Paul profile picture



About Me

Alcoholic. Extreme Underground Metalist. Chronic Nympho. Life-time Pothead. Asshole. Routine Traveler. Worker. Procrastinator. Manipulator. Promoter. Opinionated Prick. Cleveland Low-Life. Rager. Collector. Business-man. Corruptor. Fest Attender. Pabst Tallboy Destroyer. Caffeine Junky. Inmate. Good Friend. Scene-Supporter. Whiskey Drinker. Pussy Eater. Fighter. College-Educated Dumbfuck. Tattooed Scumbag. Irrational Thinker. Philosopher. Cynical Sicko. Drunk Driver. Comedian. Bar Fly. Scenester Avoider. Money Waster. Debt Accumulator. Roommate. Muslim-Hater. Fag Basher. Room-Clearing Ass Ripper. Old School Thrasher. Fist Raiser. Hell Raiser. Brutal Degenerate. Homewrecker. General Sick Fuck.

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Collecting metal CDs, 7"es, Shirts, Demos, Posters, etc, etc. Drinking Heavily, Partying with Friends, Smokin' Kind Buds, Sex, Whiskey, Promoting The Cleveland Scene + Underground Worldwide, Trading, Good Food, Laughing at Dumb Shit, Movies, Traveling, MetalFests, Toilet Humor, NES, Sega Genesis + old school video games, Basically having fun + not givin' a shit, life is short...

I'd like to meet:

Other cool people and non-shitty bands... All I ask is that you dont fucking add me if we dont share any common interests... That means all you scenester kids, one man, teenage, drum machine slam bands who pollute the scene with half ass, terrble music, fat whores, Annoying prissy little bitches who "whore out" their pages and every friend on their fucking list in the bulletins, Muslim raghead motherfuckers from the middle east (dont care how cool you could be, I want your people/religion to suffer and die), scene sluts whose only concerns are status and which/how many bands a guy jams in before fucking them, people who take advantage of their friends, beggars who prevent me from pumping gas in the city, scabs who never have their own beer/money/weed, anyone without a picture on their profile, gay faggots, Hippocrate motherfuckers, any asswipe from the hardcore scene who belongs to a "posse", anyone who's a fuckin' cop or corrections officer, most six feet under fans, many blackmetal bands (the cheesy, non-raw ones), goth pussies, fanatical religious extremists of any sect, people who rat-out and dont take the fall when they get popped, and other various scum and vermin which lurk on these pages, I hate getting my fucking time wasted!!! If you are in doubt of wheteher you are one of these people, you probably are, so dont request me, fuckwads.





My World Visitor Map!

My Profile Map was Posted on November 27th, 2006


Autopsy, Incantation, Ripping Corpse, old Pyrexia, Scattered Remnants, Disembowelment, old Absu, Carnage (swe.), Death (ALL), Gorement, old Gorguts, Cemetery Urn, Necrotomy (aus), Torture Krypt, Cenotaph (mex), Demilich, Mortal Decay, Decrepit, Goreaphobia, Convulse (fin), Broken Hope, Invocator (den), Devourment, Rottrevore, Immolation, Embalmer, Embrionic Death, Deteriorate, Adramelech, old Pyogenesis, Evilution, Nihilist, Incubus (LA + FL), Putrifact (NJ), Headrot, Dark Angel, Blood of Christ (OH), Imprecation, Mass Psychosis, Fatal, Sadistic Intent, Funebre, old Carcass, Crematory (swe.) old Xysma, Funebrarum, Sindrome, Darkified, Solstice (fl), Disgorged, Blood Red Throne, Afterbirth (ny), Corpus Rottus, Disabled, old Atrocity, Mutilated (mich. + fra.), Dismember, Hemdale, old Morgoth, old Amorphis, Massacra, Cemetary (swe.) Tiamat/Treblinka, Gorgasm, Catasexual Urge Motivation/Vampiric Motives, Purtenance, Abhoth, Terror (cleveland), Necrovore, Celtic Frost, Disgrace (fin.), Cancer, Regurgitation (both), Demigod, Epitaph (swe), Macrodex, Deteriorot, NME, Abhorrence (fin. + braz.), Deranged, Eviscium, Miasma, Necrophiliac (spa.), Agonized (fin), Syphilic, Asphyx, Lobotomy (swe), Exmortis, old Entombed, Corpse Molestation, Bestial Warlust, Neuropathia, Eternal Suffering, Carbonized, Mordicus, Bluuurgh, Malignancy, Sacrifice, Infernal Torment, Death Breath, Malicious Onslaught, Dehumanized, Konkhra, Funeral Pyre, Yattering, From the Depths, Crypt of Kerberos, Vulcano, Expulsion (swe), Asmorod, Last Days of Humanity, old Grave, Putrefaction/Corpse (swe), Morpheus Descends, Baphomet/Banished (ny), General Surgery, old Dark Throne (soulside + demos only), Shub Niggurath, Excruciate (swe), Lividity, Drawn And Quartered, Magus, Exciter, Insidious Decrepancy, Toxaemia, Eternal Darkness, old Suffocation, Obscurity, Embrionic Cryptopathia, Merciless (swe), old Necrophobic (when they were death metal), Beherit, Zombified Preachers Of Gore, Revenant, Derketa, Sabbat, Desciples of Mockery, Liersinwait, Sentenced (fin.), Kataplexia, Unnatural, Reinfection, Slaughter (can.), Fermento, Evocation, Mortem (peru), Pan.Thy.Monium, Impetigo, Embalmed(tx), Dream Death, Viral Load, Inverted, Ulceration, Necros Christos, Old Lady Drivers, Nembrionic, CBT, Deathcult, Mixomatosis, Carnivore, Maceration, Anal Blast, Abominator (aus), Hellhammer, Pentagoria, Nominon, Sinister, Dawn (ger. + swe.), Intestine Baalism, Deathrow, Scrambled Defuncts, Death Strike, Pathologist, old Deeds of Flesh, Splatterreah, Disfigured (ny), Pyaemia, Megaslaughter, Malignant Tumor, Abazagorath, Demoncy, Archgoat, Domain, Hobb's Angel of Death, Human Remains, Obeisance, Somnus, Immersed in Blood, Disavowed, Eucharist, Sorcery (swe.), Rigor Mortis (ny + tx), Severe Torture, Atheist, Centurian, Revenge, Unleashed, Goretrade, Morgue (chi.-not the french fags), The Accused, Lunatic Invasion, Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition, GUT, Divine Eve, Mortician, Phlegm, At the Gates, Dead Horse, Cyclone, Repudilation, Creepmime, Infinitum Obscure, Kaamos, In Aeternum, Devastation (tx), Hacavitz, Severance, Satanic Slaughter, Brujeria, Dayglo Abortions, old Oppressor, Squash Bowels, Morbosidad, Sickness, Macabre End, Infester, Gutted (oh), Obscenity, Paralysis, Skeleton Of God, Clean Flesh, Heinous Killings, Erotic Incisions, old Dying Fetus, Exhumed, Nokturnel, Cryptopsy, Dr. Butcher, Rise, Sect of Execration, Ludichrist, Origin, Deaden, Sepsism, Nasty Savage, Celestial Season, Zemial, Tankard, Splattered Cadaver, old Katatonia, Deprecated, Repulsion, Soulless, Disgorge (both), Internal Suffering, old Morbid Angel, old Atrocity, Terrorizer, Decollation, Cryptic Slaughter, Waco Jesus, Dead, Entety, Death-Yell, Malevolent Creation, Massacre, Despondency, Inquisitor, Mordicus, Arghoslent, Skeleton Witch, Guttural Secrete, Internecine, Grotesque (swe), Houwitzer, Winter, Morbid (swe), Exanthema, Deathrune, Necrotic Disgorgement, At War, Tribulation, Fleshless, Krisiun, Beseiged, Destruction, Pentacle, Mordor, Wormed, old Hate Eternal, Rompeprop, Motorhead, Putrilage, Odious Sanction, Inhuman Dissiliency, Anvil, Resection, Cinerary, Hirax, Rotten Sound, CSSO, ecrotic Mutation, Possessed, Impaler, Whiplash, Horror of Horrors, old Cathedral, Defeated Sanity, Onslaught, Hemlock (malta), Nyctophobic, Blood Feast, Nuclear Death, Decrepit Birth, old Cannibal Corpse, Dead Infection, Masacre, old Internal Bleeding, Disordered, Excrement (fin), Mantas, Profanatica, Ton, old Necromantia, Damnable, Sodom, Polluted Inheritance, Infamy, Digested Flesh, Thou Art Lord, Saprogenic, Torsofuck, Nuclear Assault, old Sepultura, Slayer, Unnatural, Putrid Pile, Rupture Christ, Infernal Dominion, Hidden Pride, Absurd (swe.), Immured, Fleshgrind, Protector, Massmurder, Kadath, Thanatopsis, Voivod, Havohej, Malicious Hate, Hour of Penance, Regurgitate, Pustulated, Carnal Dissection, Abhorer, Reefer Hut, Copremesis, Master, Orchi..omy, Centinex, Mercyful Fate, Traumatism, Incinerate, Carnal, Vomitous, Degrade, Soils of Fate, Enmity, V.O.D, Impiety, Macabre, Derketa, Pungent Stench, Incestuous, Dyscrasia, Ossuary, Demolition Hammer, Vital Remains, old Impaled Nazarene, Disharmonic Orchestra, Slaughter (can.), Hidden Pride, Coffins, Hideous Mangleus, Nile, Escalation Anger, Utopie, Cadaver, old Kataklysm, Numskull, Ceremonium, Necrony, Apt. 213, Agathocles, Prostitute Disfigurement, old Brutal Truth, Demonic Christ, Savatage, Goratory, Insision, Summertime Daisies, Infested, Schnauzer, Dr. Shrinker, Evil Incarnate, Spawn of Possession, Cephalic Carnage, old Hypocrisy, Deceased, Divine Empire, Inveracity, you get the point...


PORN, Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, Starwars, Scarface, Heat, Dusk til Dawn, Early Friday the 13th (just let it die already), Get Shorty, Paycheck, Lord of the Rings, Taxi Driver, pretty much all Horror....popular and underground both, HELLRAISER series (the best!!), Phantasm, I Spit on your Grave, The Fog, I drink your Blood, Mortuary, Zombie, Bumfights series, Commando, Traces/Faces of Death, TCM series, Driller Killer, Night of the Living Dead, Shawshank Redemption, House of 1000 Corpses, Conan series, Stand by Me, Gladiator, fuckin Rambo, stand up comedy videos (Eddi Murphy Raw + Delirious!!!) shit, TOO many! Big movie buff here...


LAW AND ORDER, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Biker Build Off, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Adult Swim... Im usually not around to watch tv (prolly at the bar), but when I am, its usually one of these... Fuck sitcoms! If its nice enough to be on tv, then its not that funny... For humor I prefer comedies and vulgar stand up material especially...


Not really into books, but I DO read the Paper everyday... (Plain Dealer, USA Today, NY Times)


Steve Digiorgio, Roger Patterson, Alex Webster, Tony Choy, Chris Richards, Derek Boyer, and all the sick underground bassists who inspired me to start playing again!

Also, our troops overseas who help protect this country from MUSLIM TRASH INFESTATION + that guy who drove his car through the front of the Parma Grand Mosque... If I could find him Id buy him a beer!!

My Blog

Life Is Too Short For Decent People...

Its been a few days and Ive cooled off a bit, so Im writing this blog to help vent and give rememberance to one of my dear friends WAYNE KNUPP who just passed over the weekend (Sept. 15th).  Geez...
Posted by Paul on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST