Once upon a time, a very wise Story-teller, shared with me a golden nugget of a story...In the early times of Creation, Creator, carried a basket, containing human spirits. He was letting the spirits out, all around Mother Earth, as He saw fit. However, at times some would eagerly jump out of the basket. It was said, at that time, Creator, allowed, these spirits, to become a part of a non-native person. Creator knows the heart, mind, and soule of all His People, so He Blessed their actions. The Great Mystery of Life, is that Creator, does things, as He wills. It is my honour, and committment, to Him, to follow His Teachings, His Path, and His Heart. Then, I am a kindred spirit. Creator has shown me, the direction to walk. He has led me, to my family, both native, and non-native people. I will Dance, Honour, Respect, Praise, and Pray to Creator, in the Circle of Life. I, too, will honour my Ancestors, my Family, and my Friends.Being Indian is mainly in your heart,
not by the blood quantum number.
It's a way of walking with Mother Earth
instead of upon Her.
A lot of the history books talk about
Indians in the past tense,
but we don't plan on going anywhere...
We have lost so much, but the thing
that holds us together is that we all
belong to, and are protectors of Mother Earth;
that's the reason for being here.
Mother Earth is not a resource,
she is an heirloom." (A marvelous and wonderfully complex Creation, at that, too.)
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