SASHA & HERMANN profile picture



About Me

I was raised by wolves in various german forests. My tutonic tribe were nomads. We would move from Volkswagen bus to Volkswagen bus. I was mostly educated in airports,picking up oil painting and air hockey skills along the way. Life can be difficult with limited social skills but I manage.I recently toured East Texas and got in touch with my fellow Germans who have migrated there. I was very lucky because I met a wonderful East Texas woman who I married. She would not return to DER FATHERLAND with me, so we moved far away to a place where there are mountains and deserts and cacti that can fall over and kill you.There are also black widow spiders and crazy drivers. These people, the desert people, have no sense of discipline or obligation to the community. They blow through red lights like speed demons. They do not know the meaning of the word "order." I, however, am orderly.I enjoy television, politics, current affairs, reading, music (especially jazz and blues and old hippie rock and roll). My favorite car is the BMW. You do not need to ask why.I attended college, of course, as it was expected of me by my German family. My degree was in Sociology but I found that dealing with crackheads was not my forte. Remember, I like discipline and order.Ok, so most of that whole German thing was semi-b.s. My father was German and he did teach me to be orderly and disciplined. The truth is this: I rebelled at an early age from all the order and discipline and was an antiwar activist during the Viet Nam War, a hippie in college, (my college years lasted forever), then I was a Social Worker for a long time before I took over my father's investments and properties when he became sick.I was a bachelor till 47 when I married Sasha. Yes, I was stuck in my ways and she was in hers. It took some compromise from both of us to keep from just whacking each other over the head with frozen turkey legs and saying, "Screw this". Never happened though. I learned that she was never going to be any time of vegan and she learned to not throw money around like crazy. I also learned not to ever let that woman near my BMW. She burned up 3 clutches in 3 months.People really don't know how to take me. I am not purposefully deceptive, but I just don't fit into any neat pigeonholes (and neither does Sasha and that's one reason we get along). I'm sure there are a myriad of rumors about us/me/her because we don't work conventional jobs and we live well, but not beyond our means (we aren't into collecting the most expensive toys). We are somewhat bohemian and somewhat traditionalist. We are political liberals .We believe in family, friends, and loyalty. But, we refuse to play the game that so many play of dressing in the most expensive clothes or driving the newest and most expensive car. People don't know if we are rich or poor, liberal or conservative, crazy or sane (I'm not too sure about that one myself)With Sasha, I share a morbid sense of humor (but she's far more outrageous than I am) and a silly sense of humor. We love the absurdities of life and we can both talk a blue streak. She's constantly interupting me and vice versa. I've picked up her East Texas accent and she's picked up my California accent. I like to drive her crazy talking like Billy Bob Thornton in "Sling Blade". Drives her absolutely bonkers. She, in turns, seeks revenge by singing Billy Joe Shaver songs in her god awful singing voice till all hours of the night.We both love jazz and the blues but Sasha doesn't just love the blues, she grew up with the blues in East Texas where she'd sneak into honky tonks in the "wet" towns and listen to the REAL blues legends (already old men by then), singing in their most comfortable environment. Meanwhile, I loved jazz just as much. Both of us have a love for classical music but not much real knowledge. My Dad was the classical music expert in our family. And, we both share a common weakness for Mexican music, flamenco guitar and Latin chants.It's hard to embarass my wife, but I can. I love to play dumb when we are in stores etc and she has to stand next to me tolerating my sense of whacko humor. Oh, she has whacko humor too, but it's a different kind. I'm a whacko. She's a whacko. We are both misfits. We are both slightly neurotic and we are both entertaining. We both detest posers and players and have a keen eye for the real deal.My wife, Sasha, has led an interesting life (some call it an extravagant life). She's known artists and poets and designers and songwriters and singers and all manner of odd sorts of people. She's something of a recluse but will gladly venture out of the house for coffee, to buy books or magazines, and of course, to thrift. Sasha is a liberal child of the old south. A woman of French descent with a touch of African American as well. She worships soul and blues but also loves high fashion and celebrity gossip. While always championing the downtrodden, she loves all of society's misfits. She'd much rather talk to a homeless poet than a CEO. She's capable of walking with the powerful and with those who have no power. She's a firm believer that she can learn more from a poor man/woman than the richest man of fortune. While she does like money, she does not chase money and abhors those who do. She's immune to trends because she lives in a world that's either ahead of it's time or so behind the times that she's, unknowingly on the forfront. She has an uncanny ability to predict things and to see what others can't see. She's a strange and unusual woman. She is also peevish at times and tempermental when moved by injustice.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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My Interests

German Sex, organic gardening, Triumph motorcycles, collecting rare baseball gloves, collecting BMW's, Mercedes, and Volkswagons (the "peoples' car), art (especially the German Expressionists), music (jazz, blues, soul, techno, Motown, rock, and of course, Lawrence Welk (RIP) and Myron Floren (RIP) Boy, could that Myron play the accordian!!! It was a real show! I like to travel to faraway places and lands. My favorite cities are Berlin, Munich (where my family comes from), Stuttgart, Cologne, Statfort, and all of Bavaria. Besides the great German cities, I love Paris, Florence, London, Rome, Madrid, Rio de Janerio, New York City, LA, San Francisco, Austin, and last, but not least, York, Nebraska. SASHA is a thrifter extradinaire. She began thrifting for vintage clothes in her teen years and has never stopped. She has an impressive collection and is always on the look out for something new to add. She also was received a BFA in Studio Art and an MA in Art History and History. For 5 years she apprenticed with a talented artist who taught her more about creativity than most people learn in a lifetime of classroom learning. And, through him, she met some of the most creative, eccentric and interesting people of our time. For many years she taught at the college level (after being the apprentice) and, when we met and she moved from East Texas to Phoenix, she gave up teaching. Now she fills her days with haunting thrift shops, reading, talking (the woman is a real yammerer and I love it) and just being. She's a news junkie and nothing makes her heart go pitter pat like "breaking news" (well, maybe if she found a Charles James dress..then she would have what she calls a "thriftgasm"). Sasha can't even begin to list all her collections...she's not a packrat but a person who can find the treasure in the junk pile. THE REAL DEAL WHEN IT COMES TO THE BLUES
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and expressive, you were meant for Paris. The art, the fashion, the wine! Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park... You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. What City Do You Belong In?
You Are A Total Shopaholic!
You have a keen eye for spotting trends before they are hot And sometimes your credit rating takes a beating as a result Consider a job in retail to subsidize your gorgeous outfits Over time, you could become a famous stylist or designer! Do You Shop More Than Most Women?

I'd like to meet:

The dog whisperer, Gandi, and Grendal from Beuwolf, the beautiful East Texas fraus and frauleins, my favorite crazy people: Abbie Hoffman, Gore Vidal, Mary Magdalene (she wasn't crazy), Willie Nelson (he is very crazy), Bill Clinton, Pope John Paul II (he wasn't crazy either (he will be a Saint I am sure, Salvador Dali, Don Juan of the Yaqui tribe, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis because she was really a babe, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa (she wasn't crazy either),St.Francix Xavier, Che, those who teach liberation theology and all the revolutionaries and fighters for justice on earth. Those who fight against racism, ageism, bigotry, and religious intolerance are my friends. Ach, the German is softening and becoming more Americanized after my visit to the lovely East Texas (it is called "living behind the pine curtain"...haha...we Germans have such wit).I guess one of the main influences on my way of thinking and looking at the world has to do with the fact that I was educated by the Jesuits. It was the 60's and they taught us to look critically at issues and how to think for ourselves and to have respect for others...and by respect they meant care and love for even the least loved of people in our society. I don't live up to their high ideals, but much has found it's way into my way of living, thinking, and being. So, I will always be thankful to those Jesuits who taught me to open my mind to the world outside my little neighborhood.Sasha was most influenced by growing up, during the civil rights movement in a small town in deep east Texas. Her dad was a crusader for civil rights and a very liberal man politically. He not only urged her to help change the world they lived in, but made her understand, at an early age, why it must be changed. She is a shy woman but she will put herself and her little body on the line for what she thinks is right and she's always fought racial and religious intolerance, bigotry of any kind, sexism, and now, ageism. She grew up knowing that the KKK weren't just distant threats but someone who could hurt her family. So, her feelings for the fight against injustice are deep, visceral , and emotional.She was also influenced by her long apprenticeship with a great artist who helped her to learn even more ways of creative thinking and gave her an attitude where fame did not phase her. She saw, firsthand, the dark sides of fame, and never envied nor revered people just because they had fame. Instead, she looked for people with creativity, heart, and soul. If Sasha likes you, she'll defend you to the death..she's a very loyal woman. And, if she doesn't like you, she just doesn't notice you. She's also extremely sensitive and very intuitive and tries to protect herself from being hurt because of her lack of cynicism and readiness to accept people for who they are.WHO I WOULD LIKE TO MEET: Those who fight injustice, defend the underdog, misfits, creative people, people who don't judge me solely by my age, people who question, people who care. WHO I DON'T WANT TO MEET: People who sell sex (We are doing just fine in our household thank you), bigots, racists, ageists, mean spiritied people and people who don't appreciate the absurd and the darker side of life are people we welcome.
You Are 100% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good! Are You Psychic?
Who Should Paint You: Andy Warhol
You've got an interested edge that would be reflected in any portrait
You don't need any fancy paint techniques to stand out from the crowd! What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.

Your near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than you realize.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. Inside the Room of Your Soul


Mozart, techno, and anything with the word autobaun in itIn fact, the two of us enjoy a wide range of music. I love jazz, hippy dippy favorites and techno. Sasha was exposed very early to the real blues and LOVES the blues above every other kind of music. She was also in Austin right before the whole "cosmic cowboy" schtick hit and she fell in love with the music of Willie, Billy Joe Shaver, Townes Van Zandt and many others. We both share a love of Latin chants, conjunto, zydeco, and flamenco guitar. We're also into the whole smooth Bossa Nova sound. We enjoy classical music but aren't experts, by any means in it and Sasha loves opera even though she doesn't understand it either.WHO I WANT TO MEET: Anyone who questions, who fights injustice, misfits, crazies (in a good way), creative people, complicated people, old hippies, liberals, outlaws, people who appreciate dark humor and absurdity. WHO I DON'T WANT TO MEET: People trying to sell sex or a product (other than something creative), haters, bigots, and defenders of Dubya. BTW, although Sasha is from Texas, don't make the mistake of comparing her to a Dubya clone. She will immediately begin pulling out her hair and screaming.


Das Boot, Das Bout, Das Boat The Blue Angel All German Films Italian Films French films Cartoons Laurence of Arabia Babel 2 Grams Missing amores perros anything by the Cohn Brothers and the Mayles Brothers anything quirky (ach, you know we Germans have our quirks..tee hee) Last night we stayed up till nearly 5 am watching some old Judy Canova movie. It was so stereotypical and so bad that we were rolling around the bed laughing till our stomachs hurt.I don't even know the name of the movie. We love any indie film and any documentary. We aren't too into the mainstream movie scene and are sometimes completely lost at the Academy Awards. We like film noir, bad bad B movies, and silly comedies when life just gets too serious.
You Should Be a Cherry Redhead
Sexy, dramatic, but still sweetly feminine. Perfect for getting out of the hair color doldrums! What Kind of Redhead Should You Be?
You are Slingback Sandals
Classy and sophisticated You dress to the nines wherever you go Even if it's in your couture sweats! What Kind of Sandal Are You?
You Are 70% Independent
You've cultivated your own indepedent interests and personal style.
But you're open minded enough to also embrace anything trendy that strikes you. Are You an Independent Woman?Newest QuizzesList of All BlogthingsSubscribe to Blogthings Enter your search terms Blogthings Web Submit search formGet your own sexy Brazilian nameWhat's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?What would your name be if you were German?What's Your German Name?Are you a natural people person? Find out how well you connect with others.How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?Are you a quirky loner? Or are you totally normal?How Quirky Are You?Get your own outrageous name. Don't say we didn't warn you!Outrageous Name GeneratorDeep down, what is your soul like?What Kind of Soul Are You?What's been keeping you single? Take this quiz to find out why you don't have a guy... and what it will take to get one.Why Don't You Have a Boyfriend?Is your guy into you for the wrong reasons? Find out if his love is more than skin deep.Does He Only Love You For Your Body?Are you a friendly extrovert who knows everyone? Or are you an introverted type that keeps to yourself?Are You An Extroverted or Introverted Girl?Is it time to kick your guy to the curb? Learn if your boyfriend should really be your ex-boyfriend.Should You Break Up With Him? Are You a Daring Woman? You Are a Fierce Femme You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right. But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check. In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it... You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act!Share this Blogthing easily by copying the code below:
You Are a Fierce Femme
You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right. But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check. In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it... You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act! Are You a Daring Woman?Or share this Blogthing with a direct link: Blogthings .. See my page at the Age Project
The Part of You That No One Sees
You are lively, dramatic, and flamboyant. You have an outrageous personality... And you secretly resent anyone who makes you tone it down


Flip this House, Bob the Builder Jim Cramer (my financial guru) Sell This House The Sopranos Cheaters with Joey Greco (particularly before his unfortunate stabbing) The O'Reilly Factor so I can throw German spears at the tv The Knife Show because it makes us laugh and it's companion show The Art Show which sells schlock and debases art in general.


Summa Theologica, Catch 22 All of Larry McMurtry's books All of Dominick Dunne's books All of Carlos Casteneda's books All of Tom Wolfe's books All of my wife's books and blogs I have read the phone book when in a pinch. Let's just say I'll read anything. Our library ranges from history books, biographies, trashy 50's novels, Hunter Thompson books, politics, art, fashion and vintage fashion, music, Texas history and any trivia book we can find.
You Are 73% Real
You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself. Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great... But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults. As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real. How Real Are You?


My beautiful wife, the patient, the meek (who is neither patient nor weak) The misfits, the crazies, the unappreciated, the unrecognized, those who suffer, those who fight for justice and freedom, those who believe in miracles and those who can give me good stock tips. Oh ach, I forgot the saintly priest that I met who seemed to levitate. He was the real deal. Sasha has great admiration for Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, Robert Kennedy, Jackie O (her true style icon), Caser Chavez, Che, assorted revolutionaries and crazies and those who manage to get up each day and somehow maintain functional sanity. She loved Pope John Paul II and Mother Theresa. She also has many heroes throughout history (having been a history professor), but her heart always belongs to the underdog, the weird, the eccentric and those who some may see as insane...who are, in fact, true visionaries. Sasha sees the fine line between what is considered sane and insane and, in fact, I don't think she has much interest in anyone who is completely "normal". The fashionista side of Sasha loves Diana Vreeland, Jackie O, Galanos, all Japanese designers, Elsie de Wolfe, the Dutchess of Windsor, the glamorous and the gaudy as well as the perfectly chic such as Babe Paley and C.V. Guest.

My Blog

Did You Think I Had Fled the Country?

Sasha, the yammering blogger has been missing in action for months.Did you think I"d died? Had some weird accident? Run off to Mexico ? Gone into the convent? Decided to live the straight 9-5 world ? ...
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:03:00 PST

Beware of Those Who Know it All

Among my many adventures in life, has been a terrible propensity for falling under the spell of those who seem to be brilliant, talented, genius'. Some have been and some have been and have been the ...
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 01:16:00 PST

Lucinda Williams.....I LOVE Your music

Admittedly, I'm someone who loves to hear men play music, BUT, Lucinda Williams, that gutsy, tender, fragile, tough lady, breaks every rule and her songs have won my heart....
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:12:00 PST

Lucinda Williams.....I LOVE Your music

Admittedly, I'm someone who loves to hear men play music, BUT, Lucinda Williams, that gutsy, tender, fragile, tough lady, breaks every rule and her songs have won my heart....
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:21:00 PST

Lucinda Williams.....I LOVE Your music

Admittedly, I'm someone who loves to hear men play music, BUT, Lucinda Williams, that gutsy, tender, fragile, tough lady, breaks every rule and her songs have won my heart....
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:21:00 PST

Im Not Complaining But I Do Miss:

Apropos of my birthday, I will admit that I do miss some things:1. Being able to sit in lotus position and stand on my head and then turn a somersault.2. The idea that I will be a "young talent". N...
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:35:00 PST

Lyle Lovett Tribute to Townes Van Zandt

Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

Honky Tonk Heroes

Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST

Townes Van Zandt

Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:04:00 PST

"Angel Flying Too Close To the Ground"

Willie Nelson - My Angel Flying 2 Close 2 the Ground Add to My Profile | More VideosMost definately one of my favorite songs....
Posted by SASHA & HERMANN on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 03:55:00 PST