Mike Oliveri profile picture

Mike Oliveri

That which is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.

About Me

I write.
There's probably more to me than that, but that's the bit folks always want to hear about. I've been published in the horror small press on and off since 1999, with short stories and novellas appearing in several anthologies.
My first novel, Deadliest of the Species, won the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Nove for works published in 2001, and I've discovered the statue makes a lovely paperweight.This year I branched into comics. My first comic, Werewolves: Call of the Wild , was published by Moonstone Books earler this year, and you can still find all three issues on the shelves.

Issue #1
I've got two more comics in the works, one called Wounded Gods with artist Patrick Hoover and the other a yet untitled work in collaboration with Bryan Baugh . Neither have been placed with a publisher yet, but I plan on rectifying that soon.
If prose is more your thing, check out Muy Mal , where Weston Ochse , John Urbancik and myself are writing free serialized fiction set in a shared dark fantasy world. My contributions, "Bastard Precinct" and "Down Vendetta Road", are crime thrillers with a supernatural edge.
I've recently started studying martial arts, specifically Shuri-ryu karate-do with the Academy of Okinawan Karate . My son and I are currently yellow belts.
And if you just want to get into my head, surf on over to my web site and sniff around!

My Interests

Writing & comics, mostly. I'm also a Linux geek, an Open Source fan, and I write with OpenOffice.org . I'm a yellow belt in Shuri-ryu karate-do and I've also begun practicing kendo and some sai katas.

I'd like to meet:

They're all dead.


These days I'm hooked ..kick Murphys. I like some punk, but I'm mostly a rock/metal fan, particularly old Metallica and Pantera. When I write I look for things without or with very few lyrics. The Conan the Barbarian soundtrack is a favorite, as is Symphonic Pink Floyd.


I'm a big Tarantino fan. I also dug the hell out of A History of Violence.


The Shield is on top of my must-see list. I watch 24 for the pure humor potential, and Prison Break still has my interest. Lost is tanking hard, and it's looking like I'll be sitting through another mid-season slump of Battlestar Galactica. It's good to have The Closer back, though, and I've gotten hooked on Heroes.


My reading habits have slipped mightilty of late, and my to-be-read pile has overflowed my nightstand and covers a chunk of floor next to the bed. I've been buried in comics and magazines the last few months. Right now I'm halfway through Carl Hiaasen's Strip Tease and next up is Tom Piccirilli's The Dead Letters.


Heroes are overrated, and they typically let you down when you meet them.

My Blog

The Swedish Chef Rocks Out

Who would have thought the Swedish Chef retired from the muppet show and went into metal? Wait for the lyrics. You'll hear it.I first heard this on Sirius. I kind of dig the song, to be hones...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 07:54:00 PST

Back in Business

Horton Hears CthulhuOriginally uploaded by MikeOliveri.I'm back from the con and settling back in to some semblance of normal reality. The Twitter digests have been turned off again and I'll resume si...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:08:00 PST

Shifting to Con Mode

I'm leaving for Archon near St Louis shortly, so the blog will be shifting into con mode in 3... 2... 1... now.In other words, this space will be filled with Tweets from the con floor and from whichev...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:01:00 PST

Public Service Announcement

That's Not a BeanOriginally uploaded by MikeOliveri.A friend told me this Chinese restaurant in Peoria had killer kung pao chicken, and that it was so spicy she could hardly handle it. That sounded li...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 09:59:00 PST

Writing: Moving Right Along

It's been a slow summer for my writing, but there are a few odds and ends worth reporting.First, for those of you not already aware, Brimstone Turnpike is finally available. For the first time, my nam...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 05:30:00 PST

New Belt, New Kata, New Challenge

Last night I earned my purple belt in Shuri-ryu.I've been looking forward to this for a long time. A lot of new material comes with the purple belt, and several of our higher ranks have told me purple...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 09:41:00 PST

Archon Schedule

The folks at Archon have published their pocket schedule for this weekend's activities. Here's what's in store for me:FRIDAYMake Prose Work for your BookDev Hanke, Michael Oliveri, Joey FroehlichGC Sa...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 05:11:00 PST

What The Octagon Taught Me About Ninjas

When I was a kid, I thought The Octagon was one of the coolest ninja movies ever. Thanks to AMC, watching it again after a good two decades has re-educated me about ninjas. Here are some of the highli...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:44:00 PST

The Karate to Come

I just dumped several pictures on my Flickr account from two recent events at the Academy of Okinawan Karate, the school where I study Shuri-ryu. Some came from last month's graduation, and the remain...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:19:00 PST

Your Electric Car is Almost Here

I just finished reading a Wired article featuring Shai Agassi and his company, Better Place. It's very much worth a read if you're at all interested in electric cars, alternative energy, and weaning t...
Posted by Mike Oliveri on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:42:00 PST