPER"S!!!"...Ha! Ha!...(To Be Continued!!)...********************************************* ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *************************************************** Sept.2oo7This month's PUNK OF THE MONTH award goes to multi-talented and beautiful GERRY JENN WILSON from Vancouver B.C. GERRY JENN is the Guitar Player for JP5 and LIL GUITAR ARMY that will be debuting at The Pub 340 soon.. She has also played with THE MUSCLE BITCHES, FULL LEATHER JACKET and BLACK MARKET BABIES before they became THE BLACK HALO'S. Her biggest thrill was playing a 'Groupie From Regina Sask' in Bruce Macdonald's 'HARDCORE LOGO' So GERRY JENN - PUNK GLOBE takes honor in giving you this Month's PUNK OF THE MONTH award !!! ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................ ............................................................ .......................TEENAGE HEAD - Vancouver / May 2oo8
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My Interests

PunkGlobe........JP5 (May'oo7)

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Beer Drinkin' ManEaters

Interview + Skeleton Key

TV Breakfast

Off The Record

I'd like to meet:

Tura Satana, Nancy Sinatra, Poison Ivy & Lux Interior, Jayne (Wayne) County, John Waters, Edith Massey, Robert Williams(The Painter/Jerk of All Trade's!), Mike Ness(Social Distortion), Betty Page, David Grohl, Joan Jett & The BlackHearts, Patty Smith, Suzi Quatro, Stephen King, Debbie Harry, Peter Bagge, Elvis, Snoop Dog, Bubbles (from The Trailer Park Boy's!), Juliette Lewis( & The Licks), Peaches, StinkMitt, Marc Emery, Julia Newmar (CatWoman #1), Yvonne De Carlo, Sheila "E", James Brown, Chris Rock, Mitch Funk, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Dolomite, Cheech & Chong, Jackie Chan, BuckCherry, Chuck Berry, Cheri LoveDog , Spread Eagle, Texas Terri, Alice Cooper, Steven Tyler, Jim Rose & His Entourage!, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Prince, Madonna, Traci Lords, AC/DC, Jesus Christ, She Devils On Wheels!!!!!! etc..etc...


Coffee House Solo

FuzzyHead Pills


Real McKenzies


Geek Love "Catherine Dunn", The Bell Jar "That Depressing Sylvie P", Before The Fame "Stompin' Tom Conner's", Life of Pi "Yann Martel", I Was A Punk Before You were A Punk "Chris Walter", JUXTAPOZ MAG., MODERN DRUNKARD MAG. (Denver,Colarado), Denial Is Not A River In Egypt, "Sandi Bachom", I'm With The Band "Pamela De Barres", On The Road "Jack Kerouac", Revelation X, The "BOB" Apocryphon Translated by "The SubGenius Foundation, Inc." Tales of Ordinary Madness, "Charles Bukowski", The tura Satanic Bible "Anton Levay", She's A Rebel...The History of Women In Rock & Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!etc...etc...& The Hammond Portable Atlas (Of The World!)....for my next tour!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!!

My Blog


One of My Breast Mammaries of '0666 was having the pleasure of seeing "MS. JOAN JETT & HER BLACKHEARTS" Dec.16th @ The River Rock Casino Show-Theatre (Richmond, B.C.) They performed almost the entire...
Posted by Gerry-Jenn Wilson on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:23:00 PST

Once Upon A Time In Winnipeg (And Beyond)...

I've Been Playing In Bands Since "The Crack of Dawn!!" I graduated from "Kelvin High" ,(Neil Young's Old High School that he sings about in the song he recorded with guitarist "Randy Bachman" from "T...
Posted by Gerry-Jenn Wilson on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 06:43:00 PST