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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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I live in Reno but work on a mine site around 300 miles east of Reno. Currently, Im 25 years old. Aside from a day-job, Im also a psychedelic trance DJ, I play most styles of psytrance but my true loves are progressive and 'dark'. Im also into most other styles of music, and if Im at a party I can have fun no matter what style of music is being played. Ive been attempting to produce psytrance for about 4 years now, and only now am I finally getting some good results... I love to travel, and use just about every excuse to take time off work for real soul-nurturing activities. That includes parties, and if you think you may need another dj, Im here, and for the most part willing to get myself to the party on my own expense! ;) I also hang around online quite a bit, there's not a lot to do after work out at the mine (we stay in trailers out here while working). I can be found lurking around on Tribe and regularly. I have a few mixes posted up on Psynews at the moment, in the DJ Promo section, and another 'dark' mix of mine is on the April playlist at Triplag, thanks to Ganika! ;) Im fond of new experiences, especially 'experiences' Ive never come across before. ;) ;)

My Interests

Hiking, driving long distances to camp/party, good movies, wine, beer, camping the right way, digging holes to China, northern California forests, Nevada deserts, Arizona saguaro, Texas... well... I was born there... so that must count for something right? The ocean, though not the one in Florida, lush mountainsides and streams dripping their way through forests....

I'd like to meet:

More psyfiends, psy artists I like, others who like the outdoors, maybe a nice lady who likes psy and the outdoors, Ill settle for just a lady, other pursuers of the inexpressible, others who've touched the face of other realities, those interested in metaphysical exploration, no one closed minded.Id like to meet Jesus.And his wife Mary.


Azax Syndrome, Etnica, Vaishiyas, Dominator, CPU, old Neuromotor, Megalopsy, Derango, Blue Oyster Cult, Manowar, Morbid Angel, old Infected Mushroom, Tetraktys, Skulptor, Killer Buds, Paranoize, Iron Madness, Kindzadza, SofiaX, Candy Power, Discovalley records, Timecode records, Shift, Slug, Twisted System, Phyx, DMMT, Kluster, Dark Nebula, Bon, Para Halu, Suria, Psyfactor, Kemic-Al, Deicide, Metallica (my childhood), many more...


Eraserhead, Totoro, Alien, Dark Star, Unknown World, BAttle of the Worlds, animatrix, Blade Runner, Wild Palms, anything mindblowing, Living Dead series, I, Zombie, Silver Heads (russian movie only caught the end of, but WHOA!!!)


rots your mind! Kill all TV.


Heinlein, PK Dick, W Gibson, B Sterling, G BEar, Tolkien, R Dahl, G Benford, T Bisson, B Aldiss, A Huxley, T Leary, T & D McKenna, HP Lovecraft more...


dancefloor zombies whove been stomping for three straight days, real zombies eating brains, fictional zombies contemplating their transition to zombiehood.

adopt your own virtual pet!

My Blog


Not much Ive posted here in the DeadSpace bloggings...  Figure, use it or lose it, right?Work in the desert, so far from civilisation is like a vacation from the modern world.  This Saturday...
Posted by Joe on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST


All hail the mightiest of fishes,   The holy Carp!!
Posted by Joe on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 04:45:00 PST