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Leonard Peltier's account of that day~Author Harvey Arden reads "The Escape" from Leonard Peltier's
Trudell the Movie!!
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Vivid Imagination2012 - Where History Ends (2006)Presented by Michael TsarionLength 2 hr 35 min 17 sechttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3450606256399546215&
amp;hl=enAlso check out this interview:http://oneheartbooks.com/resources/audios/tsarion_
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This is my friends band, from Sacramento, Cali. Don't let the name trick you, they are one of the best upcoming heavy metal bands in California. They are a cool bunch of dudes, with a lot of talent....I hope you will give them some support. Repost this, and, if you're from north cali, check them out in concert. Click on the link below to visit their website.
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Anything by Vine Deloria, Jr., Peter Matthiessen, Ohiyesa(Charles Eastman), Thomas E. Mails, Alvin Josephy, Winona LaDuke, Greg Sarris, Frank Waters,
"A Conversation With God" series, by Neale Donald Walsch, too many others to list.
My son, and all the children, who are the future. My mom, all the women in the world, who are the keepers of the future generations. All the troops who sacrifice their freedom and their lives so that all the people can be free and safe. Defenders of the people like the Ghost Dancers, those who wear Ribbon Shirts, Chief John Ross , Nancy Ward
and Sequoyah of the Cherokee, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce, Wovoka of the Paiute, Chief Seattle, Black Kettle of the Cheyenne, Geronimo and Cochise of the Apache; many great Lakota men like Chief Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, Black Elk, Pete Catches, Frank Fools Crow, and Leonard Crow Dog, among so many others; Audrey Shenandoah and Oren Lyons of the Onondaga, Thomas Banyacya, Dan Evehema and Lori Piestewa of the Hopi, Mabel McKay of the Pomo, Janet McCloud of the Tulalip, Roberta Blackgoat of the Navajo, Tecumseh, Wovoka and Sarah Winnemucca of the Paiute, Vine Deloria, Jr., John Trudell, Leonard Peltier, Carter Camp of the Ponca, Richard Oakes of the Mohawk, Eddie Benton-Banai of the Ojibway, Anna May Pictou Aquash of the Miqmaq, Sandra Newman of the Vuntut Gwich'in First Nation, Dennis "Bumpy" Kanahele of the Hawaii Nation, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, John Lennon, Abbie Hoffman, Cesar Chavez, Bob Marley, and all those who fight for Mother Earth and preserve the old ways, to name but a few of the countless heroes.
December 14, 1979–March 23, 2003
"Let us put our minds together and see
what life we can make for our children."
-- Sitting Bull
Vine Deloria, Jr.
March 26, 1933 – November 13, 2005
"In recent years we have come to understand what progress is. It is the total replacement of nature by an artificial technology. Progress is the absolute destruction of the real world in favor of a technology that creates a comfortable way of life for a few fortunately situated people. Within our lifetime, the differences between the Indian use of the land and the white use of the land will become crystal clear. The Indian lived with his land. The white destroyed his land. He destroyed the planet earth."
---Vine Deloria, Jr.