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About Me

I draw monsters. I love all horror movies. I draw all the time and write stories too. By day I work for Walt Disney Television Animation. By night I draw monsters, blood, and guts.

My Interests

Drawing monsters!

I'd like to meet:

Other creative weirdos like me.


Skinny Puppy, The Cure, Collide, The Birthday Massacre, Misfits, Doubting Thomas, Download, Ohgr, Abcess, Switchblade Symphony, Curve, LunarClick, Rob Zombie, Evil's Toy, Rose Chronicles, Kristy Thirsk, Project Pitchfork, London After Midnight, Heavy Water Factory, Tweaker, Wumpscut, and a whole lotta other stuff.


(not necessarily in this order:) Return of the Living Dead, Creepshow, The Howling, Fright Night, The Star Wars saga, Evil Dead, The Thing, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Creature From the Black Lagoon, Zombie, An American Werewolf in London, Madman, Frankenstein's Bloody Terror, Jacob's Ladder, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Craving, I Was a Teenage Werewolf, The Crimson Ghost, Twins of Evil, Beast of Blood, Zombie Holocaust, Miller's Crossing, The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon, and many more.


My favorite TV series of all time is probably Leave It To Beaver. People think I'm joking when I say that but I mean it. I guess it reminds me of my own childhood a lot. After that: Ghost Hunters. The Outer Limits (original series). The Twilight Zone (original series). Alfred Hitchcock Presents (original series). The Munsters. Batman Animated Series. Spider Man (original 1967 animated series only). The Simpsons. The Brady Bunch. The History Channel. A&E Biography. Not much else after that. I find that I hate most TV. Oh well.


The E.C. Horror Comics Library, IT by Stephen King, The Dunwich Horror and Other Tales by H.P. Lovecraft, Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett, The Crimes That Haunt Us by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker, Black Dahlia by James Ellroy, and many others.


(not necessarily in this order:) Bernie Wrightson, Jack Davis, Graham Ingles, Basil Wolverton, Richard Sala, Lee Browne Coye, Nivek Ogre, Cevin Key, Dwayne R. Goettel, Stephen King, George Lucas, Paul Naschy, Rob Bottin, H.P. Lovecraft, James Ellroy, The Wolf Man, Frankenstein's Monster, Firestorm the Nuclear Man, The Creature Commandos, and God.

My Blog

Radio Interview

I was recently interviewed, regarding my comic book "Wulf and Batsy", on a local Los Angeles radio show called "Livin' In L.A." with host Alex Roman. The show is currently available for download, as a...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:38:00 PST

New "Wulf and Batsy" Interview!

There's a new interview with me on the website Comic Bloc, talking about my comic book, "Wulf and Batsy" which comes out in 2008 from Viper Comics. You can read the interview here:http://www.comicbloc...
Posted by Bryan on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 03:05:00 PST

"Wulf and Batsy" preview site is online!

Here's an announcement I have been looking forward to making for a long, long time. Starting in 2008, Viper Comics will begin publishing my comic book series "Wulf and Batsy", which I created back in ...
Posted by Bryan on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 11:16:00 PST

My First Big Graphic Novel Reviewed

Hi, guys. Well, the graphic novel I illustrated for writer Jason Burns and Viper Comics hit stores last week. We got a really good review from Ken Lowry at Pop Syndicate. Here's what he had to say:"Th...
Posted by Bryan on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:52:00 PST

Horror Comes to Disney

So here's my latest news... I started working at Disney Animation this week. Only been a few days of course, but I can already tell it's a great place. So much nicer, and more organized than any anima...
Posted by Bryan on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 01:11:00 PST

"Expendable One" Interview

Hey folks. This comic book news website just posted an interview with myself and writer Jason Burns, yakking about the graphic novel we collaborated on, "The Expendable One" for Viper Comics. If y...
Posted by Bryan on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 03:25:00 PST