I like a drop of the old Blue Tap. Well to tell you the truth I like to get as drunk as Davy's sow on the diddle and end up with a ripe and ready Drury Lane vestal. Not a draggle tail though, ain't too keen in getting a dose of the old flap dragon. Keep away from the keen Game pullet's is my advice to you mate.
Dunno really. If you know of a good thing (wink wink) come and see me.I met a few famous persons when I was in Newgate. I got a tongue enough for two sets of teeth so of course I told em a few tales when they came to visit. They loved it.
There ain't nothing quite like the sound of the old ching ching in your paws and the moans from the hopper arsed Pintle merchant's giving it some in the School of Venus after dark. That's music mate, I tells ya. Go visit the old punch house some time :P
You what?
Stop talking Gammon. What's Television?
I like a good read but not a banbury story I can tell ya.
Belows fings called links apparently. Give em a click with
the rodent to read more about me and other persons. Nice!
I ain't got any.