GRAVEWURM profile picture


Insidious and Unconquerable since 1990

About Me

"Ancient Storms of War" debut album recorded in 1995 is now available on 12" vynil. $12 pp domestic $15 pp overseas. "Annihilation Declaration" t-shirts now available. Large and XL sizes. $12 pp domestic / $17 overseas.GW po box 393 Oakton, VA 22124 USA

My Interests


Member Since: 11/8/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

Influences: 80's death-thrash metal, early 90's doom and black metal
Sounds Like: NOCTURNAL INQUISITION-Antichrist Vanguard Tour featuring Angelcorpse, Watain, Hellwitch and Negative Plane- in Tampa FL May 19 2007


ANNIHILATION DECLARATION -2 Days of Doom and Death with Terrorkult, After Death and Hellwitch- at The Haven Orlando, FL Sept 29 '07


OBEY THE BEAST- at Jaxx Night Club Springfield, VA with Destroyer 666 Oct 2006


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hellhammer, Bathym/Sathanas, Nunslaughter, Venom, early Kreator, 1st Lp Burzum, early Sodom and Goatlord. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X "I guess what allows Gravewürm to survive while making such straightforward music is all a matter of attitude. The band is able to deliver their style with such conviction and dedication that you can’t help but be enchanted by it. Either you dig the chug riffs, ultra-simple drumming, and throaty vocals, or you don’t. There’s really no middle ground. Gravewürm has been worshipping the same set of bands for nearly two decades, and they’re probably not going to stop anytime soon. The music on every Gravewürm release is essentially the same, only with an extra bit of tightness to the performances and writing every time which make them a bit better each time. The root sound, though, is exactly as it was back in ‘94: raw, uncompromising, and remarkably straightforward." TAKEN FROM NOKTORN'S REVIEW OF "THE BESTIAL HORDES" Ep XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Record Label: Hells Headbangers, Time Before Time and others
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

interview posted online for Grave Concerns zine task=view&id=1838&Itemid=83    ...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST

FUNERAL EMPIRE ’zine available soon

not another on-line fanzine, but a printed black and white mag featuring interviews with Don of the Dead (Nunslaughter), Jeff Nardone (Goatlord/Spun in Darkness), Mark Riddick (Fetid Zombie), Mike Bro...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:47:00 PST

Line up changes and assault on 2008

with the departure of Zyklon, newly named bassist Ravage joins the Gravewurm force. He has played previously with VA Beach's TERRORKULT. On vocals is the teutonic terror of T. Mortigan of OCTAGON...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 03:03:00 PST

Noktorn’s Reviews of several Gravewurm releases

Gravewürm - Carnivorous Monarchy Gravewürm is a band that will never truly change. That's not to say that they can't or won't develop, though. As one can clearly tell on 'Carnivorous Monarchy', the b...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:35:00 PST

new videos posted

3 different songs from 3 different shows are posted in the "videos" section...kind of a way to wrap up the year(s) of touring and sharing the stage with great bands Watain, Angelcorpse, Destroyer 666,...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:26:00 PST

new songs posted

Two new tracks from the next two campaigns of 2008. For your blood sacrifice, we offer "Forged in the Fires of War" which will be on Gravewurm's 5th full album called "Invincible Empire" and the ...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 03:24:00 PST

Antichrist Vanguard Tour 2007 -SouthEastern shows

after the Culture Room show in Ft. Lauderdale 5/20 - 21/07 GRAVEWURM at The Drunken Unicorn Atlanta, GA 5/18/07...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:06:00 PST

CELTIC FROST 2006 tour

Sorry no photos from the Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Saint Petersburg shows. Philadelphia, PA Nov. 10 2006...after midnight  After the gig in Orlando Orlando, FL Oct. 25 2006 in a small fukkin cl...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 08:09:00 PST

Annihilation Declaration shirts now available

new shirts available... 12 us dollars postage paid domestic / 17 us dollars postage paid world. Sizes Large and Extra Large only. Cash or Money Order only GW po box 393 Oakton, VA 22124...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 04:21:00 PST

ANCIENT STORMS OF WAR available on 12

Nunslaughter Records and Hells Headbangers combine efforts and plunge into the abyss with the re-release of our debut album recorded back in good ole 1995. For those of you in the or die. F...
Posted by GRAVEWURM on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 05:00:00 PST