Well, okay: My boy Sam. Johnson, for those of you who've been living in a cave; touring the Hebrides; the '45 (in a strictly academic sense); hypochondria; a little island called Corsica, and a big man named Paoli; attempting to revive the dead, especially those who've been hanged; my estate, Auchinleck; compulsive whoring and drinking
Donald Greene. He and I have a few things to... discuss. I'll be talking with my fist, and he'll be listening with his face.
Besides that chump, I'm interested in meeting anyone of legitimate celebrity status. Back in the day, I hobnobbed with Sam. Johnson, Paoli, Rousseau, Voltaire, Hume, George III, etc.--pretty much all the big dogs of the 1700s--and now I'm ready to take on the glitterati of the 21st century.
And so, dear friends, could any of you get me a letter of introduction to the delectable Ms. Katie Couric, whom I so frequently ogle on the telly? I would be her willing slave, entirely at her command! My lovely Ms. Kat, what would you say to a "Life of Couric"--spent in Boswell's arms? Mmm?
I don't know why the studios chose to cancel "Boswell for the Defense": Michael Caine would have made a most impressive and distinguished Bozzy.
HUGE, huge fan of Inspector Morse. He reminds me of Sam. Johnson, actually--blinding brilliant, reclusive, an intimidating presence--but Morse gets more chicks. I credit the Jaguar.
Let's just do my greatest hits: The Cub at Newmarket (1762); Letters between the Hon. Andrew Erskine and James Boswell Esq. (1763) (with Andrew Erskine); Dorando, A Spanish Tale (1767); An Account of Corsica, The Journal of a Tour to That Island; and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli (1768); The Hypochondriack (1777-83); Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LL. D. (1785); The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791). And don't forget my journals, the proto-blogs of the 18th century. You think your blogs are spicy? Read my London journal, and bow down!
Sam. Johnson; Pasquale Paoli; Jean Jacques Rousseau; Sir Joshua Reynolds; Henry Thrale; Francois Voltaire; John Reid; the Duke of Douglas; Bonnie Prince Charlie; David Garrick; and my dear, dear, patient wife Margaret