WARMACHINE, Necromunda, Shadowrun, Heroscape, Mechwarrior, Battletech, Heroclix, AT-43, Star Wars Minatures, Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, G.I. Joe, He-man, Hellboy, Comics, Toys.
Mike Mignola, C.S. Lewis, Jesus, Ann Coulter (Yes i know i already meet her, but if i could sit down and talk to her that would be cool.)
Demon Hunter, Thrice, MXPX, Stavesacre, Reliant K, Coldplay, Haste the Day, Atreyu, Aaron Sprinkle, Starflyer 59, Emery, Glisten, DC Talk, Poor Old Lu, Mortal, Counting Crows, Cyndi Lauper.
John Carpenter's The Thing, Star Wars (all 6), All 3 Matrix movies (and i even loved the second one), Something Wicked this way comes, Spiderman 1-2, The Count of Monte Cristo (even if it is radicaly different from the book), Gattaca, The Unforgivin, Any Clint Eastwood Westerns, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The Passion, Unbreakable, Ghostbusters 1-2, Gremlins 1-2, All the ORIGINAL Planet of the Apes (the new one is #1 on my most hated movies ever list) NACHO LIBRE
Battlestar Gallactica- the best crappy liberal show on television, Firefly-the best show not on television, The Sheild the best show ever, Lost (sorta), He-man, Smallville, Las Vegas, The Office
Out of the Silent Planet, Peralandra, the Hideous Strength....best books ever. The Dead by Mark Rogers Zorachus by Mark Rogers The Nightmare of God by Mark Rogers Anything by by Mark RogersAll the Narnia books.The Song of Fire and Ice series by George RR Martin, Doc Savage books, All the John Carter of Mars books, Solomon Kane, The Count of Monte Christo, 1984, Anthem, Farenheight 451, Harry Potter books,
C.S. Lewis, Jesus, George W. Bush. Zorachus, Tunnel Rat