Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! profile picture

Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM!

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a believer in the Messiah of Yahweh, Yeshua (known as Jesus to many).
I believe that the twelve tribes of True Israel are made up of WHITE Nordic-Germanic nations as found in the Danes, the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Faeroe Islanders, the Icelanders, the Germans, the Swiss, the Dutchmen, the English, the Scots, the Northern Irish, the Welshmen, the Americans, the Canadians, the South Africans, the Australians, and those of New Zealand, a large part of the Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, the Frenchmen, and the Belgians, as well as their kindred throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Easier to say the Anglo-Saxons, Celtic, Scandinavians, Germanic peoples. Which can be identified throughout history as well as scriptures.
I do not believe in a UNIVERSAL salvation nor do I agree with race-mixing. The scriptures speak against mixing outside of the family of Jacob/Israel and allowing our offspring to be corrupt.
I am not a supporter of the nation of Israel nor do I believe Jews are chosen by God to be "His Chosen"! We "Israel" have not claimed our land yet and will not until Messiah Yeshua returns to make all things new and right by removing the wickedness as in the days of Noah and restoring the land to His true children!
Until His return, we are instructed to stay where He has dispersed us and share the good news with other Israelites that are lost to their true identity.

I believe that those saying they are chosen today are the synagogues of the adversary. I do not agree with any other doctrines except the truth of Yahweh.
I am aware that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and I leave it to Yahweh to do His will with and in all things that HE is ultimately in control of.
"NOTHING" happens by chance or of our will.
"EVERYTHING" happens according to Yahweh Creator!
I do not attend organized religious gatherings known as churches. I used to but was called out and have grown closer to Yahweh since.
We are not to call anyone but HIM rabbi, master, teacher, or reverend.
I don't share the views with everyone on my buddy list as well so please do not judge me by others.
Let's leave judgment up to the Judge, Yahweh.
I believe Salvation is a "GIFT of YHWH" and it was His will to give it to those HE CHOOSES.
I do not believe works alone can earn you brownie points.
We have to realize that it is His will in us and not that of our own.
We are to worship in SPIRIT & TRUTH!

My Interests

Learning new truths of His will in MY life. Watching the truth work in others. There is nothing sweeter than seeing the lights come on to a child that is part of the remnant.
Yard work

I'd like to meet:

Yahweh/Yeshua....they are ONE!

Other kindred that know who they are in Yahweh and who He is and what it means to be blessed to belong to His fold.
Mary, did you know that the child that you delivered, would soon DELIVER YOU?


I wish I could listen to music as I used to but so many songs are misquoting truth so I prefer secular music if the lyrics are not correct for worship. I respect my Heavenly Father and do not want to offer strange fires to Him.

I like to listen to downloaded mp3 sermons lessons from Mission to Israel. They are free and closest thing to truth I have found so far.


One Night With The King
Lord of The Rings
The Notebook


Law & Order
Food Network
Discovery Channels
Love the "Iron Chef" show


Strong's Concordance
God's Covenant People
Eve, Did She or Didn't She
Writings of Ted R Weiland.


Unadulterated Truth of Yahweh Blog

Mission to Israel (Truth of Yahweh and His laws plus the true identity of Israel can be found here

My Blog


Separateness for Israel So far, so good. But how should true Nordic-Germanic Israelites of the 21st century use the message of the Israel Vision? Could it really be, that if God has used millenniums t...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:19:00 PST


by Mikkel S. KraghIntroduction Beloved Christian brothers and sisters, Grace and peace in the Lord! Anyone, with the slightest knowledge of the Word of God, the Bible, knows that the nation of Israel ...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:18:00 PST

The last sermon of Martin Luther

For those who do not know the difference between Martin Luther and King Jr, this is the sermon of the white preacher known as Martin Luther.The last sermon of Martin Luther Posted by John Kaminski...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 01:23:00 PST

Jews and Zionist... Is there a difference?

I found this on a great website that is packed full of truths concerning who our enemy is....I will include his address at the end of this blog . Here is what I find interesting. The person I am about...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 12:15:00 PST

Did Esau receive the birthright & BLESSING instead of Jacob?

This may seem like a very strange question to ask, but according to the clergy today this is, in essence, what they are claiming. You will probably, in all likelihood, declare you have never heard any...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 07:32:00 PST

God’s Laws..Are They For Today?

Many modern Christians would view an article entitled "Yah's Laws" as irrelevant, since they believe that the laws of God as found in the Old Testament no longer pertain to us under the New Covenant. ...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:49:00 PST

Israel’s TRUE Identity..IT MATTERS

..> Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew" and to call a contemporary Jew an "Israelite" or a "Hebrew."1 -The Jewish Almanac Here's a paradox, a parado...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:44:00 PST

ANYONE can run for office in America now

Click here to see why anyone of any race and religion can run for office in America
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:16:00 PST

DUH!!!! Baaaaaa!!! I see dumb sheep!

DUH!!!! Baaaaaa!!! I see dumb sheep!
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:01:00 PST


Click HereTo visit my new blogspot. Using Myspace blogs can only reach those on youe friends list and chances are they either already know or are like most that hear truth and get over it like they ne...
Posted by Truth isn't hatred....It's FREEDOM! on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 03:18:00 PST