Leandra has now joined Jesus On Extasy under the hardcore porn pseudonym Ophelia Dax to have some balance. Check www.myspace.com/jesusonextasy and www.jesusonextasy.com!
By the way she works on the first record - so stay tuned!!
In fact it's difficult to locate Leandras musical position. She's a girl of thousand faces walking in between them.
Leandra's creator can look back to a long musical developement.
She has studied piano and composition in the former USSR and faced the cultural shock of an immigrant with humor and curiosity.
Being a concert pianist she played guitar in a grunge band, composing classical pieces she founded a jazz and a black metal project, not really sympathizing with livestyles or ideologies....but curious of being used by music as a medium.
...The pure Leandra appeared on a warm spring night a space of time ago. All through the crystal forest rain drops played a sudden piercing melody the girl could not resist.
Worlds opened, exploded, flowed and she looked at them with the eyes of a child. Drop by drop...a small secret realm was being creating just for her.
It listened, broke in pieces and tremored to set itself back together in form of an unfathomed jibing emotional landscape between symbiotic all, nothing, time rotation, chaos and metamorphosis.
Quitting her grunge band Venusbabydoll in 2003 Leandra went on three tours across Germany with her friend and opposite Rya supporting Mila Mar and Letzte Instanz.
Her first six-track-EP has been technically produced at the 25hours Music Studio by Mike Thüner who has been Leandras first mentor in home recordings and teached her to stand on her own feet.
Currently Leandra produces her works all by herself with a helping hand of Oli (Letzte Instanz, Frogstar Battle Machine) - thanks a million, it's a pleasure!